Research new technologies Research is a must have! Unlock new buildings and materials and make your factory more efficient. New technologies will change the course of your future. Your factory will grow more efficient and advanced with over 140 technologies to unlock.
Uute tehnoloogiate arendus Teadusuuringud on ülitähtsad! Ava uusi hooneid ja materjale ning tee oma tehas tõhusamaks. Uued tehnoloogiad muudavad tuleviku käiku. Sinu tehas muutub tõhusamaks ja arenenumaks, sest avada saab üle 140 erineva tehnoloogia.
Research new technologies Research is a must have! Unlock new buildings and materials and make your factory more efficient. New technologies will change the course of your future. Your factory will grow more efficient and advanced with over 140 technologies to unlock.
Research is a must have! Unlock new buildings and materials and make your factory more efficient. New technologies will change the course of your future. Your factory will grow more efficient and advanced with over 140 technologies to unlock.
Teadusuuringud on ülitähtsad! Ava uusi hooneid ja materjale ning tee oma tehas tõhusamaks. Uued tehnoloogiad muudavad tuleviku käiku. Sinu tehas muutub tõhusamaks ja arenenumaks, sest avada saab üle 140 erineva tehnoloogia.