
English description of a machine
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ArcFurnace2__desc This furnace has a cooling system to safely reach higher operating temperatures. This provides increased throughput and an opportunity to reuse some of the excess heat. Power requirements are increased as well. 這個熔爐配備有冷卻系統,可以安全地達到更高操作溫度。這增加了生產量還可以回收更多廢熱,當然耗能也會增加。
ArcFurnace2__name Arc furnace II 電弧爐 II
Area_Value {0} km² {0} km²
AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name There are some forestry designations outside of forestry tower areas 部分造林規劃範圍位於造林塔範圍外
AreasWithoutTowers__name There are some mining designations outside of mine tower areas 部分採礦規劃範圍位於採礦塔範圍外
ArmageddonMap__desc Welcome to Armageddon, the shattered remnants of a bygone cataclysm. The impact that produced the central crater scattered precious resources over all the islands, offering lucrative opportunities for ambitious miners and entrepreneurs. I’m just glad I didn’t live here back then! That must have been quite the BOOM.

This island has more land area than any three other islands we’ve scouted, so substantial room for growth is available. With four starting locations, each offering a different difficulty level, this map caters to both new players looking for a manageable challenge and seasoned veterans seeking a test of their factory building skills.

This map was created as a celebration of the map editor for Update 2 as it demonstrates what can be achieved with it.


這張地圖是為了慶祝Update 2的地圖編輯器而創作的,因為它展示了使用它能達到的成果。
ArmageddonMap__name Armageddon 末日戰場
Armor Armor 裝甲
ArmorT1__name Armor plating 裝甲板
ArmorT2__name Armor plating II 二級裝甲板
AssemblyElectrified__desc Assembly line that is faster and can produce more advanced products. 可以更快速且生產更先進產品的裝配廠。
AssemblyElectrified__name Assembly II 裝配廠 II
AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name Assembly III 裝配廠 III
AssemblyManual__desc Assembly line that produces basic products. 僅能生產基礎產品的裝配廠。
AssemblyManual__name Assembly I 裝配廠 I
AssemblyRoboticT1__desc Robotic assembly that is faster and can produce more advanced products. 機器人裝配廠,速度更快,還能生產更先進的產品。
AssemblyRoboticT1__name Assembly (robotic) 裝配廠(機器人)
AssemblyRoboticT2__name Assembly (robotic) II 裝配廠(機器人) II
AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title Assigned excavators will automatically mine all the mining designations managed by this tower. Don't forget to also assign some trucks so the excavators can unload their shovel. 被分配的挖土機會自動到該塔的控制範圍內採礦。別忘了分配幾台卡車把挖土機挖的土運走。
AssignedExcavators__Title Assigned excavators 已分配的挖土機
AssignedForLogistics__Empty No routes assigned 尚未分配路線
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower Allows to assign storage units for export of wooden logs that are cut by tree harvesters assigned to this tower. If at least one storage unit is assigned, wood will be delivered only to assigned units and nowhere else. 允許指派分配到這座塔的伐木機砍的木材用於出口的儲存單位。如果有最少一個儲存單位被指派,則木材只會運送到被指派的單位,而不會運送到其他地方。
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation Enables to assign refueling trucks in this station to individual mine towers. 派遣到該加油站的加油卡車可以分配給每個單獨的採礦控制塔。
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to export into another storage (B), trucks will only export products to that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to export from this storage. This does not affect imports. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. 為卡車配置專用輸出路線。一旦將此倉庫設置為輸出到另一個倉庫 (B),那麼卡車就只會將產品運到那個倉庫 (B)。不能從該倉庫輸出產品到未分配的倉庫或機器。這個設置不影響輸入。路線分配不影響任何連接的輸送帶或管道。倉庫也可以分配給礦區管制塔。
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like to deliver materials mined here to a specific storage but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign it to another {0} in order to use that one for dumping. 為卡車配置專用的輸出供應鏈。比如說您想將在此處開採的材料運到特定的倉庫(距離較近),而不是塞滿全部倉庫,您可以將此 {0} 輸出分配給所選的倉庫。您還可以將其分配給另一個 {0},用於分配傾卸區域。
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel tree planters and tree harvesters in this place. 為卡車配置專用輸入路線。你也可以指定加油站,使其所屬的卡車為此區域內的植樹機與伐木機加油。
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to import from another storage (B), trucks will only import products from that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to import into this storage. This does not affect export. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. 為卡車配置輸入供應鏈。一旦將此倉庫設置為從另一個倉庫 (B)輸入,那麼卡車就只會從那個倉庫 (B)拿取貨物。該倉庫之後不會從未分配的倉庫或工廠拿取任何貨物。此設定不影響該倉庫的輸出鏈。供應鏈分配不影響任何連接的輸送帶或管道。倉庫也可以設定從礦區管制塔輸入。
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like materials from some storage to be dumped in here but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel excavators in this place. 為卡車設定專用的輸入供應鏈。比如說您想將某個倉庫的材料傾倒在此處而非其他地方,可將此 {0} 設定給所選的倉庫。你也可以指定加油站的卡車為此處的挖土機加油。
AssignedTo assigned to {0} 分配到 {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned. 指派的伐木機會自動收穫此塔控制的造林規劃範圍內的樹木。如果沒有指派伐木機,則由未指派的伐木機負責。
AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title Assigned tree harvesters 指派伐木機
Context English Chinese (Traditional)
ArcFurnace__desc Melts metals via a powerful electric arc. The arc is deployed using graphite anodes that are partially spent during the process due to the high heat. Beware that the furnace consumes a significant amount of power. It would be polite to notify your local power plant before turning this on. 使用強大電弧來熔化金屬。電弧使用的石墨陽極在過程中會因高溫而耗損。請注意在熔融過程中會使用大量電力,在使用前請通知當地發電廠。
ArcFurnace__name Arc furnace 電弧爐
AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name There are some forestry designations outside of forestry tower areas 部分造林規劃範圍位於造林塔範圍外
AreasWithoutTowers__name There are some mining designations outside of mine tower areas 部分採礦規劃範圍位於採礦塔範圍外
Area_Value {0} km² {0} km²
ArmageddonMap__desc Welcome to Armageddon, the shattered remnants of a bygone cataclysm. The impact that produced the central crater scattered precious resources over all the islands, offering lucrative opportunities for ambitious miners and entrepreneurs. I’m just glad I didn’t live here back then! That must have been quite the BOOM.

This island has more land area than any three other islands we’ve scouted, so substantial room for growth is available. With four starting locations, each offering a different difficulty level, this map caters to both new players looking for a manageable challenge and seasoned veterans seeking a test of their factory building skills.

This map was created as a celebration of the map editor for Update 2 as it demonstrates what can be achieved with it.


這張地圖是為了慶祝Update 2的地圖編輯器而創作的,因為它展示了使用它能達到的成果。
ArmageddonMap__name Armageddon 末日戰場
Armor Armor 裝甲
ArmorT1__name Armor plating 裝甲板
ArmorT2__name Armor plating II 二級裝甲板
AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name Assembly III 裝配廠 III
AssemblyElectrified__desc Assembly line that is faster and can produce more advanced products. 可以更快速且生產更先進產品的裝配廠。
AssemblyElectrified__name Assembly II 裝配廠 II
AssemblyManual__desc Assembly line that produces basic products. 僅能生產基礎產品的裝配廠。
AssemblyManual__name Assembly I 裝配廠 I
AssemblyRoboticT1__desc Robotic assembly that is faster and can produce more advanced products. 機器人裝配廠,速度更快,還能生產更先進的產品。
AssemblyRoboticT1__name Assembly (robotic) 裝配廠(機器人)
AssemblyRoboticT2__name Assembly (robotic) II 裝配廠(機器人) II
AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title Assigned excavators will automatically mine all the mining designations managed by this tower. Don't forget to also assign some trucks so the excavators can unload their shovel. 被分配的挖土機會自動到該塔的控制範圍內採礦。別忘了分配幾台卡車把挖土機挖的土運走。
AssignedExcavators__Title Assigned excavators 已分配的挖土機
AssignedForLogistics__Empty No routes assigned 尚未分配路線
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower Allows to assign storage units for export of wooden logs that are cut by tree harvesters assigned to this tower. If at least one storage unit is assigned, wood will be delivered only to assigned units and nowhere else. 允許指派分配到這座塔的伐木機砍的木材用於出口的儲存單位。如果有最少一個儲存單位被指派,則木材只會運送到被指派的單位,而不會運送到其他地方。
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation Enables to assign refueling trucks in this station to individual mine towers. 派遣到該加油站的加油卡車可以分配給每個單獨的採礦控制塔。
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to export into another storage (B), trucks will only export products to that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to export from this storage. This does not affect imports. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. 為卡車配置專用輸出路線。一旦將此倉庫設置為輸出到另一個倉庫 (B),那麼卡車就只會將產品運到那個倉庫 (B)。不能從該倉庫輸出產品到未分配的倉庫或機器。這個設置不影響輸入。路線分配不影響任何連接的輸送帶或管道。倉庫也可以分配給礦區管制塔。
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like to deliver materials mined here to a specific storage but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign it to another {0} in order to use that one for dumping. 為卡車配置專用的輸出供應鏈。比如說您想將在此處開採的材料運到特定的倉庫(距離較近),而不是塞滿全部倉庫,您可以將此 {0} 輸出分配給所選的倉庫。您還可以將其分配給另一個 {0},用於分配傾卸區域。
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel tree planters and tree harvesters in this place. 為卡車配置專用輸入路線。你也可以指定加油站,使其所屬的卡車為此區域內的植樹機與伐木機加油。
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to import from another storage (B), trucks will only import products from that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to import into this storage. This does not affect export. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. 為卡車配置輸入供應鏈。一旦將此倉庫設置為從另一個倉庫 (B)輸入,那麼卡車就只會從那個倉庫 (B)拿取貨物。該倉庫之後不會從未分配的倉庫或工廠拿取任何貨物。此設定不影響該倉庫的輸出鏈。供應鏈分配不影響任何連接的輸送帶或管道。倉庫也可以設定從礦區管制塔輸入。
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like materials from some storage to be dumped in here but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel excavators in this place. 為卡車設定專用的輸入供應鏈。比如說您想將某個倉庫的材料傾倒在此處而非其他地方,可將此 {0} 設定給所選的倉庫。你也可以指定加油站的卡車為此處的挖土機加油。
AssignedTo assigned to {0} 分配到 {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned. 指派的伐木機會自動收穫此塔控制的造林規劃範圍內的樹木。如果沒有指派伐木機,則由未指派的伐木機負責。
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English Chinese (Traditional)
Assembly 裝配廠 Glossary

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zh_Hant.po, string 77