
English shown when nothing is found for a search query.
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no forestry designations in its area {entity}在其區域內沒有林業指定
NoLabAvailable No lab available 沒有可用的實驗室
NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no mining designations in its area {entity} 無採礦目標
None None
NoOptions No options found
NoProductAssignedToEntity__name {entity} has no product assigned {entity} 沒有分配產品
NoRecipeSelected__name {entity} has no recipe selected {entity} 沒有選擇配方
NoResearchSelected No research 沒有選擇研究
NoResourceToExtract__name {entity} has no resource to extract {entity} 沒有可開採的資源
NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name Not enough fuel to refuel a vehicle 沒有足夠的燃料為車輛加油
NotEnoughMaintenance__name Not enough {0} {0}不足
NotEnoughPower__name Not enough electricity 電力不足
NotEnoughUpoints__name Not enough Unity 凝聚力不足
NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name {entity} has not enough Unity {entity} 凝聚力不足
NotEnoughWorkers__name Not enough workers 工人不足
NothingFound Nothing found 無結果
NothingFoundFor Nothing found for '{0}' 未找到關於「{0}」的任何內容
Notification__LocationExplored LOCATION EXPLORED 地點已探索
Notification__NewRefugees New refugees 新難民
Notification__ResearchComplete FINISHED: {0} 完成: {0}
Notification__ShipInBattle SHIP IN BATTLE 船艦在戰鬥中
Notifications__Mute Mute notifications 通知靜音
Notifications__NoNew No new notifications 無新通知
Notifications__Unmute Unmute notifications 取消通知靜音
NotifyIfFarmBufferFull Notify if cannot store more 如果無法儲存更多的話就發通知
NotifyOnLowReserve Notify if reserve is low 當庫存量低時發出通知
NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name {entity} has no tree saplings to plant trees with {entity}沒有樹苗可用於種樹
NoTreesToHarvest__name {entity} has no trees to harvest {entity} 沒有可砍伐的樹木
NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name {entity} has no truck assigned {entity}沒有分配卡車
NoVehicleDepotAvailable There is no operational vehicle depot that can accept this type of vehicle 沒有可接受此類車輛的營運中的車廠
NoVehiclesAssigned No vehicles assigned 未分配車輛
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
NoForestryDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no forestry designations in its area {entity}在其區域內沒有林業指定
NoLabAvailable No lab available 沒有可用的實驗室
NoMineDesignInTowerArea__name {entity} has no mining designations in its area {entity} 無採礦目標
None None
NoOptions No options found
NoProductAssignedToEntity__name {entity} has no product assigned {entity} 沒有分配產品
NoRecipeSelected__name {entity} has no recipe selected {entity} 沒有選擇配方
NoResearchSelected No research 沒有選擇研究
NoResourceToExtract__name {entity} has no resource to extract {entity} 沒有可開採的資源
NotEnoughFuelToRefuel__name Not enough fuel to refuel a vehicle 沒有足夠的燃料為車輛加油
NotEnoughMaintenance__name Not enough {0} {0}不足
NotEnoughPower__name Not enough electricity 電力不足
NotEnoughUpointsForEntity__name {entity} has not enough Unity {entity} 凝聚力不足
NotEnoughUpoints__name Not enough Unity 凝聚力不足
NotEnoughWorkers__name Not enough workers 工人不足
NothingFound Nothing found 無結果
NothingFoundFor Nothing found for '{0}' 未找到關於「{0}」的任何內容
Notifications__Mute Mute notifications 通知靜音
Notifications__NoNew No new notifications 無新通知
Notifications__Unmute Unmute notifications 取消通知靜音
Notification__LocationExplored LOCATION EXPLORED 地點已探索
Notification__NewRefugees New refugees 新難民
Notification__ResearchComplete FINISHED: {0} 完成: {0}
Notification__ShipInBattle SHIP IN BATTLE 船艦在戰鬥中
NotifyIfFarmBufferFull Notify if cannot store more 如果無法儲存更多的話就發通知
NotifyOnLowReserve Notify if reserve is low 當庫存量低時發出通知
NoTreeSaplingsForPlanter__name {entity} has no tree saplings to plant trees with {entity}沒有樹苗可用於種樹
NoTreesToHarvest__name {entity} has no trees to harvest {entity} 沒有可砍伐的樹木
NoTruckAssignedToTreeHarvester__name {entity} has no truck assigned {entity}沒有分配卡車
NoVehicleDepotAvailable There is no operational vehicle depot that can accept this type of vehicle 沒有可接受此類車輛的營運中的車廠


a year ago
2 years ago
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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
shown when nothing is found for a search query.
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1444