
English used to show how much something costs per a single ship's journey, used like this for instance: 2 Unity / journey.
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace 氧氣爐
OxygenFurnaceT2__name Oxygen furnace II 氧氣爐 II
PalmTree__desc Palm tree 棕櫚樹
PartialTrucksToggle Allow partially loaded trucks 允許卡車部分裝載
PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip If this is enabled and there are no jobs in the queue, trucks can be assigned delivery jobs that don’t necessarily utilize their cargo capacity fully (e.g. 50% cargo utilization). This makes logistics more responsive in the early phases of your island. However, later on, it is reasonable to disable this to save on fuel costs. 如果啟用此功能且隊列中沒有作業,則可以為卡車分配未充分利用其貨物容量的送貨任務(例如 50% 的裝載率)。這使得物流在您島嶼的早期階段更能快速的回應。但是之後,禁用此功能就可以節省燃料成本。
ParticlesRenderingQuality Particles quality 顆粒品質
PasteString__Action Paste 貼上
PasteString__Tooltip Click to paste a string from the clipboard. 點擊從剪貼簿貼上文字串。
PatchNotes Patch notes 更新事項說明
PatchNotes__New New changes since you last played 您上次玩遊戲後的遊戲更新
Pause Pause 暫停
Paused Paused 已暫停
PauseTool Pause tool 暫停工具
PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip Hold the shortcut key to apply pause only. This disables un-pause functionality. 只能按住快速鍵來暫停,這會停用取消暫停的功能。
PauseTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures and vehicles to pause or unpause them 點擊或在一片區域拖曳以暫停或啟動結構或車輛
PerJourneySuffix journey
PhotoMode Photo mode 照相模式
PipeFormattedFirst__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Pipes cannot transport more than one product type at a time. 運輸液體和氣體。管道無法一次運輸超過一種產品。
PipeFormattedNext__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Its throughput is {0} times increased compared to the previous tier. 運送液體和氣體。與前一等級相比,其吞吐量增加了 {0} 倍。
PipeT1__name Pipe 管道
PipeT2__name Pipe II 管道 II
PipeT3__name Pipe III 管道 III
PlaceMultipleTooltip Hold the shortcut key to place selected structures multiple times 按住熱鍵以重複放置選定的結構
PlaceSurface__Tooltip Designates an area for surface placement by trucks. 指定卡車鋪設表面的區域。
PlanningMode Planning mode 規劃模式
PlanningModeActive__Title Planning mode on 開啟規劃模式
PlanningModeActive__Tooltip Planning mode is enabled which means that any new construction will be paused (preventing trucks to make deliveries). Click to turn the planning mode off. 啟用規劃模式,這意味著任何新的建造都將暫停(阻止卡車進行交付)。可以在螢幕左側的工具菜單中關閉此模式。
Pollution Pollution 污染
PolymerizationPlant__name Polymerization plant 聚合裝置
PopGrowth Population growth 人口增長
PopsBoostT1__desc Pops growth increased by {0} 人口增長了 {0}
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
OxygenFurnace__desc Creates steel by blowing pure oxygen under high-pressure into molten iron, lowering its carbon content. 以高壓將純氧噴入鐵水,降低其碳含量來製造鋼。
OxygenFurnace__name Oxygen furnace 氧氣爐
PalmTree__desc Palm tree 棕櫚樹
PartialTrucksToggle Allow partially loaded trucks 允許卡車部分裝載
PartialTrucksToggle__Tooltip If this is enabled and there are no jobs in the queue, trucks can be assigned delivery jobs that don’t necessarily utilize their cargo capacity fully (e.g. 50% cargo utilization). This makes logistics more responsive in the early phases of your island. However, later on, it is reasonable to disable this to save on fuel costs. 如果啟用此功能且隊列中沒有作業,則可以為卡車分配未充分利用其貨物容量的送貨任務(例如 50% 的裝載率)。這使得物流在您島嶼的早期階段更能快速的回應。但是之後,禁用此功能就可以節省燃料成本。
ParticlesRenderingQuality Particles quality 顆粒品質
PasteString__Action Paste 貼上
PasteString__Tooltip Click to paste a string from the clipboard. 點擊從剪貼簿貼上文字串。
PatchNotes Patch notes 更新事項說明
PatchNotes__New New changes since you last played 您上次玩遊戲後的遊戲更新
Pause Pause 暫停
Paused Paused 已暫停
PauseTool Pause tool 暫停工具
PauseTool__PauseOnlyTooltip Hold the shortcut key to apply pause only. This disables un-pause functionality. 只能按住快速鍵來暫停,這會停用取消暫停的功能。
PauseTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures and vehicles to pause or unpause them 點擊或在一片區域拖曳以暫停或啟動結構或車輛
PerJourneySuffix journey
PhotoMode Photo mode 照相模式
PipeFormattedFirst__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Pipes cannot transport more than one product type at a time. 運輸液體和氣體。管道無法一次運輸超過一種產品。
PipeFormattedNext__desc Transports liquids and gasses. Its throughput is {0} times increased compared to the previous tier. 運送液體和氣體。與前一等級相比,其吞吐量增加了 {0} 倍。
PipeT1__name Pipe 管道
PipeT2__name Pipe II 管道 II
PipeT3__name Pipe III 管道 III
PlaceMultipleTooltip Hold the shortcut key to place selected structures multiple times 按住熱鍵以重複放置選定的結構
PlaceSurface__Tooltip Designates an area for surface placement by trucks. 指定卡車鋪設表面的區域。
PlanningMode Planning mode 規劃模式
PlanningModeActive__Title Planning mode on 開啟規劃模式
PlanningModeActive__Tooltip Planning mode is enabled which means that any new construction will be paused (preventing trucks to make deliveries). Click to turn the planning mode off. 啟用規劃模式,這意味著任何新的建造都將暫停(阻止卡車進行交付)。可以在螢幕左側的工具菜單中關閉此模式。
Pollution Pollution 污染
PolymerizationPlant__name Polymerization plant 聚合裝置
PopGrowth Population growth 人口增長


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string comment
used to show how much something costs per a single ship's journey, used like this for instance: 2 Unity / journey.
String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1563