
English tooltip for a key-binding: Pause only tooltip for a key-binding: Pause only
Context English Dutch
Kb_FreeLookMode__label Free look mode Vrije kijkmodus
Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label Increase speed Snelheid verhogen
Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label Jump to saved camera position {0} Spring naar opgeslagen camerapositie {0}
Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label Jump to saved camera position {0} Spring naar opgeslagen camerapositie {0}
Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label Jump to saved camera position {0} Spring naar opgeslagen camerapositie {0}
Kb_LiftSnapping__label Toggle snapping Vastklikken inschakelen
Kb_LowerDown__label Lower down Verlagen
Kb_MoveDown__label Move down Omlaag
Kb_MoveLeft__label Move left Links
Kb_MoveRight__label Move right Rechts
Kb_MoveUp__label Move up Omhoog
Kb_PanCamera__label Move camera (hold) Camera verplaatsen (vasthouden)
Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label Increase pan speed Verhoog de bewegingssnelheid
Kb_PauseGame__label Toggle pause Pauze in-/uitschakelen
Kb_PauseMore__label Pause only Alleen pauzeren
Kb_PauseMore__tooltip Hold to make the pause tool to only pause things instead of automatically toggling pause. Houd de knop ingedrukt om de pauze tool alleen objecten te pauzeren in plaats van automatisch te schakelen tussen pauzeren en starten.
Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label Camera auto-rotation Automatische camerarotatie
Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label Take screenshot Screenshot maken
Kb_PlaceMultiple__label Place multiple Meerdere plaatsingen
Kb_PrimaryAction__label Primary action / select Primaire actie / selecteren
Kb_RaiseUp__label Raise up Verhogen
Kb_Redo__label Redo Herhalen
Kb_Rotate__label Rotate Draaien
Kb_RotateClockwise__label Rotate clock-wise Rechtsom draaien
Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label Rotate counter-clock-wise Linksom draaien
Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label Save camera position {0} Camerapositie {0} opslaan
Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label Save camera position {0} Camerapositie {0} opslaan
Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label Save camera position {0} Camerapositie {0} opslaan
Kb_Search__label Search Zoeken
Kb_SecondaryAction__label Alternative action / deselect Alternatieve actie / deselecteren
Kb_SetGameSpeedTo0__label Set game speed to {0}x Stel de spelsnelheid in op {0}x
Context English Dutch
Kb_FreeLookMode__label Free look mode Vrije kijkmodus
Kb_IncreaseGameSpeed__label Increase speed Snelheid verhogen
Kb_JumpToCameraPosition1__label Jump to saved camera position {0} Spring naar opgeslagen camerapositie {0}
Kb_JumpToCameraPosition2__label Jump to saved camera position {0} Spring naar opgeslagen camerapositie {0}
Kb_JumpToCameraPosition3__label Jump to saved camera position {0} Spring naar opgeslagen camerapositie {0}
Kb_LiftSnapping__label Toggle snapping Vastklikken inschakelen
Kb_LowerDown__label Lower down Verlagen
Kb_MoveDown__label Move down Omlaag
Kb_MoveLeft__label Move left Links
Kb_MoveRight__label Move right Rechts
Kb_MoveUp__label Move up Omhoog
Kb_PanCamera__label Move camera (hold) Camera verplaatsen (vasthouden)
Kb_PanSpeedBoost__label Increase pan speed Verhoog de bewegingssnelheid
Kb_PauseGame__label Toggle pause Pauze in-/uitschakelen
Kb_PauseMore__label Pause only Alleen pauzeren
Kb_PauseMore__tooltip Hold to make the pause tool to only pause things instead of automatically toggling pause. Houd de knop ingedrukt om de pauze tool alleen objecten te pauzeren in plaats van automatisch te schakelen tussen pauzeren en starten.
Kb_PhotoModeRotation__label Camera auto-rotation Automatische camerarotatie
Kb_PhotoModeTakePicture__label Take screenshot Screenshot maken
Kb_PlaceMultiple__label Place multiple Meerdere plaatsingen
Kb_PrimaryAction__label Primary action / select Primaire actie / selecteren
Kb_RaiseUp__label Raise up Verhogen
Kb_Redo__label Redo Herhalen
Kb_RotateClockwise__label Rotate clock-wise Rechtsom draaien
Kb_RotateCounterClockwise__label Rotate counter-clock-wise Linksom draaien
Kb_Rotate__label Rotate Draaien
Kb_SaveCameraPosition1__label Save camera position {0} Camerapositie {0} opslaan
Kb_SaveCameraPosition2__label Save camera position {0} Camerapositie {0} opslaan
Kb_SaveCameraPosition3__label Save camera position {0} Camerapositie {0} opslaan
Kb_Search__label Search Zoeken
Kb_SecondaryAction__label Alternative action / deselect Alternatieve actie / deselecteren


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Captain of Industry / GameDutch

a year ago
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Captain of Industry / GameDutch

a year ago
User avatar ManBo

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Captain of Industry / GameDutch

a year ago
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Captain of Industry / GameDutch

a year ago
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Captain of Industry / GameDutch

a year ago
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There are 2 variants of this string.



English Dutch
of van Glossary

String information

Source string comment
tooltip for a key-binding: Pause only tooltip for a key-binding: Pause only
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
nl.po, string 1103