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ResearchSuperPressSteam__desc Super pressurized steam heated to 800 °C. Can be leveraged to produce hydrogen using sulfur-iodine cycle which is more efficient than electrolysis.
DifficultyFuel__Easy Reduced fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
ShipFuelSwitch__MissingMaterials Materials for this modification are not available
ResearchSuperPressSteam__name Super heated steam
DifficultyFuel__Hard Increased fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
ShipFuelSwitch__ShipBusy Not available as ship is currently busy.
ResearchTerrainLeveling__name Terrain leveling
DifficultyFuel__Normal Standard fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
ShipFuelSwitch__Tooltip Allows to switch the ship's fuel type. Changing to some fuels is free, while others require a ship rebuild, costing materials. If there is some cost, it is displayed below.
ResearchThermalStorage__name Thermal storage
DifficultyGrowth__Easy Faster growth for crops and trees
SortingPlantNoProductSet__name {entity} needs to be assigned with products to sort
ResearchTools__desc Provides advanced tools for easier planning and management.
DifficultyGrowth__Hard Slower growth for crops and trees
SpeedReduced__Machine Speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
ResearchTools__name Tools
DifficultyGrowth__Normal Standard growth speed for crops and trees
SpeedReduced__Vehicle Vehicle speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
ResearchTreePlanting__name Tree planting
DifficultyMaintenance__Easy Reduced maintenance consumption