Build vehicles and transport products Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
Construiți vehicule și transportați produse Sistemele logistice asigură că camioanele vor livra automat produsele acolo unde sunt cel mai mult necesare. Puteți configura logistica pentru a o face mai eficientă. Nu uitați să construiți suficiente camioane sau să actualizați cele existente pentru a menține lucrurile în mișcare!
Build vehicles and transport products Fully automated lLogistics systems ensures that prodtructks will always goutomatically deliver products where they are most needed. Your job is to can configure the logistics, build enough trucks to keep things moving, and connect closeby machines with conveyor belts or pipelines for optimized resources transportation. to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
Logistics systems ensure that trucks will automatically deliver products where they are most needed. You can configure the logistics to make it more efficient. Don’t forget to build enough trucks or upgrade existing ones to keep things moving!
Sistemele logistice asigură că camioanele vor livra automat produsele acolo unde sunt cel mai mult necesare. Puteți configura logistica pentru a o face mai eficientă. Nu uitați să construiți suficiente camioane sau să actualizați cele existente pentru a menține lucrurile în mișcare!