Context English Turkish
Mechanic_ResourcesBoost__Title Resources boost
Mechanics Mechanics
Menu__DifficultySettings Customize difficulty
Menu__Discord Discord
Menu__MapEditor Map editor
MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in menus
Metal_TerrainSurface Metal surface
ModMissing__Tooltip This mod is not installed or not the right version.
ModsInSave__Detail Mods required
Nature Nature
NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder Blueprint
NewGameWizard__Customization Customization
NewGameWizard__GameName Name your game
NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite Failed to write a test save file to {0}

Avoid using special characters in the game name, and ensure the game has the necessary access rights to the save directory. Additionally, verify that there is sufficient free space on the drive. Access might be blocked by antivirus software or the 'Controlled Folder Access' feature in Windows. Please set up appropriate exception rules in such software or your OS.
NewGameWizard__GameName__InUse This game name is already in use
NewGameWizard__GameName__InvalidChars The provided game name contains invalid characters
NewGameWizard__Mechanics Mechanics
NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no forestry designations in its area
NoOptions No options found
NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name {entity} has no tree saplings to plant trees with