Context English Swedish
Workers__Available available tillgängliga
Workers__Needed needed behövs
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} är nu helt reparerat
WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title Exploration in progress! Utforskning pågår!
WorldLocation__Explored_Desc This was already explored. Detta var redan utforskat.
WorldLocation__Explored_Title Fully explored Fullt utforskat
WorldLocation__Home_Desc This is our home island! Detta är vår hemö!
WorldLocation__Home_Title Home island Hemö
WorldLocation__Unknown_Desc We need to explore this! Vi måste utforska detta!
WorldLocation__Unknown_Title Unknown location Okänd plats
WorldLocation__UnknownOnWay_Desc Our ship is on way to explore this! Vårt skepp är på väg att utforska detta!
WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Desc There is an enemy that needs to be defeated! Det finns en fiende som måste besegras!
WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Title Location with enemy Plats med en fiende
WorldLocation__WithEnemyOnWay_Desc Our ship is on her way to the battle! Vårt skepp är på väg in till strid!
WorldLocation_EnemyFound Enemy found Fiende hittad
WorldLocation_Orders Ship orders Skeppsorder
WorldLocation_Orders__Battle Battle Slåss
WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo Deliver cargo Leverera last
WorldLocation_Orders__Explore Explore Utforska
WorldLocation_Orders__GoHome Go home Åk hem