
English e.g. {0} - '5%', {1} - 'Fuel gas'
Context English Thai
StatsEntry__TotalProduction Total production
StatsEntry__TotalQuantity Total quantity ปริมาณทั้งหมด
StatsPops__Born Born เกิด
StatsPops__Lost Lost สูญหาย
StatsPops__Refugees Refugees & adopted
StatsProduct_Quantity Quantity ปริมาณ
StatsRange__Days Last {0} day
StatsRange__LastYear Last year
StatsRange__Lifetime Lifetime อายุการใช้งาน
StatsRange__Max Max สูงสุด
StatsRange__Months Last {0} month
StatsRange__ThisYear This year
StatsRange__Years Last {0} year
StatsTab__Breakdown Breakdown
StatsTab__Chart Summary chart
StatueOfMaintenance__desc Statue that not just demonstrates the wealth of your island but also serves as a celebration of your industrial success. It has such a positive effect on your population that it reduces your island's maintenance requirements by {0}. In order to get the bonus, the statue needs to be provided with '{1}' on a continuous basis. However, if you don't maintain your statue you will get a negative effect. Because nothing demotivates your workers from performing maintenance more than seeing a broken statue of maintenance. You can build this statue multiple times should your wealth allow it, but each additional statue's effect is reduced by half.
StatueOfMaintenance__name The statue of maintenance
StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name The statue of maintenance (golden)
Status Status สถานะ
Status_LowReputation Requires reputation to be at least {0}
Stone_TerrainSurface Stone surface
StorageAlert__BtnTitle Alerts การแจ้งเตือน
StorageAlert__Empty Empty ว่างเปล่า
StorageAlert__Full Full เต็ม
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product.
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV
StorageLoose__name Loose storage
Context English Thai
StatsPops__Born Born เกิด
StatsPops__Lost Lost สูญหาย
StatsPops__Refugees Refugees & adopted
StatsProduct_Quantity Quantity ปริมาณ
StatsRange__Days Last {0} day
StatsRange__LastYear Last year
StatsRange__Lifetime Lifetime อายุการใช้งาน
StatsRange__Max Max สูงสุด
StatsRange__Months Last {0} month
StatsRange__ThisYear This year
StatsRange__Years Last {0} year
StatsTab__Breakdown Breakdown
StatsTab__Chart Summary chart
Stats_NoDataYet No data yet
StatueOfMaintenanceGolden__name The statue of maintenance (golden)
StatueOfMaintenance__desc Statue that not just demonstrates the wealth of your island but also serves as a celebration of your industrial success. It has such a positive effect on your population that it reduces your island's maintenance requirements by {0}. In order to get the bonus, the statue needs to be provided with '{1}' on a continuous basis. However, if you don't maintain your statue you will get a negative effect. Because nothing demotivates your workers from performing maintenance more than seeing a broken statue of maintenance. You can build this statue multiple times should your wealth allow it, but each additional statue's effect is reduced by half.
StatueOfMaintenance__name The statue of maintenance
Status Status สถานะ
Status_LowReputation Requires reputation to be at least {0}
Stone_TerrainSurface Stone surface
StorageAlert__BtnTitle Alerts การแจ้งเตือน
StorageAlert__Empty Empty ว่างเปล่า
StorageAlert__Full Full เต็ม
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product.
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product.


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There are 2 variants of this string.



English Thai
bonus โบนัส Glossary
build สร้าง Glossary
can สามารถ Glossary
from จาก Glossary
if ถ้า Glossary
IN รับเข้า Glossary
IN รับ Glossary
island เกาะ Glossary
it มัน Glossary
Maintenance เครื่องมือบำรุงรักษา Glossary
Maintenance การบำรุงรักษา Glossary
Maintenance บำรุงรักษา Glossary
more มากขึ้น Glossary
multiple หลาย Glossary
needs ต้องการ Glossary
negative เชิงลบ Glossary
not ไม่ Glossary
nothing ไม่มี Glossary
of ของ Glossary
on บน Glossary
population ประชากร Glossary
reduces ลด Glossary
requirements ความต้องการ Glossary
This นี้ Glossary
will จะ Glossary
with กับ Glossary
with ด้วย Glossary
with พร้อมกับ Glossary
workers คนงาน Glossary
You คุณ Glossary
your ของคุณ Glossary

String information

Source string comment
e.g. {0} - '5%', {1} - 'Fuel gas'
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
th.po, string 2385