
English explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
NoWaterDisease__name Cholera 霍亂
NoWaterDisease_Reason low water supply 供水不足
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle Enable automatic regulation 啟用自動調節
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip If enabled, the reactor will regulate the target power based on the heat demand. The automated regulation will never go above the target power level (selected on the slider above). It also can't go below the first level (shutting the reactor down). The automation relies on the cooling loop; without it a rapid change in reactor's heat could lead to a meltdown. This regulation requires computing in order to operate. 如果啟用,反應爐將根據熱需求調節目標功率。自動調節永遠不會超過目標功率水平(在上方的滑塊上選擇)。它也不能低於第一級(關閉反應爐)。自動化依賴冷卻迴路;如果沒有它,反應爐熱量的快速變化可能導致熔毀。該調節需要計算力來運作。
NuclearReactor__desc Thermal reactor that maintains nuclear chain reaction from enriched uranium rods. The reaction releases a large amount of energy utilized for steam generation. This plant can be set up to effectively provide up to {0} MW of electricity when running on full power. Beware that spent fuel is radioactive and can harm the population if not stored in a specialized facility. 維持來自濃縮鈾棒的核連鎖反應。該反應釋放出大量用於產生蒸汽的能量。此工廠可以設定成在全功率執行,能有效提供高達 {0} MW 的電力。請注意,用過的燃料具有放射性,如果不儲存在專門的裝置中,會對人造成傷害。
NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade The reactor needs to be turned off before upgrading 在升級之前需要關閉反應爐
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle Cooling 冷卻
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip Cooling is deployed in case the reactor starts to overheat, and that typically happens when water is not supplied fast enough to be converted into steam (or steam output gets stuck). Cooling is not mandatory if you are not using automatic power regulation. However, it is highly recommended to have it as it provides extra protection and helps to avoid any potential overheating. 在反應器開始過熱的情況下使用緊急冷卻,這通常是因為供水不夠快,無法轉化蒸汽。緊急冷卻不是強制性的,但強烈建議在該情況下使用,因為它提供額外的保護並有助於避免任何潛在的過熱。
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle Enrichment 濃縮
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip If input is provided, it will be enriched into fissile fuel. The enrichment process is optional and does not affect reactor's fuel economy. Keeping the enriched output buffer full does not affect operation of the reactor. 如果提供了輸入,它將被濃縮成核分裂燃料。濃縮過程是可選的,並不影響反應爐的燃料經濟性。保持濃縮輸出緩衝區充滿不會影響反應爐的運行。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix This reactor has advanced safety feature that prevents radiation leaks on overheat but its fuel content will be lost. 這個反應爐具有先進的安全功能,可以在過熱時防止輻射洩漏,但其燃料內容將會損失。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix Overheat will also cause significant radiation leak into the area. 過熱也會導致大量輻射洩漏到周圍區域。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTitle Reactor heat 反應器熱量
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip The current heat that has built up in the reactor. Heat is necessary to produce steam to run turbines. The pace of heat generation depends on the current power level of the reactor. When the heat reaches above the red marker, emergency cooling will try to reduce excess heat in the reactor. If the heat level goes beyond the heat bar maximum, the reactor will critically overheat, damaging the reactor and releasing radiation into the area. 當前在反應器中蓄積的熱量。熱量是產生蒸汽運行渦輪機所必需的。熱量產生的速度取決於反應器的當前功率水平。當熱量達到紅色標記以上時,緊急冷卻將會減少反應器中多餘的熱量。如果熱量水平超過加熱棒的最大值,反應器將嚴重過熱,損壞反應器並向該區域釋放輻射。
NuclearReactor__name Nuclear reactor 核反應爐
NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance Nuclear reactor cannot start if it is not well maintained. Increase maintenance in order to safely start it. 警告:如果維護不當,核反應器將無法啟動。增加維護以安全啟動。
NuclearReactor__Overheated Nuclear reactor was critically overheated and is shutting down. Depending on severity, this may cause loss of loaded fuel, damage to the building (loss of maintenance), and leak of radiation. 核反應器嚴重過熱,正在關閉。根據嚴重程度,可能會導致裝載的燃料損失、建築物損壞(維護損失)和放射性洩漏。
NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTitle Power level 功率水平
NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTooltip By dragging the orange slider to the right, you define the desired power level maintained in the reactor. This affects the amount of steam the reactor generates and how fast it burns through the fuel. All the heat generated needs to be used. Any extra heat can slowly build up, eventually leading to a reactor overheating. Basic reactors don’t have automated power regulation which makes their heat output fixed. 向右拖動橙色滑動條,你可以設定反應器應保持的功率水平。這會影響反應器產生的蒸汽量以及它消耗燃料的速度。所有產生的熱量都要使用掉。任何一點額外的熱量都會慢慢積聚,最終導致反應器過熱。基礎反應器沒有自動調節功率的功能,因此它們的熱量輸出是固定的。
NuclearReactorInMeltdown__name Nuclear reactor reached critical temperature and is shutting down! 核反應器到達臨界溫度,正在關閉!
NuclearReactorRods__MinRequired Requires at least {0} unit of fuel to operate 至少需要 {0} 根燃料棒
NuclearReactorRods__StatusTitle Fuel in reactor 燃料棒狀態
NuclearReactorRods__Tooltip The reactor will operate as long as it is supplied the minimum amount of fuel shown below. When fuel is depleted it will be replaced with a new one and spent fuel or any other corresponding product will be returned. 只要提供如下所示的最少量燃料棒,反應器就會運行。只有當功率為正時,燃料棒才會被裝入反應器。當一根燃料棒耗盡時,將用一根新的替換,用過的燃料將被送回去。
NuclearReactorT2__desc Advanced thermal reactor that provides increased throughput. This reactor is also able to utilize MOX fuel. It can also regulate its power level automatically (if computing is provided). This plant can be set up to effectively provide up to {0} MW of electricity when running on full power. 這是一個提供增加通量的先進熱能反應爐。該反應爐還能夠利用MOX燃料。它也可以自動調節功率水平(如果提供計算力)。在全功率運行時,這個電廠可以有效地提供多達{0}百萬瓦的電力。
NuclearReactorT2__name Nuclear reactor II 核反應爐 II
NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc A complex facility which reprocesses radioactive material by isolating fission products (material that is no longer fissile and would slow down reaction if left in a reactor). Isolated waste decays faster, allowing it to be disposed of in a reasonable time span. The isolated waste is vitrified using molten glass into a solid form for easier storage. 這是一個通過隔離裂變產物(不再可裂變並且留在反應爐中會減緩反應)來重新處理放射性材料的複雜設施。隔離的廢料衰變速度更快,使其可以在合理的時間範圍內處理掉。隔離的廢料使用熔融玻璃將其固化成固體形式,以便更容易存儲。
NuclearReprocessingPlant__name Nuclear reprocessing plant 核廢再處理廠
NuclearWasteStorage__desc A special underground storage facility that can safely manage any radioactive waste without causing any danger to the island’s population. Leaving a legacy for the next generations to come. 一種特殊的地下儲存設備,可以安全地管理任何放射性廢物而不會對島上的居民造成任何危險。為子孫後代留下一份遺產。
NuclearWasteStorage__name Radioactive waste storage 用過的核燃料儲存
NumberOfDays {0} day {0} 天
NumberOfMonths {0} month {0} 個月
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
NuclearReactorT2__desc Advanced thermal reactor that provides increased throughput. This reactor is also able to utilize MOX fuel. It can also regulate its power level automatically (if computing is provided). This plant can be set up to effectively provide up to {0} MW of electricity when running on full power. 這是一個提供增加通量的先進熱能反應爐。該反應爐還能夠利用MOX燃料。它也可以自動調節功率水平(如果提供計算力)。在全功率運行時,這個電廠可以有效地提供多達{0}百萬瓦的電力。
NuclearReactorT2__name Nuclear reactor II 核反應爐 II
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle Enable automatic regulation 啟用自動調節
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip If enabled, the reactor will regulate the target power based on the heat demand. The automated regulation will never go above the target power level (selected on the slider above). It also can't go below the first level (shutting the reactor down). The automation relies on the cooling loop; without it a rapid change in reactor's heat could lead to a meltdown. This regulation requires computing in order to operate. 如果啟用,反應爐將根據熱需求調節目標功率。自動調節永遠不會超過目標功率水平(在上方的滑塊上選擇)。它也不能低於第一級(關閉反應爐)。自動化依賴冷卻迴路;如果沒有它,反應爐熱量的快速變化可能導致熔毀。該調節需要計算力來運作。
NuclearReactor__desc Thermal reactor that maintains nuclear chain reaction from enriched uranium rods. The reaction releases a large amount of energy utilized for steam generation. This plant can be set up to effectively provide up to {0} MW of electricity when running on full power. Beware that spent fuel is radioactive and can harm the population if not stored in a specialized facility. 維持來自濃縮鈾棒的核連鎖反應。該反應釋放出大量用於產生蒸汽的能量。此工廠可以設定成在全功率執行,能有效提供高達 {0} MW 的電力。請注意,用過的燃料具有放射性,如果不儲存在專門的裝置中,會對人造成傷害。
NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade The reactor needs to be turned off before upgrading 在升級之前需要關閉反應爐
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle Cooling 冷卻
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip Cooling is deployed in case the reactor starts to overheat, and that typically happens when water is not supplied fast enough to be converted into steam (or steam output gets stuck). Cooling is not mandatory if you are not using automatic power regulation. However, it is highly recommended to have it as it provides extra protection and helps to avoid any potential overheating. 在反應器開始過熱的情況下使用緊急冷卻,這通常是因為供水不夠快,無法轉化蒸汽。緊急冷卻不是強制性的,但強烈建議在該情況下使用,因為它提供額外的保護並有助於避免任何潛在的過熱。
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle Enrichment 濃縮
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip If input is provided, it will be enriched into fissile fuel. The enrichment process is optional and does not affect reactor's fuel economy. Keeping the enriched output buffer full does not affect operation of the reactor. 如果提供了輸入,它將被濃縮成核分裂燃料。濃縮過程是可選的,並不影響反應爐的燃料經濟性。保持濃縮輸出緩衝區充滿不會影響反應爐的運行。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix This reactor has advanced safety feature that prevents radiation leaks on overheat but its fuel content will be lost. 這個反應爐具有先進的安全功能,可以在過熱時防止輻射洩漏,但其燃料內容將會損失。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix Overheat will also cause significant radiation leak into the area. 過熱也會導致大量輻射洩漏到周圍區域。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTitle Reactor heat 反應器熱量
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip The current heat that has built up in the reactor. Heat is necessary to produce steam to run turbines. The pace of heat generation depends on the current power level of the reactor. When the heat reaches above the red marker, emergency cooling will try to reduce excess heat in the reactor. If the heat level goes beyond the heat bar maximum, the reactor will critically overheat, damaging the reactor and releasing radiation into the area. 當前在反應器中蓄積的熱量。熱量是產生蒸汽運行渦輪機所必需的。熱量產生的速度取決於反應器的當前功率水平。當熱量達到紅色標記以上時,緊急冷卻將會減少反應器中多餘的熱量。如果熱量水平超過加熱棒的最大值,反應器將嚴重過熱,損壞反應器並向該區域釋放輻射。
NuclearReactor__name Nuclear reactor 核反應爐
NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance Nuclear reactor cannot start if it is not well maintained. Increase maintenance in order to safely start it. 警告:如果維護不當,核反應器將無法啟動。增加維護以安全啟動。
NuclearReactor__Overheated Nuclear reactor was critically overheated and is shutting down. Depending on severity, this may cause loss of loaded fuel, damage to the building (loss of maintenance), and leak of radiation. 核反應器嚴重過熱,正在關閉。根據嚴重程度,可能會導致裝載的燃料損失、建築物損壞(維護損失)和放射性洩漏。
NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTitle Power level 功率水平
NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTooltip By dragging the orange slider to the right, you define the desired power level maintained in the reactor. This affects the amount of steam the reactor generates and how fast it burns through the fuel. All the heat generated needs to be used. Any extra heat can slowly build up, eventually leading to a reactor overheating. Basic reactors don’t have automated power regulation which makes their heat output fixed. 向右拖動橙色滑動條,你可以設定反應器應保持的功率水平。這會影響反應器產生的蒸汽量以及它消耗燃料的速度。所有產生的熱量都要使用掉。任何一點額外的熱量都會慢慢積聚,最終導致反應器過熱。基礎反應器沒有自動調節功率的功能,因此它們的熱量輸出是固定的。
NuclearReprocessingPlant__desc A complex facility which reprocesses radioactive material by isolating fission products (material that is no longer fissile and would slow down reaction if left in a reactor). Isolated waste decays faster, allowing it to be disposed of in a reasonable time span. The isolated waste is vitrified using molten glass into a solid form for easier storage. 這是一個通過隔離裂變產物(不再可裂變並且留在反應爐中會減緩反應)來重新處理放射性材料的複雜設施。隔離的廢料衰變速度更快,使其可以在合理的時間範圍內處理掉。隔離的廢料使用熔融玻璃將其固化成固體形式,以便更容易存儲。
NuclearReprocessingPlant__name Nuclear reprocessing plant 核廢再處理廠
NuclearWasteStorage__desc A special underground storage facility that can safely manage any radioactive waste without causing any danger to the island’s population. Leaving a legacy for the next generations to come. 一種特殊的地下儲存設備,可以安全地管理任何放射性廢物而不會對島上的居民造成任何危險。為子孫後代留下一份遺產。
NuclearWasteStorage__name Radioactive waste storage 用過的核燃料儲存
NumberOfDays {0} day {0} 天
NumberOfMonths {0} month {0} 個月
NumberOfSettlements {0} settlement {0} 處定居點
NumberOfYears {0} year {0}年
OakTreeDry__desc Oak tree (dry) 橡樹(枯萎)
OakTree__desc Oak tree 橡樹
Occupants__Title Occupants 人口
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle Enable automatic regulation 啟用自動調節
NuclearReactor__AutoThrottle_Tooltip If enabled, the reactor will regulate the target power based on the heat demand. The automated regulation will never go above the target power level (selected on the slider above). It also can't go below the first level (shutting the reactor down). The automation relies on the cooling loop; without it a rapid change in reactor's heat could lead to a meltdown. This regulation requires computing in order to operate. 如果啟用,反應爐將根據熱需求調節目標功率。自動調節永遠不會超過目標功率水平(在上方的滑塊上選擇)。它也不能低於第一級(關閉反應爐)。自動化依賴冷卻迴路;如果沒有它,反應爐熱量的快速變化可能導致熔毀。該調節需要計算力來運作。
NuclearReactor__desc Thermal reactor that maintains nuclear chain reaction from enriched uranium rods. The reaction releases a large amount of energy utilized for steam generation. This plant can be set up to effectively provide up to {0} MW of electricity when running on full power. Beware that spent fuel is radioactive and can harm the population if not stored in a specialized facility. 維持來自濃縮鈾棒的核連鎖反應。該反應釋放出大量用於產生蒸汽的能量。此工廠可以設定成在全功率執行,能有效提供高達 {0} MW 的電力。請注意,用過的燃料具有放射性,如果不儲存在專門的裝置中,會對人造成傷害。
NuclearReactor__DisableBeforeUpgrade The reactor needs to be turned off before upgrading 在升級之前需要關閉反應爐
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTitle Cooling 冷卻
NuclearReactor__EmergencyCoolingTooltip Cooling is deployed in case the reactor starts to overheat, and that typically happens when water is not supplied fast enough to be converted into steam (or steam output gets stuck). Cooling is not mandatory if you are not using automatic power regulation. However, it is highly recommended to have it as it provides extra protection and helps to avoid any potential overheating. 在反應器開始過熱的情況下使用緊急冷卻,這通常是因為供水不夠快,無法轉化蒸汽。緊急冷卻不是強制性的,但強烈建議在該情況下使用,因為它提供額外的保護並有助於避免任何潛在的過熱。
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTitle Enrichment 濃縮
NuclearReactor__EnrichmentTooltip If input is provided, it will be enriched into fissile fuel. The enrichment process is optional and does not affect reactor's fuel economy. Keeping the enriched output buffer full does not affect operation of the reactor. 如果提供了輸入,它將被濃縮成核分裂燃料。濃縮過程是可選的,並不影響反應爐的燃料經濟性。保持濃縮輸出緩衝區充滿不會影響反應爐的運行。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelNoRadiationSuffix This reactor has advanced safety feature that prevents radiation leaks on overheat but its fuel content will be lost. 這個反應爐具有先進的安全功能,可以在過熱時防止輻射洩漏,但其燃料內容將會損失。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelRadiationSuffix Overheat will also cause significant radiation leak into the area. 過熱也會導致大量輻射洩漏到周圍區域。
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTitle Reactor heat 反應器熱量
NuclearReactor__HeatLevelTooltip The current heat that has built up in the reactor. Heat is necessary to produce steam to run turbines. The pace of heat generation depends on the current power level of the reactor. When the heat reaches above the red marker, emergency cooling will try to reduce excess heat in the reactor. If the heat level goes beyond the heat bar maximum, the reactor will critically overheat, damaging the reactor and releasing radiation into the area. 當前在反應器中蓄積的熱量。熱量是產生蒸汽運行渦輪機所必需的。熱量產生的速度取決於反應器的當前功率水平。當熱量達到紅色標記以上時,緊急冷卻將會減少反應器中多餘的熱量。如果熱量水平超過加熱棒的最大值,反應器將嚴重過熱,損壞反應器並向該區域釋放輻射。
NuclearReactor__name Nuclear reactor 核反應爐
NuclearReactor__NotEnoughMaintenance Nuclear reactor cannot start if it is not well maintained. Increase maintenance in order to safely start it. 警告:如果維護不當,核反應器將無法啟動。增加維護以安全啟動。
NuclearReactor__Overheated Nuclear reactor was critically overheated and is shutting down. Depending on severity, this may cause loss of loaded fuel, damage to the building (loss of maintenance), and leak of radiation. 核反應器嚴重過熱,正在關閉。根據嚴重程度,可能會導致裝載的燃料損失、建築物損壞(維護損失)和放射性洩漏。
NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTitle Power level 功率水平
NuclearReactor__PowerLevelTooltip By dragging the orange slider to the right, you define the desired power level maintained in the reactor. This affects the amount of steam the reactor generates and how fast it burns through the fuel. All the heat generated needs to be used. Any extra heat can slowly build up, eventually leading to a reactor overheating. Basic reactors don’t have automated power regulation which makes their heat output fixed. 向右拖動橙色滑動條,你可以設定反應器應保持的功率水平。這會影響反應器產生的蒸汽量以及它消耗燃料的速度。所有產生的熱量都要使用掉。任何一點額外的熱量都會慢慢積聚,最終導致反應器過熱。基礎反應器沒有自動調節功率的功能,因此它們的熱量輸出是固定的。


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English Chinese (Traditional)
reactor 反應器 Glossary


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explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance explanation of nuclear reactor state when it has low maintenance
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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zh_Hant.po, string 1476