Context English Chinese (Simplified)
Blueprint_PlaceItTooltip Place the current blueprint into the world. 将当前蓝图放入世界。
BlueprintContentMissing__Info Some items could not be loaded. Either the blueprint is too old or was made with mods that are currently not present. 无法加载某些项目。蓝图太旧或者创建的时候使用了当前不存在的模组。
BlueprintContentMissing__ListTitle Content missing: 缺少内容:
BlueprintDelete__Action Delete 删除
BlueprintDelete__Confirmation Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'? This cannot be undone. 您确定要删除“{0}”吗?此操作不能被撤消。
BlueprintDelete__Tooltip Delete the selected item. 删除所选项目。
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackup Backup failure 备份失败
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToBackupTooltip The library was saved but there was an issue to create a backup file (check that the game has file access permission). 库已保存,但创建备份文件失败(检查游戏是否有文件访问权限)。
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoad Failed to load 加载失败
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnFormat Failed to load the library due to incorrect format. Any new changes will overwrite it. 由于格式不正确,无法加载库。任何新的更改都会覆盖它。
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToLoadOnPermission Failed to load the library as access to the file was denied. 由于访问文件被拒,无法加载库。
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSave Failed to save 保存失败
BlueprintLibStatus__FailedToSaveTooltip Failed to save the library (check that the game has file access permission). 保存库失败(检查游戏是否有文件访问权限)。
BlueprintLibStatus__Synchronized Synchronized 已同步
BlueprintProtosLocked__CanDowngrade The following items will be downgraded on placement as they are not available yet: 由于尚不可用,以下物体放置时会被降级:
BlueprintProtosLocked__NotAvailable The following items are not available yet: 以下物体尚不可用:
Blueprints Blueprints 蓝图
Blueprints_BuildingRequired Blueprints are not available as {0} is not operational 蓝图不可用,因为 {0} 未投入使用
BoilerCoal__desc Produces high pressure steam by burning loose products (such as coal) to boil water. 通过燃烧松散的产品(比如煤)来烧开水,从而产生高压蒸汽。
BoilerCoal__name Boiler 锅炉