
English category for key bindings used during transport build / editing (when players builds / places transports)
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TradeOffers Quick trade offers 交易提議
TradeOffers__Tooltip Trade offers require a Trading dock. These trades are performed instantly - products to export are removed from your storage and imported ones will appear in your Trading dock. Product on the left side is the one you are exporting (selling) and the one on the right side is being imported. These trades get expensive with higher volumes and are typically less profitable when compared to contracts. 進行交易需要一個貿易碼頭。這些交易會立即執行——要出口的產品會從您的庫存中移除,而進口的產品將出現在您的交易碼頭中。左側的產品是您正在出口(銷售)的產品,右側的產品是正在進口的產品。與合約相比,這些交易隨著交易量的增加而變得昂貴,並且通常利潤較低。
TradeStatus__CantAfford You don't have enough products to trade with 你沒有足夠的產品進行交易
TradeStatus__Info Products will be delivered to your trading dock immediately 產品將立即送到您的貿易碼頭
TradeStatus__Info_Animal Animals will be transported to your farm immediately 動物將立即運送到您的牧場
TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip The ship will be immediately available after the purchase 該船將在購買後馬上投入營運
TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm Not enough space in animal farm or no animal farm built 牧場沒有足夠的空間或您還沒有建造牧場
TradeStatus__NoTradeDock You need to build a trading dock first 您必須先建造貿易碼頭
TradeStatus__NoUnity Not enough Unity 凝聚力不足
TradeStatus__SoldOut Sold out - come back later 售完 - 稍後再來
TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational Trade dock is not in operational state or ship access is blocked 交易碼頭未處於運行狀態或船舶航道受阻
TradeTitle Trade 交易
TradeWithVillage Trade with a village 和其他村莊進行貿易
TransportedProducts Transported products 運輸的產品
TransportHeightTooltip Height: {0} 高度:{0}
TransportMode Transport build 建造運輸工具
transportsCategory__name Transports 運輸工具
TransportSnappingOff__Title Belts & pipes snapping is off 傳送帶與管線吸附已關閉
TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip You have disabled snapping of belts & pipes. This is useful when trying to stack them on top of each other. But it is not suitable for regular building. You can disable this by pressing the {0} key. 您已禁用了輸送帶和管道的對齊功能。這在嘗試將它們疊放在一起時很有用,但對於正常建造來說並不適用。您可以按下 {0} 鍵來禁用此功能。
TransportsPillar__desc Pillar that supports transports. 支撐運輸的支柱。
TransportsPillar__name Pillar 支柱
TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip Hold the shortcut key to enforce straight belt / pipe without any turns. 按住快速鍵來強制輸送帶或管線以直線放置。
TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip Press the shortcut key to toggle port avoidance. By default belts & pipes are planned to avoid blocking any existing ports. When this is enabled, ports will be ignored and belts & pipes can be placed anywhere near them. 按住快速鍵來切換連接埠迴避。預設情況下,輸送帶和管線會避免阻塞任何現有連接埠。啟用此功能後,連接埠將被忽略,可以將輸送帶和管線放置在它們附近的任何位置。
TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip Press the shortcut key to toggle automatic snapping. It is useful to disable snapping when building belts / pipes on top of each other. 按住快速鍵來切換自動連接,這在建造不同高度的管線或輸送帶時很有用。
TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip Hold the shortcut key to get an alternative option of placement in case there are multiple ones with the same cost. 如果有多個相同成本的建築,按住快速鍵來切換替代方案。
TransportTooLong__HowToResolve To make transport shorter, you can split it with connector or balancer. 為了使運輸機器變短,您可以使用連接器或平衡器分岔。
TransportTooLong__name {entity} is too long {entity}過長
TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted Construction already started 已經開始建造
TreeHarvesterT1__desc A machine for harvesting trees. Make sure to assign service trucks to use it. It cannot pass under transports. 一種專門用於採伐樹木的機器。需要分配卡車來運輸樹木。它不能在傳輸工具下通過。
TreeHarvesterT1__name Tree harvester 伐木機
TreeHarvesterT2__desc There is nothing that can harvest trees faster than this machine. Make sure you assign plenty of service trucks to it to keep up with the amount of harvested wood. 沒有什麼能比這台機器更快地採伐樹木了。確保為它分配大量運輸卡車,以跟上採伐木材的數量。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
TradeStatus__CantAfford You don't have enough products to trade with 你沒有足夠的產品進行交易
TradeStatus__Info Products will be delivered to your trading dock immediately 產品將立即送到您的貿易碼頭
TradeStatus__Info_Animal Animals will be transported to your farm immediately 動物將立即運送到您的牧場
TradeStatus__Info_CargoShip The ship will be immediately available after the purchase 該船將在購買後馬上投入營運
TradeStatus__NoSpaceInFarm Not enough space in animal farm or no animal farm built 牧場沒有足夠的空間或您還沒有建造牧場
TradeStatus__NoTradeDock You need to build a trading dock first 您必須先建造貿易碼頭
TradeStatus__NoUnity Not enough Unity 凝聚力不足
TradeStatus__SoldOut Sold out - come back later 售完 - 稍後再來
TradeStatus__TradeDockNotOperational Trade dock is not in operational state or ship access is blocked 交易碼頭未處於運行狀態或船舶航道受阻
TradeTitle Trade 交易
TradeWithVillage Trade with a village 和其他村莊進行貿易
Trade__Action Trade 交易
Trade__SoldOut Sold out 售完
TransportedProducts Transported products 運輸的產品
TransportHeightTooltip Height: {0} 高度:{0}
TransportMode Transport build 建造運輸工具
transportsCategory__name Transports 運輸工具
TransportSnappingOff__Title Belts & pipes snapping is off 傳送帶與管線吸附已關閉
TransportSnappingOff__Tooltip You have disabled snapping of belts & pipes. This is useful when trying to stack them on top of each other. But it is not suitable for regular building. You can disable this by pressing the {0} key. 您已禁用了輸送帶和管道的對齊功能。這在嘗試將它們疊放在一起時很有用,但對於正常建造來說並不適用。您可以按下 {0} 鍵來禁用此功能。
TransportsPillar__desc Pillar that supports transports. 支撐運輸的支柱。
TransportsPillar__name Pillar 支柱
TransportTooLong__HowToResolve To make transport shorter, you can split it with connector or balancer. 為了使運輸機器變短,您可以使用連接器或平衡器分岔。
TransportTooLong__name {entity} is too long {entity}過長
TransportTool__NoTurnTooltip Hold the shortcut key to enforce straight belt / pipe without any turns. 按住快速鍵來強制輸送帶或管線以直線放置。
TransportTool__PortBlockTooltip Press the shortcut key to toggle port avoidance. By default belts & pipes are planned to avoid blocking any existing ports. When this is enabled, ports will be ignored and belts & pipes can be placed anywhere near them. 按住快速鍵來切換連接埠迴避。預設情況下,輸送帶和管線會避免阻塞任何現有連接埠。啟用此功能後,連接埠將被忽略,可以將輸送帶和管線放置在它們附近的任何位置。
TransportTool__PortSnapTooltip Press the shortcut key to toggle automatic snapping. It is useful to disable snapping when building belts / pipes on top of each other. 按住快速鍵來切換自動連接,這在建造不同高度的管線或輸送帶時很有用。
TransportTool__TieBreakTooltip Hold the shortcut key to get an alternative option of placement in case there are multiple ones with the same cost. 如果有多個相同成本的建築,按住快速鍵來切換替代方案。
TrCutError__ConstructionAlreadyStarted Construction already started 已經開始建造
TreeHarvesterT1__desc A machine for harvesting trees. Make sure to assign service trucks to use it. It cannot pass under transports. 一種專門用於採伐樹木的機器。需要分配卡車來運輸樹木。它不能在傳輸工具下通過。
TreeHarvesterT1__name Tree harvester 伐木機


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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category for key bindings used during transport build / editing (when players builds / places transports)
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2543