Build conveyor belts and pipes Use conveyor belts and pipes to route products efficiently and relieve stress on truck-based logistics. The transport system supports vertical stacking and auto-pathing for easy placement. Balancers and sorters also help organize your assembly lines by providing priority and sorting functionalities.
Costruisci fabbriche efficientinastri trasportatori e tubi. Per costruire un impero fiorente dovrai essere intelligente. Piazza i macchinari minuziosamente per connetterli nel modo più efficiente possibile con i nastri trasportatori o i tubi, raffina le mat. I sistemi di trasporto possono esserie prime vicino al loro punto di estrazione per risparmiare sul carburante utilizzato per il loro trasporto, o migliora le catene produttive con macchinari più efficienti per risparmiare costruiti verticalmente e posizionati automaticamente per facilitarne il posizionamento. Sistemi di calcolo e bilanciamento ti aiuteranno ad organizzare le tue linee di assemblaggio dando la prisorse grezzeità necessaria.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Ricerca nuove tecnologie
La ricerca è importante! Sblocca nuovi edifiEspandi la tua colonia e aiuta la tua gente! Avrai bisogno di molti abitanti per soddisfare le tue fabbriche, fattorie e veicoli. Costruisci case e produci le materiali e rendi la tua fabbrica più efficiente. Le nuove tecnologie cambieranno le sorti del tuo futuroerci essenziali per la tua gente come cibo, acqua, elettricità, salute e mobili. La popolazione crescerà grazie alla salute e alla felicità. Tuttavia puoi reclutare e salvare abitanti dalle altre isole per aiutarti.
Farm your land You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
Coltiva la tua terra Nutri gli abitanti coltivando le patate nelle fattorie. Ma non è abbastanza. Più avanti avrai la possibilità di coltivare diversi tipi di piantagioni per creare più tipi di cibo e prodotti. Puoi anche produrre fertilizzanti e usare le serre per stare dietro aloddisfare la richiesta di cibo crescente.
Import and export resources to and from your island Establish shipping lanes with cargo ships to fill the gaps in your production by bringing in various products such as crude oil, wood, or quartz. While the resources on your island may be limited, the world is not! Later you will be also able to establish shipping contracts with other islands for periodic exchange of goods.
Importa ed esporta risorse per la tua isola. Stabilisci rotte con le tue navi cargo per colmare i bisogni della tua isola di vari prodotti come petrolio, legno o quarzo. Le risorse della tua isola potrebbero essere limitate ma quelle nel resto del mondo no! Sarai poi in grado di stabilire contratti di spedizione con altre isole per periodici scambi di merci.
Explore the world, trade with allies, fight pirates Repair and upgrade your ship with better engines, armor, and weapons. Explore your surroundings, find refugees, allied settlements to trade with, discover more resources, and be ready for naval battles with pesky pirates!
Esplora, commercia con gli alleati , combatti i pirati. Ripara e sviluppa le tue navi con motori migliori, corazze e armi. Esplora i dintorni, trova rifugiati, accampamenti alleati per commerciare, scopri nuove risorse a preparati a battaglie navali con fastidiosi pirati!
Research new technologies Research is a must have! Unlock new buildings and materials and make your factory more efficient. New technologies will change the course of your future. Your factory will grow more efficient and advanced with over 140 technologies to unlock.
Ricerca nuove tecnologie! La ricerca è un obbligo ! Sblocca nuovi edifici e materiali e rendi la tua fabbrica più efficiente. Nuove tecnologie cambieranno il tuo futuro. La tua fabbrica crescerà in maniera più efficiente e avanzata con oltre 140 tecnologie da sbloccare.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Vergrößere deine Siedlung und versorge deine Bevölkerung. Du brauchst Personal, um deine Fabriken, Farmen und Fahrzeuge zu betreiben. Viel Personal. Baue Unterkünfte und stelle die Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln, Wasser, Elektrizität, Gesundheitswesen und Haushaltswaren sicher. Die Bevölkerung wird, abhängig von der Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit, von selbst wachsen. Du kannst aber auch Bewohner auf der Weltkarte rekrutieren oder retten, um den Fortschritt deiner Insel zu unterstützen.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Vergrößere deine Siedlung und versorge deine Bevölkerung. Du brauchst viel Personal, um deine Fabriken, Farmen und Fahrzeuge zu betreiben. Baue Unterkünfte und stelle die Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln, Wasser, Elektrizität, Gesundheitswesen und Haushaltswaren sicher. Die Bevölkerung wird, abhängig von der Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit, von selbst wachsen. Du kannst aber auch Bewohner auf der Weltkarte rekrutieren oder retten, um den Wachstum deiner Insel zu unterstützen.
The supporter edition upgrade is for players who would like to support our small game studio MaFi Games and help us to continue and scale our work on Captain of Industry. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support, and as a small "thank you" we've prepared a few exclusive items for you to enjoy!
Das Supporter Edition Upgrade ist für Spieler gedacht, die unser kleines Studio MaFi Games unterstützen möchten.Wir sind unglaublich dankbar für deine anhaltende Unterstützung und als kleines "Dankeschön" haben wir ein paar exklusive Gegenstände für dich vorbereitet!
Original soundtrack of Captain of Industry, composed by Ondřej Matějka. It contains over one hour of relaxing music. All 15 tracks are available in both mp3 (320 kbps) and FLAC formats.
Original Soundtrack von Captain of Industry, komponiert von Ondřej Matějka. Es enthält über eine Stunde entspannende Musik. Alle 15 Titel sind sowohl im mp3- (320 kbps) als auch im FLAC-Format verfügbar.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Kasvatage oma asumit ja hoolitsege oma inimeste eest Tehaste, farmide ja sõidukite personali leidmiseks vajate inimesi ja paljurohkelt inimesi. Ehitage eluase ja pakkuge oma kodanikele vajalikke asju, nagu toit, vesi, elekter, tervishoid ja majapidamistarbed. Elanikkond kasvab iseseisvalt sõltuvalt nende tervisest ja õnnest, kuid saate ka elanikkonda maailmakaardil värvata ja päästa, et arendada oma saart edasi arendada.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Kasvatage oma asumit ja hoolitsege oma inimeste eest Tehaste, farmide ja sõidukite personali leidmiseks vajate inimesi ja tublistipalju. Ehitage eluase ja pakkuge oma kodanikele vajalikke asju, nagu toit, vesi, elekter, tervishoid ja majapidamistarbed. Elanikkond kasvab iseseisvalt sõltuvalt nende tervisest ja õnnest, kuid saate ka elanikkonda maailmakaardil värvata ja päästa, et arendada oma saart.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Kasvatage oma asumit ja hoolitsege oma inimeste eest Tehaste, farmide ja sõidukite personali leidmiseks vajate inimesi ja paljutublisti. Ehitage eluase ja pakkuge oma kodanikele vajalikke asju, nagu toit, vesi, elekter, tervishoid ja majapidamistarbed. Elanikkond kasvab iseseisvalt sõltuvalt nende tervisest ja õnnest, kuid saate ka elanikkonda maailmakaardil värvata ja päästa, et arendada oma saart.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Juego de simulación de colonias y fábricas. ¡Solo con tu leal tripulación, expande una pequeña colonia de sobrevivientes en un imperio industrial! Fábricas, laboratorios de investigación y programas espaciales. ¡Construye, extrae, cultiva, terraformar, explora, comercia y cuida tu asentamiento!
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
LaatBreid je nederzetting groeien en zorg vooruit en voed je bevolk
Oing. U hebt personeel nodig om uw fabrieken, boerderijen en voertuigen te bemannen, heeft u mensen nodig, veel van hen. Bouw huisvesting en voorzie je burgers van essentiële zaken,dienen. Veel personeel. Bouw huisvesting en zorg voor de levering van essentiële goederen aan je inwoners zoals voedsel, water, elektriciteit, gezondheidszorg en huishoudelijke artikelen. UwDe bevolking groeitzal vanzelf, afhankelijk groeien op basis van hunaar gezondheid en geluk, maar je kunt ook inbewoners werven en redden op de wereldkaart om zorekruteren of redden om je eiland vooruit te helpen.
Use conveyor belts and pipes to route products efficiently and relieve stress on truck-based logistics. The transport system supports vertical stacking and auto-pathing for easy placement. Balancers and sorters also help organize your assembly lines by providing priority and sorting functionalities.
fabbriche efficientinastri trasportatori e tubi.Per costruire un impero fiorente dovrai essere intelligente. Piazza i macchinari minuziosamente per connetterli nel modo più efficiente possibile con i nastri trasportatori o i tubi
, raffina le mat. I sistemi di trasporto possono esserieprime vicino al loro punto di estrazione per risparmiare sul carburante utilizzato per il loro trasporto, o migliora le catene produttive con macchinari più efficienti per risparmiarecostruiti verticalmente e posizionati automaticamente per facilitarne il posizionamento. Sistemi di calcolo e bilanciamento ti aiuteranno ad organizzare le tue linee di assemblaggio dando la prisorse grezzeità necessaria.