
English title that is displayed above a list of recipes (a recipe is what a machine performs) title that is displayed above a list of recipes (a recipe is what a machine performs)
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
QualityPreset__UltraQuality Ultra high quality 超高品質
QuantityPerMonth {0} / month {0} / 月
QuartzMine__name Quartz mine 石英礦
QuickBuild__Action Quick deliver 快速交付
QuickBuild__NotAllowed Quick delivery is not allowed for this type of structure
QuickBuild__Tooltip Speeds up the current construction by instantly delivering missing materials without having to wait for trucks to deliver them. The materials to deliver have to be available in storage or shipyard. 不待貨車直接快速交付所需的材料以加速目前的建築項目。這些材料必須在儲倉或船塢中有存貨才行。
QuickRemove__Action Quick remove 快速移除
QuickRemove__Tooltip Speeds up the current deconstruction by instantly removing all the materials. The removed materials will be transferred to storage or shipyard. 不待貨車直接快速移除所有拆解產生的材料以加速目前的拆解項目。這些回收材料將會運輸到儲倉或船塢中。
QuitGame Quit 退出遊戲
QuitGame__ConfirmationQuestion Are you sure you want to quit? Unsaved progress will get lost. 你確定要退出嗎? 未保存的進度將會遺失。
RadarRange Radar range 雷達範圍
RadiationLevel__Tooltip Radiation level. The higher the number the more radiation is released into the area (unless the fuel is safely stored). 輻射水平。數字越高,輻射釋放到區域中的量就越多(除非燃料被安全儲存)。
RainwaterHarvester__desc Harvests rain water during rain. Has built-in small water tank. 下雨時收集雨水。有內建小水箱。
RainwaterHarvester__name Rainwater harvester 雨水收集器
RainyWeather__name Rainy 下雨
Recipes Recipes 配方
Recipes__New New recipes 新配方
RecipesBook__OpenHint Tip: You can right click a product icon in any recipe in the game to jump to this overview 提示:右鍵點擊遊戲中任何配方內的產品圖標可以跳轉到該產品的概覽介面
RecipesBook__Title Recipes 配方
RecoverVehicle__Action Recover 恢復
RecoverVehicle__Tooltip The vehicle will be disassembled and reassembled at the nearest depot. 將這輛車拆解並在最近的維修站重新組裝。
RecyclingEfficiency__Title Recycling efficiency 回收率
RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip This does not relate to efficiency of this sorting plant. Instead it defines how efficiently your island converts waste into recyclables in places like maintenance depots and settlement. So for instance 40% efficiency means that 40% of the iron used in maintenance ends up in recyclables. What is not converted into recyclables gets wasted. Note that postponing processing of recyclables due to expectations of future increase in efficiency won't help as the conversion is done when recyclables are created not when they are sorted. Efficiency can be increased via research and edicts. 這與該分選裝置的效率無關。相反,它定義了您的島嶼在維修站和定居點等地方將廢物轉化為可回收物的效率。因此,例如40%的效率意味著40%用於維護的鐵最終成為可回收材料。沒有轉化為可回收材料的物品會被浪費掉。請注意,預期未來的回收效率提高而延遲處理可回收物是沒用的,因為在製造可回收物時就完成轉化了,而不是在分選時完成的。通過研究和法令可以提高回收效率。
RecyclingIncrease__desc Recycling efficiency increased by {0} 回收效率提高了 {0}
RecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase 增加回收
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE 增加+{0}%回收率
RefundOption__Full Full refund 退還所有資源
RefundOption__Partial Partial refund 退還部分資源
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago
RelativeTime_Minutes {0} minute ago
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
QualityPreset__UltraQuality Ultra high quality 超高品質
QuantityPerMonth {0} / month {0} / 月
QuartzMine__name Quartz mine 石英礦
QuickBuild__Action Quick deliver 快速交付
QuickBuild__NotAllowed Quick delivery is not allowed for this type of structure
QuickBuild__Tooltip Speeds up the current construction by instantly delivering missing materials without having to wait for trucks to deliver them. The materials to deliver have to be available in storage or shipyard. 不待貨車直接快速交付所需的材料以加速目前的建築項目。這些材料必須在儲倉或船塢中有存貨才行。
QuickRemove__Action Quick remove 快速移除
QuickRemove__Tooltip Speeds up the current deconstruction by instantly removing all the materials. The removed materials will be transferred to storage or shipyard. 不待貨車直接快速移除所有拆解產生的材料以加速目前的拆解項目。這些回收材料將會運輸到儲倉或船塢中。
QuitGame Quit 退出遊戲
QuitGame__ConfirmationQuestion Are you sure you want to quit? Unsaved progress will get lost. 你確定要退出嗎? 未保存的進度將會遺失。
RadarRange Radar range 雷達範圍
RadiationLevel__Tooltip Radiation level. The higher the number the more radiation is released into the area (unless the fuel is safely stored). 輻射水平。數字越高,輻射釋放到區域中的量就越多(除非燃料被安全儲存)。
RainwaterHarvester__desc Harvests rain water during rain. Has built-in small water tank. 下雨時收集雨水。有內建小水箱。
RainwaterHarvester__name Rainwater harvester 雨水收集器
RainyWeather__name Rainy 下雨
Recipes Recipes 配方
RecipesBook__OpenHint Tip: You can right click a product icon in any recipe in the game to jump to this overview 提示:右鍵點擊遊戲中任何配方內的產品圖標可以跳轉到該產品的概覽介面
RecipesBook__Title Recipes 配方
Recipes__New New recipes 新配方
RecoverVehicle__Action Recover 恢復
RecoverVehicle__Tooltip The vehicle will be disassembled and reassembled at the nearest depot. 將這輛車拆解並在最近的維修站重新組裝。
RecyclingEfficiency__Title Recycling efficiency 回收率
RecyclingEfficiency__Tooltip This does not relate to efficiency of this sorting plant. Instead it defines how efficiently your island converts waste into recyclables in places like maintenance depots and settlement. So for instance 40% efficiency means that 40% of the iron used in maintenance ends up in recyclables. What is not converted into recyclables gets wasted. Note that postponing processing of recyclables due to expectations of future increase in efficiency won't help as the conversion is done when recyclables are created not when they are sorted. Efficiency can be increased via research and edicts. 這與該分選裝置的效率無關。相反,它定義了您的島嶼在維修站和定居點等地方將廢物轉化為可回收物的效率。因此,例如40%的效率意味著40%用於維護的鐵最終成為可回收材料。沒有轉化為可回收材料的物品會被浪費掉。請注意,預期未來的回收效率提高而延遲處理可回收物是沒用的,因為在製造可回收物時就完成轉化了,而不是在分選時完成的。通過研究和法令可以提高回收效率。
RecyclingIncrease__desc Recycling efficiency increased by {0} 回收效率提高了 {0}
RecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase 增加回收
RecyclingRatioIncrease +{0}% RECYCLING INCREASE 增加+{0}%回收率
RefundOption__Full Full refund 退還所有資源
RefundOption__Partial Partial refund 退還部分資源
RelativeTime_Days {0} day ago
RelativeTime_Hours {0} hour ago
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Captain of Industry/Game
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game


a year ago
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string comment
title that is displayed above a list of recipes (a recipe is what a machine performs) title that is displayed above a list of recipes (a recipe is what a machine performs)
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1833