
English explains that no product was assigned to a storage so far
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
storagesCategory__name Storage 儲存設施
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的固體產品。
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0} 警告:{entity} 的 {0} 供應量過高
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0} 警告:{entity}的{0}供應量不足
StorageUnit__name Unit storage 固體儲存
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II 固體儲存 II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III 固體儲存 III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV 固體儲存 IV
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer 未選擇任何產品進行熱傳遞
StoredHeat__Title Stored heat 儲存的熱能
StoredHeat__Tooltip The available heat accumulated in this storage. Heat does not decay as long as the storage remains operational. 此儲存裝置中累積的可用熱能。只要儲存裝置運作正常熱能並不會消散。
StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip Click to remove currently assigned product. If storage is not empty, this will request trucks to remove all the remaining products. 點擊以移除當前分配的產品。如果倉庫裡有存貨,卡車將移除倉庫裡所有剩餘的產品。
StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip Storage is now being emptied by trucks. 倉庫現在正被卡車清空。
StoredProduct__KeepEmpty Empty 清空
StoredProduct__KeepFull Keep full 保持滿倉
StoredProduct__NothingStored No product assigned 未分配產品
StoredProduct__Title Stored product 已儲存的產品
StoredProduct__Tooltip Moving the green slider (left) to the right will inform trucks to prioritize their deliveries to make the storage filled up to the green slider. This is useful when storage is connected to machines that need the products. Moving the red slider (right) to the left will request trucks to actively remove the products from storage until its cargo is below the red marker. This is useful when the storage needs to be emptied or is used as a temporary storage, for example for slag that needs to be dumped on the terrain. 將綠色滑塊(左)向右移動將通知卡車優先運輸,以使儲倉填到綠色滑塊的位置, 可用於當儲倉連接到需要產品的機器之時。將紅色滑塊(右)向左移動將要求卡車主動從儲倉中取出產品,直到其貨物低於紅色標記。可用於當儲倉需要清空或用作臨時儲倉的時候,例如需要傾倒在某地區的爐渣。
StoredProduct__WorldMapTooltip Products stored on this mining site. To transport these to the island we need to send our ship and request it to load the cargo or get some dedicated cargo ships to automate this. 儲存在此採礦站的產品。要將這些運到島上,我們需要派遣我們的船隻並要求它裝載貨物,或使用專用貨輪將程序自動化。
Suggestions Suggestions 開發建議
SulfurMine__name Sulfur mine 硫磺礦
SunnyWeather__name Sunny
SupportedProducts Supported products 可用的產品
SupportedTrucks__Title Compatible trucks 相容的卡車
SupporterMaps__Title Supporter edition maps Supporter edition 地圖
surfaceCategory__name Surfaces 表面
SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name Areas & borders
SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name Characters
SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name Hazard 災害
SurfaceDecalsCat_Lines__name Lines & arrows
SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name Double lines
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
storagesCategory__name Storage 儲存設施
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. 最多可儲存 {0} 個單位的固體產品。
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0} 警告:{entity} 的 {0} 供應量過高
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0} 警告:{entity}的{0}供應量不足
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II 固體儲存 II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III 固體儲存 III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV 固體儲存 IV
StorageUnit__name Unit storage 固體儲存
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer 未選擇任何產品進行熱傳遞
StoredHeat__Title Stored heat 儲存的熱能
StoredHeat__Tooltip The available heat accumulated in this storage. Heat does not decay as long as the storage remains operational. 此儲存裝置中累積的可用熱能。只要儲存裝置運作正常熱能並不會消散。
StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip Storage is now being emptied by trucks. 倉庫現在正被卡車清空。
StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip Click to remove currently assigned product. If storage is not empty, this will request trucks to remove all the remaining products. 點擊以移除當前分配的產品。如果倉庫裡有存貨,卡車將移除倉庫裡所有剩餘的產品。
StoredProduct__KeepEmpty Empty 清空
StoredProduct__KeepFull Keep full 保持滿倉
StoredProduct__NothingStored No product assigned 未分配產品
StoredProduct__Title Stored product 已儲存的產品
StoredProduct__Tooltip Moving the green slider (left) to the right will inform trucks to prioritize their deliveries to make the storage filled up to the green slider. This is useful when storage is connected to machines that need the products. Moving the red slider (right) to the left will request trucks to actively remove the products from storage until its cargo is below the red marker. This is useful when the storage needs to be emptied or is used as a temporary storage, for example for slag that needs to be dumped on the terrain. 將綠色滑塊(左)向右移動將通知卡車優先運輸,以使儲倉填到綠色滑塊的位置, 可用於當儲倉連接到需要產品的機器之時。將紅色滑塊(右)向左移動將要求卡車主動從儲倉中取出產品,直到其貨物低於紅色標記。可用於當儲倉需要清空或用作臨時儲倉的時候,例如需要傾倒在某地區的爐渣。
StoredProduct__WorldMapTooltip Products stored on this mining site. To transport these to the island we need to send our ship and request it to load the cargo or get some dedicated cargo ships to automate this. 儲存在此採礦站的產品。要將這些運到島上,我們需要派遣我們的船隻並要求它裝載貨物,或使用專用貨輪將程序自動化。
Suggestions Suggestions 開發建議
SulfurMine__name Sulfur mine 硫磺礦
SunnyWeather__name Sunny
SupportedProducts Supported products 可用的產品
SupportedTrucks__Title Compatible trucks 相容的卡車
SupporterMaps__Title Supporter edition maps Supporter edition 地圖
surfaceCategory__name Surfaces 表面
SurfaceDecalsCat_Areas__name Areas & borders
SurfaceDecalsCat_Characters__name Characters
SurfaceDecalsCat_Hazard__name Hazard 災害
SurfaceDecalsCat_LinesDouble__name Double lines
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip Storage is now being emptied by trucks. 倉庫現在正被卡車清空。
StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip Click to remove currently assigned product. If storage is not empty, this will request trucks to remove all the remaining products. 點擊以移除當前分配的產品。如果倉庫裡有存貨,卡車將移除倉庫裡所有剩餘的產品。
StoredProduct__KeepEmpty Empty 清空
StoredProduct__KeepFull Keep full 保持滿倉
StoredProduct__NothingStored No product assigned 未分配產品
StoredProduct__Title Stored product 已儲存的產品
StoredProduct__Tooltip Moving the green slider (left) to the right will inform trucks to prioritize their deliveries to make the storage filled up to the green slider. This is useful when storage is connected to machines that need the products. Moving the red slider (right) to the left will request trucks to actively remove the products from storage until its cargo is below the red marker. This is useful when the storage needs to be emptied or is used as a temporary storage, for example for slag that needs to be dumped on the terrain. 將綠色滑塊(左)向右移動將通知卡車優先運輸,以使儲倉填到綠色滑塊的位置, 可用於當儲倉連接到需要產品的機器之時。將紅色滑塊(右)向左移動將要求卡車主動從儲倉中取出產品,直到其貨物低於紅色標記。可用於當儲倉需要清空或用作臨時儲倉的時候,例如需要傾倒在某地區的爐渣。
StoredProduct__WorldMapTooltip Products stored on this mining site. To transport these to the island we need to send our ship and request it to load the cargo or get some dedicated cargo ships to automate this. 儲存在此採礦站的產品。要將這些運到島上,我們需要派遣我們的船隻並要求它裝載貨物,或使用專用貨輪將程序自動化。


a year ago
2 years ago
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There are 8 variants of this string.



English Chinese (Traditional)
assigned 已指派 Glossary

String information

Source string comment
explains that no product was assigned to a storage so far
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2421