
English label for ambient sounds volume slider
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like materials from some storage to be dumped in here but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel excavators in this place. 為卡車設定專用的輸入供應鏈。比如說您想將某個倉庫的材料傾倒在此處而非其他地方,可將此 {0} 設定給所選的倉庫。你也可以指定加油站的卡車為此處的挖土機加油。
AssignedTo assigned to {0} 分配到 {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned. 指派的伐木機會自動收穫此塔控制的造林規劃範圍內的樹木。如果沒有指派伐木機,則由未指派的伐木機負責。
AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title Assigned tree harvesters 指派伐木機
AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned. 指派的植樹機會自動在此塔控制的造林規畫範圍內種植樹苗。如果沒有指派植樹機,則由未指派的植樹機負責。
AssignedTreePlanters__Title Assigned tree planters 指派植樹機
AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip Assigned vehicles will be allocated to transfer cargo exclusively for this building. This means that anytime an assigned vehicle performs a delivery this building has to be either source or destination of the cargo. This can be combined with routes assignment to form dedicated supply lines. 指派交通工具會排除這棟建築物的轉送貨物。這表示無論何時指派交通工具到這棟建築,它要不是貨物的來源,不然就是目的地。這可以結合路線指定,以形成補給線。
AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically refuel all the nearby excavators and tree harvesters. 被指派的卡車會自動為鄰近的挖掘機與鋸木機加油。
AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically serve all the excavators assigned to this tower. 被指派的卡車會自動為同樣在這座塔的挖土機運貨。
AssignedTrucks__Title Assigned trucks 被指派的卡車
AssignedTrucks__TreeHarvester_Tooltip Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester. 被指派的卡車會跟隨這台伐木機並等它上料。卡車會運送這些木頭到工廠或倉庫,並回到伐木機這邊。
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title Accept assigned only 只准許已指派的車輛
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip When enabled, only the assigned vehicles below will be allowed to collect or deliver cargo here. 當勾選之後,只有已指派的交通工具可以收集或運送這裡的貨物。
AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable There are no available vehicles of this type 該車輛類型沒有未指派的車輛可以指派
AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip Click to assign this type of vehicle 點擊以指派此類型車輛
AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient Ambient sounds (e.g. weather) 環境音(例如天氣)
AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup Effects volume 效果音音量
AudioEffectsVolume__Entities Entities (e.g. machines, vehicles) 整體音量(例如機具、交通工具等等)
AudioEffectsVolume__Master Master volume 主音量
AudioEffectsVolume__Music Music volume 音樂音量
AudioEffectsVolume__UI User interface 使用者介面
AudioSettings_Title Audio 音效
Autosave__Interval Autosave interval 自動存檔頻率
Autosave__Interval_Minutes Every {0} minute 每 {0} 分鐘
AvailableToAssign Available to assign 可指派
AverageProduction Avg. production 平均產量
AvgDamage Avg. damage 平均傷害
BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in background 背景運行時FPS限制
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread. 烘焙有機產品,例如麵包。
BakingUnit__name Baking unit 烘焙裝置
Balance_LatestTransactions Latest transactions 最近交易
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like materials from some storage to be dumped in here but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel excavators in this place. 為卡車設定專用的輸入供應鏈。比如說您想將某個倉庫的材料傾倒在此處而非其他地方,可將此 {0} 設定給所選的倉庫。你也可以指定加油站的卡車為此處的挖土機加油。
AssignedTo assigned to {0} 分配到 {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned. 指派的伐木機會自動收穫此塔控制的造林規劃範圍內的樹木。如果沒有指派伐木機,則由未指派的伐木機負責。
AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title Assigned tree harvesters 指派伐木機
AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned. 指派的植樹機會自動在此塔控制的造林規畫範圍內種植樹苗。如果沒有指派植樹機,則由未指派的植樹機負責。
AssignedTreePlanters__Title Assigned tree planters 指派植樹機
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title Accept assigned only 只准許已指派的車輛
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Tooltip When enabled, only the assigned vehicles below will be allowed to collect or deliver cargo here. 當勾選之後,只有已指派的交通工具可以收集或運送這裡的貨物。
AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip Assigned vehicles will be allocated to transfer cargo exclusively for this building. This means that anytime an assigned vehicle performs a delivery this building has to be either source or destination of the cargo. This can be combined with routes assignment to form dedicated supply lines. 指派交通工具會排除這棟建築物的轉送貨物。這表示無論何時指派交通工具到這棟建築,它要不是貨物的來源,不然就是目的地。這可以結合路線指定,以形成補給線。
AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically refuel all the nearby excavators and tree harvesters. 被指派的卡車會自動為鄰近的挖掘機與鋸木機加油。
AssignedTrucks__MineTower_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically serve all the excavators assigned to this tower. 被指派的卡車會自動為同樣在這座塔的挖土機運貨。
AssignedTrucks__Title Assigned trucks 被指派的卡車
AssignedTrucks__TreeHarvester_Tooltip Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester. 被指派的卡車會跟隨這台伐木機並等它上料。卡車會運送這些木頭到工廠或倉庫,並回到伐木機這邊。
AssignVehicleBtn__NotAvailable There are no available vehicles of this type 該車輛類型沒有未指派的車輛可以指派
AssignVehicleBtn__Tooltip Click to assign this type of vehicle 點擊以指派此類型車輛
AudioEffectsVolume__Ambient Ambient sounds (e.g. weather) 環境音(例如天氣)
AudioEffectsVolume__EffectsGroup Effects volume 效果音音量
AudioEffectsVolume__Entities Entities (e.g. machines, vehicles) 整體音量(例如機具、交通工具等等)
AudioEffectsVolume__Master Master volume 主音量
AudioEffectsVolume__Music Music volume 音樂音量
AudioEffectsVolume__UI User interface 使用者介面
AudioSettings_Title Audio 音效
Autosave__Interval Autosave interval 自動存檔頻率
Autosave__Interval_Minutes Every {0} minute 每 {0} 分鐘
AvailableToAssign Available to assign 可指派
AverageProduction Avg. production 平均產量
AvgDamage Avg. damage 平均傷害
BackgroundFpsLimitRenderingSetting__Name FPS limit in background 背景運行時FPS限制
BakingUnit__desc Bakes organic products such as bread. 烘焙有機產品,例如麵包。
BakingUnit__name Baking unit 烘焙裝置
User avatar TassoleHoff

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English Chinese (Traditional)
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label for ambient sounds volume slider
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2 years ago
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3 years ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 104