Context English Portuguese
NumberOfSettlements {0} settlement {0} settlement
Occupants__Title Occupants Occupants
Occupants__TooltipForIsland Current population size in all the settlements on the island and their available housing capacity. Exceeding the capacity leads to an overcrowded island which comes with a monthly Unity penalty. Current population size in all the settlements on the island and their available housing capacity. Exceeding the capacity leads to an overcrowded island which comes with a monthly Unity penalty.
Occupants__TooltipForSettlement Current population size in this settlement and its available housing capacity. To see the whole island's population, go to the island overview. Current population size in this settlement and its available housing capacity. To see the whole island's population, go to the island overview.
OceanWaterPumpLarge__desc Larger pump that can be placed up to height of {0} from the ocean level. Requires more power to run. Larger pump that can overcome taller cliffs but requires more power to run.
OceanWaterPumpLarge__name Seawater pump (tall) Seawater pump (L)
OceanWaterPumpT1__desc Pumps water from ocean. Works at the maximum height of {0} from the ocean level. Pumps water from ocean.
OceanWaterPumpT1__name Seawater pump Seawater pump
Off_Option Off Off
OilPump__desc Pumps crude oil from underground. Pumps crude oil from underground.
OilPump__name Oil pump Oil pump
OilRigCost1__desc This station provides crude oil when assigned with workers. This station gives oil when assigned with workers.
OilRigCost1__name Oil rig Oil rig
OneMonth month month
Option_AllowRefuelInEntity Allow any vehicle to refuel here Allow any vehicle to refuel here
OptionValMeters {0} meter {0} meter
Orders Orders Orders
OutputsTitle Outputs Outputs
Overlays__Designations Mining & dumping Mining & dumping
Overlays__Resources Resources Resources