
English Difficulty impact on fuel consumption Difficulty impact on fuel consumption
Context English Dutch
DieselGeneratorT2__desc More powerful generator. Can also serve as a power backup. Krachtigere generator. Kan ook dienen als back-upstroom.
DieselGeneratorT2__name Diesel generator II Dieselgenerator II
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} Moeilijkheidsgraad: {0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost Standaard bouwkosten
DifficultyConstruction__Hard Increased construction cost Hogere bouwkosten
DifficultyContracts__Easy More profitables contracts and cheaper loans Meer winstgevende contracten en goedkopere leningen
DifficultyContracts__Hard Standard contracts and more expensive loans Standaardcontracten en duurdere leningen
DifficultyContracts__Normal Standard contracts and loans Standaardcontracten en leningen
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases Mildere ziektes
DifficultyDisease__Hard More severe diseases Ernstigere ziektes
DifficultyDisease__Normal Standard disease severity Standaard voorkomende ziektes
DifficultyFood__Easy Reduced resource consumption by settlements Verminderd verbruik van grondstoffen in nederzettingen
DifficultyFood__Hard Increased resource consumption by settlements Verhoogd verbruik van grondstoffen in nederzettingen
DifficultyFood__Normal Standard resource consumption by settlements Standaard verbruik van grondstoffen in nederzettingen
DifficultyFuel__Easy Reduced fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships Verminderd brandstofverbruik door voertuigen en vrachtschepen
DifficultyFuel__Hard Increased fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships Verhoogd brandstofverbruik door voertuigen en vrachtschepen
DifficultyFuel__Normal Standard fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships Standaard brandstofverbruik door voertuigen en vrachtschepen
DifficultyGrowth__Easy Faster growth for crops and trees Snellere groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyGrowth__Hard Slower growth for crops and trees Langzamere groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyGrowth__Normal Standard growth speed for crops and trees Standaard groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyMaintenance__Easy Reduced maintenance consumption Verminderd onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMaintenance__Hard Increased maintenance consumption Verhoogd onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMaintenance__Normal Standard maintenance consumption Standaard onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMining__Easy Increased mining yield Verhoogde mijnopbrengst
DifficultyMining__Hard Reduced mining yield Verminderde mijnopbrengst
DifficultyMining__Normal Standard mining yield Standaard mijnopbrengst
DifficultyPollution__Easy Reduced impact of pollution and increased base population health Verminderde gevolgen door vervuiling en verbeterde basisgezondheid voor de bevolking
DifficultyPollution__Hard Increased impact of pollution Verhoogde gevolgen door vervuiling
DifficultyPollution__Normal Standard impact of pollution Standaard gevolgen door vervuiling
DifficultyRainfall__Easy Increased rainfall and water collection Verhoogde regenval en wateropvang
DifficultyRainfall__Hard Reduced rainfall and water collection Verminderde regenval en wateropvang
Context English Dutch
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. Verbrandt diesel om elektriciteit op te wekken.
DieselGenerator__name Diesel generator Dieselgenerator
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} Moeilijkheidsgraad: {0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost Standaard bouwkosten
DifficultyConstruction__Hard Increased construction cost Hogere bouwkosten
DifficultyContracts__Easy More profitables contracts and cheaper loans Meer winstgevende contracten en goedkopere leningen
DifficultyContracts__Hard Standard contracts and more expensive loans Standaardcontracten en duurdere leningen
DifficultyContracts__Normal Standard contracts and loans Standaardcontracten en leningen
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases Mildere ziektes
DifficultyDisease__Hard More severe diseases Ernstigere ziektes
DifficultyDisease__Normal Standard disease severity Standaard voorkomende ziektes
DifficultyFood__Easy Reduced resource consumption by settlements Verminderd verbruik van grondstoffen in nederzettingen
DifficultyFood__Hard Increased resource consumption by settlements Verhoogd verbruik van grondstoffen in nederzettingen
DifficultyFood__Normal Standard resource consumption by settlements Standaard verbruik van grondstoffen in nederzettingen
DifficultyFuel__Easy Reduced fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships Verminderd brandstofverbruik door voertuigen en vrachtschepen
DifficultyFuel__Hard Increased fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships Verhoogd brandstofverbruik door voertuigen en vrachtschepen
DifficultyFuel__Normal Standard fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships Standaard brandstofverbruik door voertuigen en vrachtschepen
DifficultyGrowth__Easy Faster growth for crops and trees Snellere groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyGrowth__Hard Slower growth for crops and trees Langzamere groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyGrowth__Normal Standard growth speed for crops and trees Standaard groei van gewassen en bomen
DifficultyMaintenance__Easy Reduced maintenance consumption Verminderd onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMaintenance__Hard Increased maintenance consumption Verhoogd onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMaintenance__Normal Standard maintenance consumption Standaard onderhoudsverbruik
DifficultyMining__Easy Increased mining yield Verhoogde mijnopbrengst
DifficultyMining__Hard Reduced mining yield Verminderde mijnopbrengst
DifficultyMining__Normal Standard mining yield Standaard mijnopbrengst
DifficultyPollution__Easy Reduced impact of pollution and increased base population health Verminderde gevolgen door vervuiling en verbeterde basisgezondheid voor de bevolking
DifficultyPollution__Hard Increased impact of pollution Verhoogde gevolgen door vervuiling
DifficultyPollution__Normal Standard impact of pollution Standaard gevolgen door vervuiling
DifficultyRainfall__Easy Increased rainfall and water collection Verhoogde regenval en wateropvang


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Captain of Industry / GameDutch

5 months ago
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Captain of Industry / GameDutch

5 months ago
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English Dutch
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Source string comment
Difficulty impact on fuel consumption Difficulty impact on fuel consumption
String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
nl.po, string 478