Your journey will start on an abandoned island with a small crew of loyal workers. In order to survive, you will need to mine raw materials from the earth, grow food, build factories, manufacture products, construct vehicles, research new technologies, explore your surroundings, and trade with other islands. If you do things right, you'll work your way up towards an industrial superpower and you can even start a space program! But this is no easy task and you will be put to the test to keep your settlement alive.
Călătoria dumneavoastră va începe pe o insulă abandonată cu un mic echipaj de lucrători loiali. Pentru a supraviețui, va trebui să extrageți materii prime din pământ, să cultivați alimente, să construiți fabrici, să fabricați produse, să construiți vehicule, să cercetați noi tehnologii, să explorați împrejurimile și să faceți comerț cu alte insule. Dacă faceți lucrurile corect, vă veți ridica treptat spre statutul de superputere industrială și chiar puteți începe un program spațial! Dar aceasta nu este o sarcină ușoară și veți fi testați pentru a menține colonia dumneavoastră în viață.
Captain of Industry is a colony and factory simulation game. Your journey will start with a small crew of survivors on an abandoned island. If you do things right, you'll work your way up towards a self-sufficient colony and will play an important part in the region's industry. But first, iYour journey will start on an abandoned island with a small crew of loyal workers. In order to survive, you will need to mine raw materials from the earth, grow food, build factories, manufacture products, construct vehicles, research new technologies, explore your surroundings, and trade with other islands. If you are successful, you can even start a space program and build rockets! But that's a long and hard way to things right, you'll work your way up towards an industrial superpower and you can even start a space program! But this is no easy task and you will be put to the test to keep your settlement alive.