
English name
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
Designation__Mining Mining designation 採礦規劃
Designation__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting designation 伐木規劃
DesignationError__Invalid Invalid position. 位置不符。
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations 按右鍵並拖曳以移除既有的指定區域
Designations Designations 規劃範圍
DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal Can't paint over terrain. 無法在此地形上繪畫。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. 無法在此開始傾倒,所有邊界都高於此地。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry Cannot start forestry here yet, ground is not fertile. 土地肥力不足無法開始造林。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling Cannot start leveling terrain here yet, all the edges are too low/high above the terrain. 無法在此開始整平,所有邊界都高於/低於此地。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. 無法在此開始採掘,所有邊界都低於此地。
DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower Must be managed by a forestry tower area. 必須由造林塔區域管理。
DesignationWarning__NoTower Must be managed by a mining tower area. 需要採礦控制塔以開始採礦。
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. 燃燒柴油來發電。
DieselGenerator__name Diesel generator 柴油發電機
DieselGeneratorT2__desc More powerful generator. Can also serve as a power backup. 更強大的發電機。可以當成後備電源使用。
DieselGeneratorT2__name Diesel generator II 柴油發電機 II
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} 難度:{0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost 標準建造成本
DifficultyConstruction__Hard Increased construction cost 增加的建造成本
DifficultyContracts__Easy More profitables contracts and cheaper loans 更有利可圖的合約與更便宜的貸款
DifficultyContracts__Hard Standard contracts and more expensive loans 標準合約與較昂貴的貸款
DifficultyContracts__Normal Standard contracts and loans 標準合約與貸款
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases 較輕微疾病
DifficultyDisease__Hard More severe diseases 較嚴重疾病
DifficultyDisease__Normal Standard disease severity 標準疾病嚴重程度
DifficultyFood__Easy Reduced resource consumption by settlements 定居點降低資源消耗
DifficultyFood__Hard Increased resource consumption by settlements 定居點增加資源消耗
DifficultyFood__Normal Standard resource consumption by settlements 定居點標準資源消耗
DifficultyFuel__Easy Reduced fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships 車輛和貨船降低燃料消耗
DifficultyFuel__Hard Increased fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships 車輛和貨船增加燃料消耗
DifficultyFuel__Normal Standard fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships 車輛和貨船標準燃料消耗
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations 按右鍵並拖曳以移除既有的指定區域
Designations Designations 規劃範圍
DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal Can't paint over terrain. 無法在此地形上繪畫。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. 無法在此開始傾倒,所有邊界都高於此地。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry Cannot start forestry here yet, ground is not fertile. 土地肥力不足無法開始造林。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling Cannot start leveling terrain here yet, all the edges are too low/high above the terrain. 無法在此開始整平,所有邊界都高於/低於此地。
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. 無法在此開始採掘,所有邊界都低於此地。
DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower Must be managed by a forestry tower area. 必須由造林塔區域管理。
DesignationWarning__NoTower Must be managed by a mining tower area. 需要採礦控制塔以開始採礦。
Designation__Dumping Dumping designation 傾卸規劃區
Designation__Forestry Forestry designation 造林規劃
Designation__Leveling Leveling designation 整平規劃
Designation__Mining Mining designation 採礦規劃
Designation__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting designation 伐木規劃
DieselGeneratorT2__desc More powerful generator. Can also serve as a power backup. 更強大的發電機。可以當成後備電源使用。
DieselGeneratorT2__name Diesel generator II 柴油發電機 II
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. 燃燒柴油來發電。
DieselGenerator__name Diesel generator 柴油發電機
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} 難度:{0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost 標準建造成本
DifficultyConstruction__Hard Increased construction cost 增加的建造成本
DifficultyContracts__Easy More profitables contracts and cheaper loans 更有利可圖的合約與更便宜的貸款
DifficultyContracts__Hard Standard contracts and more expensive loans 標準合約與較昂貴的貸款
DifficultyContracts__Normal Standard contracts and loans 標準合約與貸款
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases 較輕微疾病
DifficultyDisease__Hard More severe diseases 較嚴重疾病
DifficultyDisease__Normal Standard disease severity 標準疾病嚴重程度
DifficultyFood__Easy Reduced resource consumption by settlements 定居點降低資源消耗
DifficultyFood__Hard Increased resource consumption by settlements 定居點增加資源消耗
DifficultyFood__Normal Standard resource consumption by settlements 定居點標準資源消耗
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English Chinese (Traditional)
generator 發電設施 Glossary


II II Glossary


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a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 464