
Context English Ukrainian
Tutorials__Description Enables tutorials and goals that grant rewards on completion
Tutorials__Title Tutorials (recommended)
TutorialTreeHarvesting__name Tree harvesting Заготовка деревини
UiSettings_Title User interface UI
Unassign Unassign Відкріпити від
Unassign__VehicleTooltip Removes the vehicle from the current assignment. Знімає транспортний засіб з поточного призначення.
Unity__Tooltip Unity is important to run things such as research labs, oil rigs or edicts. Unity can be increased by providing better services to your settlements or building a better housing. Unity from settlements is generated on monthly basis.
UnityCap__Title Unity cap Максимум Єдності
UnityCap__Tooltip The maximum amount of Unity that can be accumulated. Typically increases with the amount of housing and its quality. Максимальна кількість Єдності, яку можна накопичити. Зазвичай збільшується з кількістю житла та його якістю.
UnityPerShip ship
UnityStr_Format {0} Unity {0} Єдність
UnityTool Unity tool
UnityTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to apply this tool. It performs quick build, quick removal, or toggles production boost based on the context.
Unlocks Unlocks Розблокує
UnsortedSaves__Title Unsorted saves
Update1__BlueprintsCopied Your blueprints were copied to the new location shown below.
Update1__LocationChange The game also uses a new folder location to store your save files.
Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation New blueprints location:
Update1__NewSaveLocation New location:
Update1__OldLocationStillExists Note: The old folder still exists, and contains data from the game version before Update 1.
Update1__OldSaveLocation Old location:
UpdateDescription__Placeholder Type description.
UpdateDescription__Title Update description.
UpdateDescription__Tooltip Update description for this item.
Upgrade Upgrade Покращити
UpgradeInProgress Upgrade in progress
UpgradeTool Upgrade
UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip Right click or drag over an area of structures to cancel any ongoing upgrades
UpgradeTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to upgrade them
UpointsCat_Boost__name Boost
UpointsCat_Contract__name Contracts
Context English Ukrainian
Tutorials__Description Enables tutorials and goals that grant rewards on completion
Tutorials__Title Tutorials (recommended)
TutorialTreeHarvesting__name Tree harvesting Заготовка деревини
UiSettings_Title User interface UI
Unassign Unassign Відкріпити від
Unassign__VehicleTooltip Removes the vehicle from the current assignment. Знімає транспортний засіб з поточного призначення.
UnityCap__Title Unity cap Максимум Єдності
UnityCap__Tooltip The maximum amount of Unity that can be accumulated. Typically increases with the amount of housing and its quality. Максимальна кількість Єдності, яку можна накопичити. Зазвичай збільшується з кількістю житла та його якістю.
UnityPerShip ship
UnityStr_Format {0} Unity {0} Єдність
UnityTool Unity tool
UnityTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to apply this tool. It performs quick build, quick removal, or toggles production boost based on the context.
Unity__Tooltip Unity is important to run things such as research labs, oil rigs or edicts. Unity can be increased by providing better services to your settlements or building a better housing. Unity from settlements is generated on monthly basis.
Unlocks Unlocks Розблокує
UnsortedSaves__Title Unsorted saves
Update1__BlueprintsCopied Your blueprints were copied to the new location shown below.
Update1__LocationChange The game also uses a new folder location to store your save files.
Update1__NewBlueprintsLocation New blueprints location:
Update1__NewSaveLocation New location:
Update1__OldLocationStillExists Note: The old folder still exists, and contains data from the game version before Update 1.
Update1__OldSaveLocation Old location:
UpdateDescription__Placeholder Type description.
UpdateDescription__Title Update description.
UpdateDescription__Tooltip Update description for this item.
Upgrade Upgrade Покращити
UpgradeInProgress Upgrade in progress
UpgradeTool Upgrade
UpgradeTool__CancelTooltip Right click or drag over an area of structures to cancel any ongoing upgrades
UpgradeTool__Tooltip Click or drag over an area of structures to upgrade them
UpointsCategory__Decorations Decorations


No matching activity found.

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Things to check


There are 6 variants of this string.



English Ukrainian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string comment
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
uk.po, string 2835