Context English Turkish
TruckCannotDeliverMixedCargo__name {entity} has no compatible sorting plant for mixed cargo
TrucksStats__JobsCnt {0} job {0} iş
TruckT2H__name Truck
TruckT3FluidH__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only liquid or gas products. It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3FluidH__name Haul truck (tank)
TruckT3LooseH__desc Large hauling truck with max capacity of {0}. This type can transport only loose products (coal for instance). It cannot go under transports.
TruckT3LooseH__name Haul truck (dump)
TurbineHighPress__desc Uses high pressure steam to create mechanical power. Mekanik güç oluşturmak için yüksek basınçlı buhar kullanır.
TurbineSuperPress__desc Uses super pressure steam to create mechanical power.
TurbineSuperPress__name Super-pressure turbine
TutorialOnContracts__part3 Once your {1} modules are supplied with the correct amounts of required goods, the {0} will automatically travel to the settlement to exchange the goods. Contracts enable you to trade as much as you want without any time restriction
TutorialOnCopySettings__part1 This tool enables you to copy configuration from one building to another. You can even drag over multiple buildings to mass apply the selected configuration. Bu araç, yapılandırmayı bir binadan diğerine kopyalamanıza olanak tanır. Hatta seçilen konfigürasyonu toplu olarak uygulamak için birden fazla binanın üzerine sürükleyebilirsiniz.
TutorialOnCopySettings__part2 This tool can be activated by pressing {0} or by clicking the icon in the toolbar (1). Then click on the building you want to copy settings from (2). Finally click on or drag across as many other similar buildings to paste those settings (3). Bu araç, {0} tuşuna basarak veya araç çubuğundaki (1) simgesine tıklayarak etkinleştirilebilir. Etkinleştirdikten sonra ayarlarını kopyalamak istediğiniz binaya tıklayın (2). Kopyalanmış ayarları yapıştırmak için diğer benzer bir binaya tıklayın veya birçok binanın üstünde tıklayıp sürükleyin (3).
TutorialOnCrisis__part6V2 You can also give an increased priority to a storage that feeds your power plant. You must first have the <b>{0} slider</b> (1) moved away from the default location or you will not see the <b>priority selection screen</b> (2).
TutorialOnCrisis__part8V2 In case of the worst emergency, you can also boost a machine. Boost enables machines to work without power at the monthly cost of {0}.
TutorialOnDumping__name Dumping Atık boşaltma
TutorialOnFertility__fertilizers3 Note that the higher your soil fertilization target is the lower the natural replenishment is. And once fertility climbs above 100%, the natural replenishment will turn negative which will require even more fertilizer to sustain it.
TutorialOnFertility__part1 Crop yield is based on <b>soil fertility</b>. If a farm has 50% soil fertility it will only have a 50% yield of products. Crops consume fertility as they grow but fertility is also naturally replenished over time (an empty farm would eventually reach 100% fertility).
TutorialOnFertility__rotation1 Growing the same crop more than once in a row will impose <b>{0} penalty</b> on fertility. This can be avoided by planting different crops in a crop rotation schedule. You can plant {1} which does not yield any useful products but helps to regenerate soil fertility and eliminates same-crop fertility penalty when planted between other crops.
TutorialOnFertility__rotation2 You can also <b>leave the field empty</b> with no crop planted. This gives the soil time to regenerate fertility naturally but it won’t eliminate the same-crop fertility penalty on its own.