Context English Turkish
Goal__DisableImportToDieselStorage Disable truck import for the new {0} storage
Goal__DiscoverOilRig__name Find oil rig
Goal__ExploreWithShip__name Repair shipyard and set sail
Goal__ExportFromSlagStorage Assign the {0} with {1} and drag the right (red) slider to the left to export / dump
Goal__FillStorage Store {0} in {1}
Goal__FlareOff Burn excess {0} in {1}
Goal__ForTower Build a {0} near {1} deposit, assign {2} and {3} to it and set up mining designations.
Goal__ImportCrudeOil Have your {0} import {1} from the {2}
Goal__ImportToCoalStorage Drag the left / green slider in the {0} to the right to make it actively request {1}
Goal__PauseCoalMaker Pause {0} to save on {1}
Goal__ProcessCopperOre Build {0} with {1} and {2} and enable recipe for copper ore processing
Goal__ProduceCp2 Build a new {0} and produce {1}
Goal__RepairCargoShip Discover {0} on the world map & repair it using your main ship
Goal__RepairOilRig Repair {0}
Goal__ResearchAndBuild Research and build {0}
Goal__ResearchAndUpgrade Research and upgrade to {0}
Goal__SelectCpRecipe Select recipe in {0} to produce {1}
Goal__SettlementWater__name Water for the settlement
Goal__Trade Purchase {0} for {1} from the village on the world map
Goal__UseMediumOil Produce {0} by converting {1}