Context English Swedish
AddableMods__Tooltip Check these mods to add them to your save file.
AdditionError__NotASurface Requires a hard surface (e.g. concrete)
AdditionError__SomethingInWay Something is in the way Något är i vägen
AdditionWarning__HighLift Warning: A port is above transport support height. Connection may not be possible.
AdoptPops__Tooltip People in the settlement that are willing to join your island. This number replenishes naturally over time until the limit is reached. The capacity and replenish rate are affected by your reputation. Also some settlements might not have this option.
AlphaStaticIslandMap__desc A balanced map, great for new or casual players. The starting location offers easy access to all resources and plenty of space to build a large factory. Later on, create ramps to the higher platforms to scale up industrial and mining operations.

This is the first and oldest map in Captain of Industry. It was first available in a closed-alpha build in October of 2021. Back then, it was the only playable map in the game.
Karta ifrån alfaversionen. En balanserad karta är bra för nya eller försiktiga spelare. Man börjar på den lägsta nivån och får alla resurser som behövs för start. Den initiala planen har gott om utrymme för att placera lastterminaler. Senare i spelet så är det värt att bygga ramper till övriga två nivåer för att kunna skala upp fabriker och gruvdrift.
AlphaStaticIslandMap__name New Haven Nya Haven
AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip When enabled a red slider appears. If the total number of animals in this farm gets above the red slider, then the excess number will be slaughtered for products like meat. In case the slider is set to full capacity it will only slaughter the born excess that would not fit into the farm. If slaughtering is disabled, no meat gets produced.
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort MSAA {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name Anti-aliasing
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA)
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort SMAA
ApplyChanges Apply changes
ApplyChangesConflictPrompt Ignore conflicts and apply changes?
ApplySettingsFrom Apply settings from Kopiera inställningar ifrån
AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name There are some forestry designations outside of forestry tower areas
AssemblyElectrified__desc Assembly line that is faster and can produce more advanced products. Elektrifierad monteringsmaskin som är snabbare och kan producera mer avancerade produkter.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation Enables to assign refueling trucks in this station to individual mine towers.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to export into another storage (B), trucks will only export products to that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to export from this storage. This does not affect imports. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower.