
English tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
EntityCannotBeReachedDesc Some or all vehicles are struggling to reach this target, make sure there is an accessible path or disable target's logistics requests.
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip Computing consumed when operational 運行時的消耗
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__Consuming Computing that is currently being consumed 目前需求的計算力
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming Computing consumed when operational (currently not consuming) 工作需求的計算力 (現在未需要)
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough Computing required to operate (currently not enough) 計算力需求(目前仍不足)
EntityComputingProductionTooltip Computing generated when operational 運轉中可產生的計算力
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip Electricity consumed when operational 運轉中消耗的電力
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__Consuming Electricity that is currently being consumed 正在消耗的電力
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming Electricity consumed when operational (currently not consuming) 運轉中消耗的電力 (現在未消耗)
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough Electricity required to operate (currently not enough) 運轉所需要的電力 (現在不足夠)
EntityElectricityProductionTooltip Maximal electricity output generated 最大電力輸出
EntityMayCollapseUnevenTerrain__name Building {entity} may collapse due to uneven terrain 由於地形不平坦,建築物 {entity} 可能會倒塌
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip Monthly Unity consumed 每月消耗的凝聚力
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming Monthly Unity that is currently being consumed
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming Monthly Unity consumed when operational (currently not consuming)
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough Monthly Unity required to operate (currently not enough)
EntityRepair__Tooltip Emergency quick-repair that costs Unity 消耗凝聚力緊急快速修復
EntityStatus Status 狀態
EntityStatus___NuclearReactor_Overheated Overheated 過熱
EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoAnimals No animals 沒有動物
EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoFood No food 沒有飼料
EntityStatus__Broken Broken 故障
EntityStatus__Clearing Clearing 清除中
EntityStatus__Datacenter_NoServers No servers 沒有伺服器
EntityStatus__Farm_Growing Growing 生長中
EntityStatus__Farm_LowFertility Low fertility 肥力過低
EntityStatus__Farm_NoCrop No crop selected 未選擇作物
EntityStatus__Farm_NoWater No water 缺水
EntityStatus__FullOutput Full output 輸出已滿
EntityStatus__FullStorage Full storage 儲存已滿
EntityStatus__Idle Idle 閒置
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
EntityCannotBeReached__name Vehicles can't reach {entity}.
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip Computing consumed when operational 運行時的消耗
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__Consuming Computing that is currently being consumed 目前需求的計算力
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming Computing consumed when operational (currently not consuming) 工作需求的計算力 (現在未需要)
EntityComputingConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough Computing required to operate (currently not enough) 計算力需求(目前仍不足)
EntityComputingProductionTooltip Computing generated when operational 運轉中可產生的計算力
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip Electricity consumed when operational 運轉中消耗的電力
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__Consuming Electricity that is currently being consumed 正在消耗的電力
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotConsuming Electricity consumed when operational (currently not consuming) 運轉中消耗的電力 (現在未消耗)
EntityElectricityConsumptionTooltip__NotEnough Electricity required to operate (currently not enough) 運轉所需要的電力 (現在不足夠)
EntityElectricityProductionTooltip Maximal electricity output generated 最大電力輸出
EntityMayCollapseUnevenTerrain__name Building {entity} may collapse due to uneven terrain 由於地形不平坦,建築物 {entity} 可能會倒塌
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip Monthly Unity consumed 每月消耗的凝聚力
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__Consuming Monthly Unity that is currently being consumed
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotConsuming Monthly Unity consumed when operational (currently not consuming)
EntityMonthlyUnitTooltip__NotEnough Monthly Unity required to operate (currently not enough)
EntityRepair__Tooltip Emergency quick-repair that costs Unity 消耗凝聚力緊急快速修復
EntityStatus Status 狀態
EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoAnimals No animals 沒有動物
EntityStatus__AnimalFarm_NoFood No food 沒有飼料
EntityStatus__Broken Broken 故障
EntityStatus__Clearing Clearing 清除中
EntityStatus__Datacenter_NoServers No servers 沒有伺服器
EntityStatus__Farm_Growing Growing 生長中
EntityStatus__Farm_LowFertility Low fertility 肥力過低
EntityStatus__Farm_NoCrop No crop selected 未選擇作物
EntityStatus__Farm_NoWater No water 缺水
EntityStatus__FullOutput Full output 輸出已滿
EntityStatus__FullStorage Full storage 儲存已滿
EntityStatus__Idle Idle 閒置


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English Chinese (Traditional)
Unity 凝聚力 Glossary

String information

Source string comment
tooltip that explains the panel that shows monthly unity consumed in a machine / building
String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 577