
English name of tutorial group for initial tutorials
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTitle Efficiency 效率
MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTooltip Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption. 效率是產生能量與輸入能量的比值。它代表輸入的物資(蒸氣)轉化為機械動能的效率如何。如果總動能超載,將會浪費多餘所產生的能量,相對效率就變低了。機械重新啟動時效率會較低。為了避免啟動損耗,這部機械應連續運轉。
Menu__Continue Continue 繼續
Menu__DifficultySettings Customize difficulty 自訂難易度
Menu__Discord Discord Discord
Menu__Load Load 載入存檔
Menu__MapEditor Map editor 地圖編輯器
Menu__NewGame New game 新遊戲
Menu__OpenSettings Settings 設定
Menu__Save Save 存檔
MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in menus 選單FPS限制
MessageCenter__MessagesTitle Messages 訊息
MessageCenter__Title Message center 訊息中心
MessageGroupFoodProduction__name Food production 糧食生產
MessageGroupGeneral__name General 通用
MessageGroupGettingStarted__name Getting started 入門
MessageGroupLogistics__name Logistics 物流
MessageGroupSettlement__name Settlement 定居點
MessageGroupTerraforming__name Terraforming 地形改造
MessageGroupTools__name Tools 工具
MessageGroupWarnings__name Warnings 警告
MessageGroupWorld__name World 世界
MessageOnVictory__part1 Congratulations, Captain! Against all the odds, you have built a thriving industrial empire and launched a rocket to space! 恭喜你,船長!你克服所有困難,建立了一個蓬勃發展的工業帝國,而且還往太空發射了火箭!
MessageOnVictory__part2 This is the end of content of this the Early Access version of Captain of Industry, but there are still a lot of things to explore! You can keep playing on this map for as long as you want, or try different maps and higher difficulty settings. Captain of Industry搶先體驗版的內容到此結束,不過還有很多東西可供探索!你可以繼續玩這張地圖,也可以嘗試不同的地圖或更高難度。
MessageOnVictory__part3 If you have any feedback, please reach out to us on our Discord server or via Steam forums, we’d love to hear from you! 如果您有任何意見反映,請通過我們的 Discord 服務器或 Steam 論壇與我們聯系,我們很樂意聽取您的意見!
MessageOnVictory__title Congratulations! 恭喜!
MessageWelcome__name Welcome Captain! 歡迎船長!
MessageWelcome__part1 Captain, we have found the island we’ve been searching for, it was not on the map! Our ship took a lot of damage and will need major repairs in order to sail again but we should be safe here. 船長, 我們發現了正在尋找的那座不在地圖上的島嶼了!我們的船隻受損嚴重需要大修,才能再次揚帆。我們在這兒應該是安全的。
MessageWelcome__part2V2 Besides our initial supplies we are starting from scratch. We should start manufacturing {0} to be able to build our infrastructure, <b>grow food</b> to feed our people, and find a way to <b>make fuel</b> for our vehicles. 除了最初的補給之外,我們從零開始。我們應該開始製造{0},才能建造我們的基礎設施,<b>種植糧食</b>來養活我們的居民,並找到方法來為我們的車輛<b>製造燃料</b>。
MessageWelcome__part3V2 The island looks abandoned but it has plenty of natural resources that we could use. There are even some <b>abandoned buildings</b> around that we could <b>disassemble</b> for scrap. 這個島看起來被遺棄了,但它有很多我們可以利用的自然資源。周圍甚至還有一些<b>廢棄的建築物</b>,我們可以<b>拆卸</b>它們作為廢料。
MessageWelcome__part4V2 Also we should set up a {0} so we can reinvent all the technologies we took for granted for so long. 此外,我們還應該建造一個 {0},這樣我們就可以重新發明我們長期以來認為理所當然的所有技術。
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTitle Efficiency 效率
MechPowerGenerator__EfficiencyTooltip Efficiency is a ratio of produced power over used input. It represents how efficiently is input product converted to mechanical power. If the shaft is overloaded, some produced power will be wasted and efficiency will go down accordingly. There is also loss of efficiency when the machine is starting-up. To avoid startup losses, this machine should run continuously without interruption. 效率是產生能量與輸入能量的比值。它代表輸入的物資(蒸氣)轉化為機械動能的效率如何。如果總動能超載,將會浪費多餘所產生的能量,相對效率就變低了。機械重新啟動時效率會較低。為了避免啟動損耗,這部機械應連續運轉。
MenusFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in menus 選單FPS限制
Menu__Continue Continue 繼續
Menu__DifficultySettings Customize difficulty 自訂難易度
Menu__Discord Discord Discord
Menu__Load Load 載入存檔
Menu__MapEditor Map editor 地圖編輯器
Menu__NewGame New game 新遊戲
Menu__OpenSettings Settings 設定
Menu__Save Save 存檔
MessageCenter__MessagesTitle Messages 訊息
MessageCenter__Title Message center 訊息中心
MessageGroupFoodProduction__name Food production 糧食生產
MessageGroupGeneral__name General 通用
MessageGroupGettingStarted__name Getting started 入門
MessageGroupLogistics__name Logistics 物流
MessageGroupSettlement__name Settlement 定居點
MessageGroupTerraforming__name Terraforming 地形改造
MessageGroupTools__name Tools 工具
MessageGroupWarnings__name Warnings 警告
MessageGroupWorld__name World 世界
MessageOnVictory__part1 Congratulations, Captain! Against all the odds, you have built a thriving industrial empire and launched a rocket to space! 恭喜你,船長!你克服所有困難,建立了一個蓬勃發展的工業帝國,而且還往太空發射了火箭!
MessageOnVictory__part2 This is the end of content of this the Early Access version of Captain of Industry, but there are still a lot of things to explore! You can keep playing on this map for as long as you want, or try different maps and higher difficulty settings. Captain of Industry搶先體驗版的內容到此結束,不過還有很多東西可供探索!你可以繼續玩這張地圖,也可以嘗試不同的地圖或更高難度。
MessageOnVictory__part3 If you have any feedback, please reach out to us on our Discord server or via Steam forums, we’d love to hear from you! 如果您有任何意見反映,請通過我們的 Discord 服務器或 Steam 論壇與我們聯系,我們很樂意聽取您的意見!
MessageOnVictory__title Congratulations! 恭喜!
MessageWelcome__name Welcome Captain! 歡迎船長!
MessageWelcome__part1 Captain, we have found the island we’ve been searching for, it was not on the map! Our ship took a lot of damage and will need major repairs in order to sail again but we should be safe here. 船長, 我們發現了正在尋找的那座不在地圖上的島嶼了!我們的船隻受損嚴重需要大修,才能再次揚帆。我們在這兒應該是安全的。
MessageWelcome__part2V2 Besides our initial supplies we are starting from scratch. We should start manufacturing {0} to be able to build our infrastructure, <b>grow food</b> to feed our people, and find a way to <b>make fuel</b> for our vehicles. 除了最初的補給之外,我們從零開始。我們應該開始製造{0},才能建造我們的基礎設施,<b>種植糧食</b>來養活我們的居民,並找到方法來為我們的車輛<b>製造燃料</b>。
MessageWelcome__part3V2 The island looks abandoned but it has plenty of natural resources that we could use. There are even some <b>abandoned buildings</b> around that we could <b>disassemble</b> for scrap. 這個島看起來被遺棄了,但它有很多我們可以利用的自然資源。周圍甚至還有一些<b>廢棄的建築物</b>,我們可以<b>拆卸</b>它們作為廢料。
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Captain of Industry/Game
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game 入門小試牛刀


a year ago
a year ago
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Things to check


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
name of tutorial group for initial tutorials
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1363