
English how much a cargo ship consumes per single journey for cargo. used as '10 <diesel icon> / per a single journey' how much a cargo ship consumes per single journey for cargo. used as '10 <diesel icon> / per a single journey'
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
FoodProcessor__desc Can produce different types of food from given ingredients. 可以用提供的原料生產不同種類的食物。
FoodProcessor__name Food processor 食品加工設施
FoodSupplyTitle Food supply 食物供給
FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement The food supply available in this settlement. Based on the sum of all the food stored in the attached food markets. 該開拓地中可用的食物供給量。根據附屬食品市場儲存的所有食品總和。
ForestryTower__desc Enables assignment of tree planters and tree harvesters to designated forestry areas. Only designated forestry areas within the influence of the tower can be used. 使植樹機和伐木機可以被指派到指定的林業區域。只有在塔的影響範圍內的指定林業區域才能被使用。
ForestryTower__name Forestry control tower 林務管制塔
FpsLimitOption__NoLimit No limit 無限制
FpsLimitOption__VSync1 VSync 垂直同步(VSync)
FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip Synchronize with screen refresh rate 與螢幕刷新率同步
FpsLimitOption__VSync2 VSync x2 垂直同步(VSync) x2
FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip Synchronize with screen, every other frame 每隔一格畫面與螢幕同步
Fuel Fuel 燃料
FuelAvailable Fuel available 可用燃料
FuelForShip__Title Fuel for ship 船艦用燃料
FuelForShip__Tooltip Move the left green slider to the right to make this building transfer the stored fuel into the ship. This building will also request trucks to keep its storage filled up to the green marker. 將左邊的綠色滑動條移到右邊,使該建築物將儲存的燃料轉移到船上。該建築物還將使卡車把儲存空間填滿至綠色標記處。
FuelPerJourneySuffix per a single journey 每趟
FuelReduction__desc Vehicles fuel consumption reduced by {0} 車輛燃料消耗降低 {0}
FuelReduction__name Vehicles fuel saver 節省燃料
FuelStationHydrogenT1__name Hydrogen fuel station 加氫站
FuelStationNotConnected__name {entity} has no fuel pipe connected {entity} 沒有連接燃料管線
FuelStationOutOfFuel__name {entity} is out of fuel {entity} 燃料耗盡
FuelStationT1__desc Trucks assigned to a fuel station will automatically refuel excavators and tree harvesters at their working site so they don't waste their time going for fuel on their own. 指派在加油站的卡車將自動為挖掘機和伐木機在它們的工作區加油,這樣就不會浪費它們自己去加油的時間。
FuelStationT1__name Fuel station 加油站
FuelStationT2__desc Provides increased storage and refueling rate compared to the previous tier. 指定的卡車將在採礦現場自動為挖掘機加油因此不會浪費時間。與前一階級相比可以提供更高的存量與加油效率。
FuelStationT2__name Fuel station II 加油站 II
FuelStationT3__name Fuel station III 加油站 III
FuelTank_Title Fuel tank 燃料槽
FuelTankT1__name Extra fuel tank 額外的燃料槽
Game__Title Game 遊戲
GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff Base health 基礎健康
GameDiff__BaseHealthDiff_Tooltip Affects the baseline health of your population. 影響人口的健康基準值。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
FoodProcessor__desc Can produce different types of food from given ingredients. 可以用提供的原料生產不同種類的食物。
FoodProcessor__name Food processor 食品加工設施
FoodSupplyTitle Food supply 食物供給
FoodSupplyTitle__TooltipForSettlement The food supply available in this settlement. Based on the sum of all the food stored in the attached food markets. 該開拓地中可用的食物供給量。根據附屬食品市場儲存的所有食品總和。
ForestryTower__desc Enables assignment of tree planters and tree harvesters to designated forestry areas. Only designated forestry areas within the influence of the tower can be used. 使植樹機和伐木機可以被指派到指定的林業區域。只有在塔的影響範圍內的指定林業區域才能被使用。
ForestryTower__name Forestry control tower 林務管制塔
FpsLimitOption__NoLimit No limit 無限制
FpsLimitOption__VSync1 VSync 垂直同步(VSync)
FpsLimitOption__VSync1Tooltip Synchronize with screen refresh rate 與螢幕刷新率同步
FpsLimitOption__VSync2 VSync x2 垂直同步(VSync) x2
FpsLimitOption__VSync2Tooltip Synchronize with screen, every other frame 每隔一格畫面與螢幕同步
Fuel Fuel 燃料
FuelAvailable Fuel available 可用燃料
FuelForShip__Title Fuel for ship 船艦用燃料
FuelForShip__Tooltip Move the left green slider to the right to make this building transfer the stored fuel into the ship. This building will also request trucks to keep its storage filled up to the green marker. 將左邊的綠色滑動條移到右邊,使該建築物將儲存的燃料轉移到船上。該建築物還將使卡車把儲存空間填滿至綠色標記處。
FuelPerJourneySuffix per a single journey 每趟
FuelReduction__desc Vehicles fuel consumption reduced by {0} 車輛燃料消耗降低 {0}
FuelReduction__name Vehicles fuel saver 節省燃料
FuelStationHydrogenT1__name Hydrogen fuel station 加氫站
FuelStationNotConnected__name {entity} has no fuel pipe connected {entity} 沒有連接燃料管線
FuelStationOutOfFuel__name {entity} is out of fuel {entity} 燃料耗盡
FuelStationT1__desc Trucks assigned to a fuel station will automatically refuel excavators and tree harvesters at their working site so they don't waste their time going for fuel on their own. 指派在加油站的卡車將自動為挖掘機和伐木機在它們的工作區加油,這樣就不會浪費它們自己去加油的時間。
FuelStationT1__name Fuel station 加油站
FuelStationT2__desc Provides increased storage and refueling rate compared to the previous tier. 指定的卡車將在採礦現場自動為挖掘機加油因此不會浪費時間。與前一階級相比可以提供更高的存量與加油效率。
FuelStationT2__name Fuel station II 加油站 II
FuelStationT3__name Fuel station III 加油站 III
FuelTankT1__name Extra fuel tank 額外的燃料槽
FuelTank_Title Fuel tank 燃料槽
GameDifficulty__AdmiralDescription A tough challenge with unforgiving mechanics for experienced Captains 針對經驗豐富的船長而設的艱鉅挑戰,擁有無情的機制
GameDifficulty__AdmiralExplanation For experienced players only 只適合有經驗的玩家
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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how much a cargo ship consumes per single journey for cargo. used as '10 <diesel icon> / per a single journey' how much a cargo ship consumes per single journey for cargo. used as '10 <diesel icon> / per a single journey'
String age
2 years ago
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2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 753