
English shown when edict cannot be activated because captain office is not working - lack of employees or power or something
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
BridgeT2__desc Provides advanced radar capabilities. 提供先進的雷達能力。
BridgeT2__name Ship bridge II 艦橋 II
BridgeT3__desc Provides advanced radar capabilities. 提供先進的雷達能力。
BridgeT3__name Ship bridge III 艦橋 III
buildAndEnsureDeliveriesTo Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered to {2} 建造 {0} 並確保 {1} 運送到 {2}
buildingsCategory__name Buildings 建築物
buildingsForVehiclesCategory__name Buildings (for vehicles) 建築(車輛)
BuildMode Build 建造
Burner__desc Disposes solid waste by burning it 利用燃燒處理固體廢物
Burner__name Burner (solid) 焚化爐(固體廢物)
Camera Camera 鏡頭
CameraSettings__Fov Vertical field of view 垂直可視範圍
CameraSettings__Title Camera 鏡頭
Cancel Cancel 取消
CannotDeliverFromMineTower__name {entity}: No available place to dump products 沒有地方傾倒成品
CaptainOfficeNotAvailable Captain's office is not available 船長辦公室無法使用
CaptainOfficeT1__name Captain's office I 船長辦公室 I
CaptainOfficeT2__name Captain's office II 船長辦公室 II
Cargo__DiscardTooltip Instantly remove cargo from this truck (into any available storage or shipyard) 立刻卸下這個卡車上的貨物(進入任何可用的倉庫或碼頭)
CargoDepotBase__desc Once built, a repaired cargo ship can dock here and transfer its cargo via attached cargo depot modules. 一旦建設完成,已修復的貨船可以在此停泊,並從貨物倉模組轉移貨物。
CargoDepotHasNoModule__name Cargo depot has no module available 碼頭無可用的貨倉模組
CargoDepotHasNoShip__name Cargo depot has no cargo ship 碼頭沒有貨輪停靠
CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name Cargo depot module is not compatible with the assigned contract 貨艙模組與指定的合約不相容
CargoDepotModuleFluidT1__name Fluid module (S) 液態倉儲(小)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT2__name Fluid module (M) 液態倉儲模組(中)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT3__name Fluid module (L) 液態倉儲模組(大)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT1__name Loose module (S) 散貨倉儲模組(小)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT2__name Loose module (M) 散貨倉儲模組(中)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT3__name Loose module (L) 散貨倉儲模組(大)
CargoDepotModuleNoProductAssigned__name No product assigned to cargo module 倉儲模組沒有指定產品種類
CargoDepotModuleUnitT1__name Unit module (S) 單位倉儲模組(小)
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
BridgeT2__desc Provides advanced radar capabilities. 提供先進的雷達能力。
BridgeT2__name Ship bridge II 艦橋 II
BridgeT3__desc Provides advanced radar capabilities. 提供先進的雷達能力。
BridgeT3__name Ship bridge III 艦橋 III
buildAndEnsureDeliveriesTo Build {0} and ensure {1} gets delivered to {2} 建造 {0} 並確保 {1} 運送到 {2}
buildingsCategory__name Buildings 建築物
buildingsForVehiclesCategory__name Buildings (for vehicles) 建築(車輛)
BuildMode Build 建造
Burner__desc Disposes solid waste by burning it 利用燃燒處理固體廢物
Burner__name Burner (solid) 焚化爐(固體廢物)
Camera Camera 鏡頭
CameraSettings__Fov Vertical field of view 垂直可視範圍
CameraSettings__Title Camera 鏡頭
Cancel Cancel 取消
CannotDeliverFromMineTower__name {entity}: No available place to dump products 沒有地方傾倒成品
CaptainOfficeNotAvailable Captain's office is not available 船長辦公室無法使用
CaptainOfficeT1__name Captain's office I 船長辦公室 I
CaptainOfficeT2__name Captain's office II 船長辦公室 II
CargoDepotBase__desc Once built, a repaired cargo ship can dock here and transfer its cargo via attached cargo depot modules. 一旦建設完成,已修復的貨船可以在此停泊,並從貨物倉模組轉移貨物。
CargoDepotHasNoModule__name Cargo depot has no module available 碼頭無可用的貨倉模組
CargoDepotHasNoShip__name Cargo depot has no cargo ship 碼頭沒有貨輪停靠
CargoDepotModuleContractNotMatching__name Cargo depot module is not compatible with the assigned contract 貨艙模組與指定的合約不相容
CargoDepotModuleFluidT1__name Fluid module (S) 液態倉儲(小)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT2__name Fluid module (M) 液態倉儲模組(中)
CargoDepotModuleFluidT3__name Fluid module (L) 液態倉儲模組(大)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT1__name Loose module (S) 散貨倉儲模組(小)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT2__name Loose module (M) 散貨倉儲模組(中)
CargoDepotModuleLooseT3__name Loose module (L) 散貨倉儲模組(大)
CargoDepotModuleNoProductAssigned__name No product assigned to cargo module 倉儲模組沒有指定產品種類
CargoDepotModuleUnitT1__name Unit module (S) 單位倉儲模組(小)
User avatar Hayate316

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English Chinese (Traditional)
Captain's office 船長辦公室 Glossary

String information

Source string comment
shown when edict cannot be activated because captain office is not working - lack of employees or power or something
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 207