[h2]Tomb of Captains[/h2] As time passes by, it becomes apparent that the island is not ruled by just a single Captain but by a generation of Captains. The Captains are so loved by their people that they decide to build them the Tomb of Captains, which serves as their final resting place (well, one of the Captains made the order to build it, but this is not in the official statement released by the Captain’s office). This building is incredibly massive and no costs were spared on it. It’s so lavish that it has to be built in 6 stages.
[h2]Mormântul Căpitanilor[/h2] Pe măsură ce timpul trece, devine evident că insula nu este condusă de un singur Căpitan, ci de o generație de Căpitani. Căpitanii sunt atât de iubiți de poporul lor încât acesta decide să le construiască Mormântul Căpitanilor, care servește ca loc de odihnă final (ei bine, unul dintre Căpitani a dat ordinul de construire, dar acest lucru nu este menționat în declarația oficială emisă de biroul Căpitanului). Această clădire este incredibil de masivă și nu s-au economisit cheltuielile pentru ea. Este atât de somptuoasă încât trebuie construită în 6 etape.
[h2]Tomb of Captains[/h2] As time passes by, it becomes apparent that the island is not ruled by just a single Captain but by a generation of Captains. The Captains are so loved by their people that they decide to build them the Tomb of Captains, which serves as their final resting place (well, one of the Captains made the order to build it, but this is not in the official statement released by the Captain’s office). This building is incredibly massive and no costs were spared on it. It’s so lavish that it has to be built in 6 stages.
As time passes by, it becomes apparent that the island is not ruled by just a single Captain but by a generation of Captains. The Captains are so loved by their people that they decide to build them the Tomb of Captains, which serves as their final resting place (well, one of the Captains made the order to build it, but this is not in the official statement released by the Captain’s office). This building is incredibly massive and no costs were spared on it. It’s so lavish that it has to be built in 6 stages.
Pe măsură ce timpul trece, devine evident că insula nu este condusă de un singur Căpitan, ci de o generație de Căpitani. Căpitanii sunt atât de iubiți de poporul lor încât acesta decide să le construiască Mormântul Căpitanilor, care servește ca loc de odihnă final (ei bine, unul dintre Căpitani a dat ordinul de construire, dar acest lucru nu este menționat în declarația oficială emisă de biroul Căpitanului). Această clădire este incredibil de masivă și nu s-au economisit cheltuielile pentru ea. Este atât de somptuoasă încât trebuie construită în 6 etape.