
English name
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
PopsStarvedToDeath__name {0} pops died of starvation! {0} 個人死於飢餓!
PopsStarving__name People are starving! 人們在挨餓!
PopsToAdoptNotAvailable No people to adopt 無人可以接管
Population Population 人口
PopulationGrowth__Title Growth 增長
PopulationGrowth__Tooltip Population can grow in size if there are good conditions and enough housing. Growth can be reduced by diseases and pollution. 如果有良好的條件和足夠的住宅,人口會增長;而疾病和污染會減緩增長。
PopulationOverview__OpenAction Open population overview 打開人口概覽
PopulationOverview__Title Population overview 人口概覽
Power Power
PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip Priority for electricity generation. In case there is extra power, a generator with higher priority (a lower number) will generate power while the ones with lower priority will be on standby. 發電優先等級。如果電力過剩,優先等級高(數字小)的發電機將發電,而優先等級低的發電機將處於待機狀態。
PowerGenerator__AutoScalingTooltip Power production is automatically scaled based on current demand. Electricity that is not needed is not generated. Note that production efficiency might be lower when the generator is not running on 100% capacity. 電力生產根據當前需求自動調整。不會產生不需要的電力。請注意,若發電機未以 100% 的載荷運行時,生產效率可能會降低。
PowerGenerator__Utilization Utilization: {0} 利用率: {0}
PowerGeneratorT1__desc Converts mechanical power to electricity. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 將機械動能轉化為電力。旋轉得越慢,效率就越低。
PowerGeneratorT1__name Power generator 發電機
PowerGeneratorT2__desc Optimized power generator with lower friction and better efficiency. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 最佳化的發電機,摩擦更少,效率更高。轉速越低效率越低。
PowerGeneratorT2__name Power generator (large) 發電機 (大)
PowerNeed__name Electricity 電力
PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways Always consume 總是消耗
PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan Consume if can 如果可以的話就消耗
PowerSetting__DoNotConsume Never consume 永不消耗
Priority Priority 優先等級
Priority__ConstructionTooltip Priority for delivery of materials needed for this construction. 交付本次施工所需材料的優先等級。
Priority__DeconstructionTooltip Priority for removal of materials returned from this deconstruction. 從這次拆解中移除回收材料的優先等級。
Priority__OrderingExplanation The lower the number the higher the priority. 數字越小,優先等級越高。
PriorityGeneral__Tooltip General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. 工人分配、電力、維護和凝聚力消耗的一般優先等級。
PriorityGeneral__TooltipWithCargo General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. Also determines priority for products delivery and removal when using trucks. 工人分配、電力、維護和凝聚力消耗的一般優先等級。同時確定使用卡車時產品交付和移除的優先級。
ProducedLastMonth Produced last month 上個月生產的
ProducedThisMonth Produced this month 這個月生產的
Product_Acid__name Acid
Product_Ammonia__name Ammonia
Product_Anesthetics__name Anesthetics 麻醉劑
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
PopsQuarantine__desc Quarantines {0} of the total workforce to reduce effects of any ongoing disease by {1}. 隔離總勞動力的 {0},使得任何傳染中疾病的影響降低 {1}。
PopsQuarantine__name Quarantine 隔離
PopsStarvedToDeath__name {0} pops died of starvation! {0} 個人死於飢餓!
PopsStarving__name People are starving! 人們在挨餓!
PopsToAdoptNotAvailable No people to adopt 無人可以接管
Population Population 人口
PopulationGrowth__Title Growth 增長
PopulationGrowth__Tooltip Population can grow in size if there are good conditions and enough housing. Growth can be reduced by diseases and pollution. 如果有良好的條件和足夠的住宅,人口會增長;而疾病和污染會減緩增長。
PopulationOverview__OpenAction Open population overview 打開人口概覽
PopulationOverview__Title Population overview 人口概覽
Power Power
PowerGenerationPriorityTooltip Priority for electricity generation. In case there is extra power, a generator with higher priority (a lower number) will generate power while the ones with lower priority will be on standby. 發電優先等級。如果電力過剩,優先等級高(數字小)的發電機將發電,而優先等級低的發電機將處於待機狀態。
PowerGeneratorT1__desc Converts mechanical power to electricity. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 將機械動能轉化為電力。旋轉得越慢,效率就越低。
PowerGeneratorT1__name Power generator 發電機
PowerGeneratorT2__desc Optimized power generator with lower friction and better efficiency. The slower it spins the lower its efficiency is. 最佳化的發電機,摩擦更少,效率更高。轉速越低效率越低。
PowerGeneratorT2__name Power generator (large) 發電機 (大)
PowerGenerator__AutoScalingTooltip Power production is automatically scaled based on current demand. Electricity that is not needed is not generated. Note that production efficiency might be lower when the generator is not running on 100% capacity. 電力生產根據當前需求自動調整。不會產生不需要的電力。請注意,若發電機未以 100% 的載荷運行時,生產效率可能會降低。
PowerGenerator__Utilization Utilization: {0} 利用率: {0}
PowerNeed__name Electricity 電力
PowerSetting__ConsumeAlways Always consume 總是消耗
PowerSetting__ConsumeIfCan Consume if can 如果可以的話就消耗
PowerSetting__DoNotConsume Never consume 永不消耗
Priority Priority 優先等級
PriorityGeneral__Tooltip General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. 工人分配、電力、維護和凝聚力消耗的一般優先等級。
PriorityGeneral__TooltipWithCargo General priority for workers assignment, electricity, maintenance and Unity consumption. Also determines priority for products delivery and removal when using trucks. 工人分配、電力、維護和凝聚力消耗的一般優先等級。同時確定使用卡車時產品交付和移除的優先級。
Priority__ConstructionTooltip Priority for delivery of materials needed for this construction. 交付本次施工所需材料的優先等級。
Priority__DeconstructionTooltip Priority for removal of materials returned from this deconstruction. 從這次拆解中移除回收材料的優先等級。
Priority__OrderingExplanation The lower the number the higher the priority. 數字越小,優先等級越高。
ProducedLastMonth Produced last month 上個月生產的
ProducedThisMonth Produced this month 這個月生產的
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English Chinese (Traditional)
generator 發電設施 Glossary


power 電力 Glossary

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zh_Hant.po, string 1602