
English button to save the game after the player clicks it button to save the game after the player clicks it
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
RocketLaunchPad__name Rocket launch pad 火箭發射台
RockMine__name Rock mine 岩石礦
RotaryKiln__desc Performs calcination process under high temperatures. Used to produce cement. 在高溫下進行鍛燒。用於生產水泥。
RotaryKiln__name Rotary Kiln 旋轉窯
RotaryKilnGas__name Rotary Kiln (gas) 旋轉窯(燃氣)
RotateShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to rotate clock-wise 按下快速鍵來順時針旋轉
Ruins__desc Seems like a building that is abandoned for a long time and no longer useful. We can deconstruct it for useful materials which can be processed in our factory. 似乎是一座廢棄了很長時間,不再有用的建築。我們可以將其拆解,來獲取可以在我們工廠加工的有用材料。
Ruins__name Abandoned communication station 廢棄的通訊站
RuinsRecycle__Action Start recycling 開始回收
RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip Recycling this building provides you with useful materials which will be automatically transported by trucks where needed (e.g. {0} will be delivered to a {1}). 回收此建築物可為您提供有用的材料,這些材料將由卡車自動運送到需要的地方(例如,{0} 將被運送到 {1})。
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel 低燃料運行
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity. 即使燃料不足,船隻仍將出發,但旅程將耗時更長,並消耗凝聚力。
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__SuccessMessage File {0} has been saved! 檔案{0} 已存檔!
Save__Title Save
Save_Action Save 存檔
Save_Title Save game 保存遊戲
Saved__Detail Saved 保存在
SaveInProgress Saving ... 存檔中 ......
SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote Note that blueprints remain compatible so you can go back to the old game version, export your blueprints to string, and import them to the new version. 請注意藍圖相容新版本,因此您可以回到舊的遊戲版本,將您的藍圖匯出為字串,然後導入到新版本中。
SaveMigration__Intro Welcome to the {0}! Unfortunately, saves from the previous game version are not compatible. However, the new version is full of new exciting content so we hope you will not mind a new start.

If you'd prefer to keep playing your old save, you can! Just go to Steam and switch to the old version '{1}' as shown below. Steam will then automatically download it for you. Whenever you are ready to go back to {0} just remove the beta branch by setting it to 'None'.
歡迎來到 {0} !很遺憾, 舊遊戲版本的存檔不相容。 不過, 新版本中有許多令人興奮的新內容, 希望您不介意重新開始。

如果您想繼續玩舊存檔也可以! 只需前往 Steam, 按照下面顯示的步驟切換到舊版本 '{1}'。 Steam 將自動為您下載舊版本。 當您準備好回到 {0} 時, 只需將測試版分支設置為「無」, 即可刪除它。
SaveName__Label Name your save
SaveNew + New save + 新存檔
Scale Scale 縮放
ScrapVehicle__Action Scrap 報廢
ScrapVehicle__InProgress Vehicle is heading to be scrapped in the vehicle depot 車輛正前往車輛倉庫進行報廢
ScrapVehicle__Tooltip Sends the vehicle to the vehicle depot to be scrapped for parts 將車輛送到車輛維修站報廢回收零件
ScreenSetting_Title Screen 螢幕
Search Search 搜尋
SeedsTech_Description To discover new seeds, explore the world map with your ship. 如果想發現新的種子,你可以嘗試用你的船探索世界地圖。
SelectFuel_Title Select fuel 選擇燃料
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
RotaryKiln__desc Performs calcination process under high temperatures. Used to produce cement. 在高溫下進行鍛燒。用於生產水泥。
RotaryKiln__name Rotary Kiln 旋轉窯
RotateShortcut__Tooltip Press the shortcut key to rotate clock-wise 按下快速鍵來順時針旋轉
RuinsRecycleFormatted__Tooltip Recycling this building provides you with useful materials which will be automatically transported by trucks where needed (e.g. {0} will be delivered to a {1}). 回收此建築物可為您提供有用的材料,這些材料將由卡車自動運送到需要的地方(例如,{0} 將被運送到 {1})。
RuinsRecycle__Action Start recycling 開始回收
Ruins__desc Seems like a building that is abandoned for a long time and no longer useful. We can deconstruct it for useful materials which can be processed in our factory. 似乎是一座廢棄了很長時間,不再有用的建築。我們可以將其拆解,來獲取可以在我們工廠加工的有用材料。
Ruins__name Abandoned communication station 廢棄的通訊站
RunOnLowFuel__Action Run on low fuel 低燃料運行
RunOnLowFuel__Tooltip The ship will depart even with insufficient fuel, but the journey will take longer and cost Unity. 即使燃料不足,船隻仍將出發,但旅程將耗時更長,並消耗凝聚力。
Saved__Detail Saved 保存在
SaveInProgress Saving ... 存檔中 ......
SaveMigration__BlueprintsNote Note that blueprints remain compatible so you can go back to the old game version, export your blueprints to string, and import them to the new version. 請注意藍圖相容新版本,因此您可以回到舊的遊戲版本,將您的藍圖匯出為字串,然後導入到新版本中。
SaveMigration__Intro Welcome to the {0}! Unfortunately, saves from the previous game version are not compatible. However, the new version is full of new exciting content so we hope you will not mind a new start.

If you'd prefer to keep playing your old save, you can! Just go to Steam and switch to the old version '{1}' as shown below. Steam will then automatically download it for you. Whenever you are ready to go back to {0} just remove the beta branch by setting it to 'None'.
歡迎來到 {0} !很遺憾, 舊遊戲版本的存檔不相容。 不過, 新版本中有許多令人興奮的新內容, 希望您不介意重新開始。

如果您想繼續玩舊存檔也可以! 只需前往 Steam, 按照下面顯示的步驟切換到舊版本 '{1}'。 Steam 將自動為您下載舊版本。 當您準備好回到 {0} 時, 只需將測試版分支設置為「無」, 即可刪除它。
SaveName__Label Name your save
SaveNew + New save + 新存檔
Save_Action Save 存檔
Save_Title Save game 保存遊戲
Save__FailureMessage Failed to save the game!
Save__SuccessMessage File {0} has been saved! 檔案{0} 已存檔!
Save__Title Save
Scale Scale 縮放
ScrapVehicle__Action Scrap 報廢
ScrapVehicle__InProgress Vehicle is heading to be scrapped in the vehicle depot 車輛正前往車輛倉庫進行報廢
ScrapVehicle__Tooltip Sends the vehicle to the vehicle depot to be scrapped for parts 將車輛送到車輛維修站報廢回收零件
ScreenSetting_Title Screen 螢幕
Search Search 搜尋
SeedsTech_Description To discover new seeds, explore the world map with your ship. 如果想發現新的種子,你可以嘗試用你的船探索世界地圖。
SelectFuel_Title Select fuel 選擇燃料
SelectMods_Title Select mods to include in the game 選擇要包含在遊戲中的模組
SelectOption Select... 選擇...
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Captain of Industry/Game
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game
Empty Captain of Industry/Game


a year ago
2 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
button to save the game after the player clicks it button to save the game after the player clicks it
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 2166