
English title of settings affecting nature - trees, crops growth
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Title Notify if cannot dispose 無法處理時通知
MineTowerNotifyFilter__Tooltip Configures for which materials you want to get a notification in case the trucks assigned here cannot get rid of them. Example case is where you run out of dumping designations and mining trucks can't get rid of dirt. 設置您希望收到通知的材料,以防此處分配的卡車無法處理掉它們。例如您的傾倒指定地點滿了,因而採礦卡車無法清除泥土。
MiningPriority__Title Mining priority 挖礦優先等級
MiningPriority__Tooltip When a product is selected, the excavator will prioritize mining designations containing the selected product. 選擇產品後,挖掘機將優先考慮包含所選產品的採礦指定區域。
MiniZip_all Connector 連接器
MiscellaneousSettings_Title Miscellaneous 雜項設定
ModMissing__Tooltip This mod is not installed or not the right version.
ModsAvailable__Title Mods available 可用模組
ModsAvailable__Tooltip Mods that are installed but are not used in the current save file. You can select mods below to include them when loading the save file. This will work only for some mods. 已安裝但未在當前存檔中使用的模組。您可以選擇下面的模組以在載入存檔時包含它們。這僅適用於某些模組。
ModsInSave__Detail Mods required 缺少模组
ModsInSave__Tooltip Mods used by the current save file. You can unselect a mod to try to load the game without it. Be careful that removing a mod that is providing a new game content might not always work. 當前存檔使用的模組。您可以取消選擇模組以嘗試在沒有它的情況下載入遊戲。請注意,刪除提供新遊戲內容的模組可能會無法運作。
MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports molten products. 運輸熔融產品。
MoltenMetalChannel__name Molten channel 熔融通道
MonthDurationLegend 1 month = {0} 一個月 = {0}
MwSec__Unit {0} MW-seconds {0} MW-秒
Nature Nature
NavigateTo__KeyHint press {0} key to cycle through all the results 按下{0}鍵來循環查看所有結果
NavigateTo__Next Navigate to the next result 查看下一個結果
NavigateTo__Previous Navigate to the previous result 查看前一個結果
Needs Needs: 需要:
NeedsRepairsDesc__Parametrized This {0} needs to be repaired before we can use it. 此 {0} 需要修復才能使用。
NeedsTransportConnected__name {entity} needs a transport to output {0} {entity} 需要輸送裝置才能輸出 {0}
NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder Blueprint 藍圖
NewDiscovery New discovery! 新發現!
NewErrorOccurred__name Error: {0} 錯誤: {0}
NewFolder__Tooltip Create a new folder. 創建一個新資料夾。
NewFolderTitlePlaceholder New folder 新資料夾
NewGameWizard__Customization Customization 自定義
NewGameWizard__Difficulty Game difficulty 遊戲難度
NewGameWizard__GameName Name your game 命名您的遊戲
NewGameWizard__GameName__FailedToWrite Failed to write a test save file to {0}

Avoid using special characters in the game name, and ensure the game has the necessary access rights to the save directory. Additionally, verify that there is sufficient free space on the drive. Access might be blocked by antivirus software or the 'Controlled Folder Access' feature in Windows. Please set up appropriate exception rules in such software or your OS.
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
MineTower__desc Enables assignment of excavators and trucks to designated mine areas. Only designated mining areas within the influence of the tower can be mined. 允許將挖掘機和卡車分配到指定的礦區。只有在塔影響范圍內的指定礦區才能開採。
MineTower__name Mine control tower 礦區管制塔
MiningPriority__Title Mining priority 挖礦優先等級
MiningPriority__Tooltip When a product is selected, the excavator will prioritize mining designations containing the selected product. 選擇產品後,挖掘機將優先考慮包含所選產品的採礦指定區域。
MiniZip_all Connector 連接器
MiscellaneousSettings_Title Miscellaneous 雜項設定
ModMissing__Tooltip This mod is not installed or not the right version.
ModsAvailable__Title Mods available 可用模組
ModsAvailable__Tooltip Mods that are installed but are not used in the current save file. You can select mods below to include them when loading the save file. This will work only for some mods. 已安裝但未在當前存檔中使用的模組。您可以選擇下面的模組以在載入存檔時包含它們。這僅適用於某些模組。
ModsInSave__Detail Mods required 缺少模组
ModsInSave__Tooltip Mods used by the current save file. You can unselect a mod to try to load the game without it. Be careful that removing a mod that is providing a new game content might not always work. 當前存檔使用的模組。您可以取消選擇模組以嘗試在沒有它的情況下載入遊戲。請注意,刪除提供新遊戲內容的模組可能會無法運作。
MoltenConveyorFormattedFirst__desc Transports molten products. 運輸熔融產品。
MoltenMetalChannel__name Molten channel 熔融通道
MonthDurationLegend 1 month = {0} 一個月 = {0}
MwSec__Unit {0} MW-seconds {0} MW-秒
Nature Nature
NavigateTo__KeyHint press {0} key to cycle through all the results 按下{0}鍵來循環查看所有結果
NavigateTo__Next Navigate to the next result 查看下一個結果
NavigateTo__Previous Navigate to the previous result 查看前一個結果
Needs Needs: 需要:
NeedsRepairsDesc__Parametrized This {0} needs to be repaired before we can use it. 此 {0} 需要修復才能使用。
NeedsTransportConnected__name {entity} needs a transport to output {0} {entity} 需要輸送裝置才能輸出 {0}
NewBlueprintTitlePlaceholder Blueprint 藍圖
NewDiscovery New discovery! 新發現!
NewErrorOccurred__name Error: {0} 錯誤: {0}
NewFolderTitlePlaceholder New folder 新資料夾
NewFolder__Tooltip Create a new folder. 創建一個新資料夾。
NewGameWizard__Customization Customization 自定義
NewGameWizard__Difficulty Game difficulty 遊戲難度
NewGameWizard__GameName Name your game 命名您的遊戲


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string comment
title of settings affecting nature - trees, crops growth
String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
zh_Hant.po, string 1403