Build vehicles and transport products Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
Stavějte vozidla a přepravujte produkty Logistické systémy zajišťují, že kamiony budou automaticky dodávat produkty tam, kde jsou nejvíce potřeba. Logistiku můžete nakonfigurovat tak, aby byla efektivnější. Nezapomeňte postavit dostatek nákladních vozů nebo upgradovat stávající, aby se věci hýbaly!
Mine raw resources on fully dynamic terrain Find the natural riches of your land and use them to expand your empire. Mine coal, iron, copper, gold, or pump underground oil and water! Make open-pit mines to extract valuable ores from underground, or just dump excess rocks into the ocean to create a new land to build on! Remember that no mountain is tall enough for your fleet of excavators! Additionally, the dynamic terrain system allows you to create access to various levels of elevation throughout your island. Dig or dump terrain to create slopes between hard to reach places so that you can have the most efficient path for your vehicles.
Těžte suroviny na plně dynamickém terénu Najděte přírodní bohatství své země a použijte je k rozšíření své říše. Těžte uhlí, železo, měď, zlato nebo čerpejte podzemní ropu a vodu! Vytvářejte otevřené doly, abyste z podzemí těžili cenné rudy, nebo jen vysypte přebytečné kameny do oceánu a vytvořte novou zemi, na které se dá stavět! Pamatujte, že žádná hora není dost vysoká pro vaši flotilu bagrů! Kromě toho vám systém dynamického terénu umožňuje vytvořit přístup k různým úrovním nadmořské výšky po celém vašem ostrově. Kopejte nebo vysypávejte terén, abyste vytvořili svahy mezi těžko dostupnými místy, abyste měli pro svá vozidla tu nejefektivnější cestu.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Simulátor kolonie a továrny. Sám se svou věrnou posádkou, rozšiř svou malou kolonii přeživších do industriálního impéria! Od opuštěného ostrova až k obrovským továrnám, výzkumným laboratořím, a vesmírného programu. Stav, tež, farmař, upravuj terén, prozkoumávej a starej se o svou osadu!Těžte suroviny, pěstujte potraviny, stavte továrny, vyrábějte produkty, zkoumejte nové technologie a obchodujte s ostatními. Staňte se průmyslovou velmocí! Ale není to lehké musíte udržet osadu v bezpečí.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
ObjevuZkoumej nové technologie Výzkum je naprostá nutnost! Odemkni nové budovy a materiály a zefektivni svou továrnu. Nové technologie změní směr tvé budoucnosti.
Mine raw resources on fully dynamic terrain Find the natural riches of your land and use them to expand your empire. Mine coal, iron, copper, gold, or pump underground oil and water! Make open-pit mines to extract valuable ores from underground, or just dump excess rocks into the ocean to create a new land to build on! Remember that no mountain is tall enough for your fleet of excavators! Additionally, the dynamic terrain system allows you to create access to various levels of elevation throughout your island. Dig or dump terrain to create slopes between hard to reach places so that you can have the most efficient path for your vehicles.
Těžba zdrojů suroviny v plně dynamickém terénu Najdi přírodní bohatství stvé zeměho ostrova a vypoužij je kna rozšíření svého impéria. DolujTěž uhlí, železo, měď, zlato, nebo nebo čerpej podzemní ropu a vodu! Otevři povrchové doly, a dolujtěž cenné rudy z podzemí, nebo jenom vysyp přebytečné kameníy do oceánu a vytvoř novou zemi, na které lze stavět! Nezapomeňstavění! Pamatuj, že žádná hora není dostatečně vysoká pro tvojí flotilu bagrů dost vysoká.!
Farm your land You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
Obdělávej svou zem
PFarmař Musíš pěstovánímat brambor zajistíš základní obživuy, aby jsi nakrmil své obyvatele ostrova. To všakale nebude stačit. Časem půjde pěstovat rozmanitější plodiny, což umožní výrobu více druhů potravin a produktů. Pro uspokojení nároků na množství potravin můžešPozději, budeš schopný pěstovat různé druhy rostlin a vytvářet z nich různé typy jídla a jiných produktů. Můžeš taky takéy začít vyrábět hnojivao a používat skleníkěstovat rostliny ve sklenících, aby jsi uspokojil nároky na potraviny.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Těžte suroviny, pěstujte potraviny, stavte továrny, vyrábějte produkty, zkoumejte nové technologie a obchodujte s ostatními. Staňte se průmyslovou velmocí! Ale není to lehké musíte udržet osadu v bezpečí.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Simulátor kolonie a továrny. Sám se svou věrnou posádkou, rozšiř svou malou kolonii pár přeživších osadníků na průmyslovédo industriálního impériuma! Od opustštěného ostrova až k obrovským továrnám, výzkumným laboratořím, a vesmírnémuho programu. Stavěj, doluj, hospodař, přetváře, tež, farmař, upravuj terén, prozkoumej, obchoduávej a starej se o svou osadu!
Build vehicles and transport products Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
차량을 생산하고 제품을 수송하세요 물류 시스템은 트럭이 자동적으로 물건을 가장 필요한 곳으로 운반하는것을 보장합니다. 당신은 이 물류를 더 효율적으로 배정할 수 있습니다. 계속 움직이게끔 하기 위해서는 반드시 충분한 트럭을 확보하거나 기존의 트럭을 업그레이드해야 합니다.
Mine raw resources on fully dynamic terrain Find the natural riches of your land and use them to expand your empire. Mine coal, iron, copper, gold, or pump underground oil and water! Make open-pit mines to extract valuable ores from underground, or just dump excess rocks into the ocean to create a new land to build on! Remember that no mountain is tall enough for your fleet of excavators! Additionally, the dynamic terrain system allows you to create access to various levels of elevation throughout your island. Dig or dump terrain to create slopes between hard to reach places so that you can have the most efficient path for your vehicles.
역동적인 지형에서 자원을 채굴하세요 당신은 지하의 자원을 찾아 석탄, 철, 구리, 금 등을 채굴하거나 원유와 물을 끌어올려 산업 제국을 건설하고 확장하는데 사용하세요. 지하에서 귀중한 자원을 채취하기 위해 노천 광산을 만들거나, 공장을 확장할 부지를 확보하기 위해 여분의 흙과 돌을 바다에 매립하세요! 아무리 가파른 산과 언덕도 당신의 굴삭기 앞에선 한없이 작아진다는 것을 기억하셔야 합니다! 덧붙여서, 당신은 역동적 지형 시스템을 활용하여 당신의 섬 안의 고지대로 진출할 수 있습니다. 차량의 가장 효율적인 길을 확보하기 위해 닿을 수 없는 구역의 땅을 파내거나 쌓아서 경사지를 만드세요.
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
선원들을 무인도에 정박시키고 살아남으십시오! 광물을 채굴하고, 작물을 재배하며, 공장을 짓고, 물품들을 보수하고, 신기술을 연구하고, 다른 이들과 교역하십시오. 산업계의 능력자가 되십시오! 그러나 이것은 결코 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 잘못된 판단으로 모두를 죽일 수 있으니까요.
Farm your land You need to feed your people by growing simple crops such as potatoes. Later, you will be able to grow more advanced crops such as wheat or soybeans and process them to make more kinds of food and products. You can also produce fertilizers and use greenhouses to keep up with the food demands.
당신의 땅을 경작하라 농장에서 감자와 같은 간단한 작물을 재배하여 정착민들에게 공급하여야 합니다. 추후에, 당신은 밀이나 콩과 같은 진보된 작물을 키울 수 있게되며 그것들을 가공하여 더 많은 종류의 음식이나 상품을 생산할 수 있습니다. 또한 비료를 생산하고 온실을 활용하여 식량 수요를 충족시킬 수도 있습니다.
Manufacture products Start simple - smelt iron, mix concrete, create construction parts, and grow food. Soon you will be able to expand into crude oil processing, electronics, solar panels, data centers, and even rockets. There are over 150 unique products to explore and work with!
Производство товаров Вначале всё просто - выплавка металлов, производство бетона, стройматериалов, пищевых продуктов. Но вскоре дело доходит до нефтепереработки, электроники, солнечных панелей, вычислительных центров и даже ракет. Можно изучить и использовать более 150 различных товаров!
Land your crew on an abandoned island! Mine raw materials, grow food, build factories, craft products, research technologies and trade with others. Become an industrial giant! It won't be easy to keep your colony alive.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Haz crecer tu asentamiento y mantén a tu gente Para dotar de personal a tus fábricas, granjas y vehículos, necesitas personas, y muchas. Construye viviendas y proporciona elementos esenciales a tus ciudadanos, como alimentos, agua, electricidad, atención médica y artículos para el hogar. La población crecerá por sí sola dependiendo de su salud y felicidad, pero también puedes reclutar y rescatar poblaciones en el mapa mundial para ayudar a tu isla.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Haz crecer tu asentamiento y mantén a tu gente Para dotar de personal a tus fábricas, granjas y vehículos, necesitas personas, y muchas. Construye viviendas y proporciona elementos esenciales a tus ciudadanos, como alimentos, agua, electricidad, atención médica y artículos para el hogar. La población crecerá por sí sola dependiendo de su salud y felicidad, pero también puedes reclutar y rescatar poblaciones en el mapa mundial para ayudar a tu isla.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Haz crecer tu asentamiento y mantén a tu gente Para dotar de personal a tus fábricas, granjas y vehículos, necesitas personas, y muchas. Construye viviendas y proporciona elementos esenciales a tus ciudadanos, como alimentos, agua, electricidad, atención médica y artículos para el hogar. La población crecerá por sí sola dependiendo de su salud y felicidad, pero también puedes reclutar y rescatar poblaciones en el mapa mundial para ayudar a tu isla.
Expand your colony and support your people. To staff your factories, farms, and vehicles, you need people, and lots of them. Build housing and provide essential goods to your citizens such as food, water, electricity, healthcare and household items. The population will grow on its own based on its health and happiness, but you can also recruit and rescue populations on the world map to help your island.
Haz crecer tu asentamiento y mantén a tu gente Para dotar de personal a tus fábricas, granjas y vehículos, necesitas personas, y muchas. Construye viviendas y proporciona elementos esenciales a tus ciudadanos, como alimentos, agua, electricidad, atención médica y artículos para el hogar. La población crecerá por sí sola dependiendo de su salud y felicidad, pero también puedes reclutar y rescatar poblaciones en el mapa mundial para ayudar a tu isla.
Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
Logistické systémy zajišťují, že kamiony budou automaticky dodávat produkty tam, kde jsou nejvíce potřeba. Logistiku můžete nakonfigurovat tak, aby byla efektivnější. Nezapomeňte postavit dostatek nákladních vozů nebo upgradovat stávající, aby se věci hýbaly!