Context English Turkish
TechnologyElectronics2__name Electronics II technology
TechnologyHydrogenCargoShip__name Hydrogen cargo ship
TechnologyMicrochip__name Microchip technology
TechnologyShipRadar__name Radar system Radar system
TechnologyShipRadarT2__name Radar system II Radar system II
TechnologyTerrainLeveling__desc Combines mining & dumping designations into one. Useful for terrain flattening or ramps setup. If part of terrain is below the designation, trucks will dump there. If part of terrain is above designation, it will be mined by excavators. For mining to work, the designation has to be inside of a mine tower area.
TechnologyTerrainLeveling__name Terrain Leveling
TerrainDetailsRenderDistance Terrain grass quality
TerrainQuality Terrain quality
ThermalStorage__ChargingRecipeTitle Charging process
ThermalStorage__desc Thermal storage uses steam to heat its tank of molten salt to store thermal energy. The accumulated energy can be then used to boil incoming water back to steam. The conversion process has losses but maintaining the accumulated heat does not decay while the storage is operational.
ThermalStorage__DischargingRecipeTitle Discharging process
ThermalStorage__name Thermal storage
TipOnLoad__OilRig If you are running out of crude oil on your island, you can explore with your ship for remote oil rigs. Adanızda ham petrol tükeniyorsa, uzak petrol platformları bulmak için geminizle keşfe çıkabilirsiniz.
TipOnLoad__TransportUX When building transports, instead of selecting a particular transport from menu, you can initiate transport construction by just hovering and clicking on port arrows or other transports. Taşıma bandı inşa ederken, menüden taşıma bandı seçmek yerine, imlecinizi var olan taşıma bantlarının üstüne ya da binaların mal giriş/çıkışının üstüne getirerek, inşaayı başlatabilirsiniz.
ToggleDirection Toggle direction Akış yönünü çevir
TotalPopulation__HomelessTooltip There are homeless people on your island. Build more housing, evict them using edicts, or reduce new population intake. Note that homeless people will not work for you.
TrAdditionError__NotFlat Cannot join if not flat Rampaya eklenemiyor
TrAdditionError__TerrainCollision Collision with terrain Arazi ile çarpışıyor
Trade__Action Trade Ticaret