
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
EvaporationPondHeated__name Evaporation pond (heated) Fordampingsdam (oppvarmet)
ExcavatorHasNoValidTruck__name {entity} has no compatible truck
ExcavatorT1__desc Suitable for mining any terrain with max bucket capacity of {0}. It is too tall and it cannot go under transports, use ramps to cross them.
ExcavatorT1__name Small excavator
ExcavatorT2__desc This is a serious mining machine with max bucket capacity of {0}! It is too tall and it cannot go under transports, use ramps to cross them.
ExcavatorT2__name Excavator
ExcavatorT2H__name Excavator
ExcavatorT3__desc Extremely large excavator that can mine any terrain with ease. It has bucket capacity of {0}. It cannot go under transports due to its size, use ramps to cross them.
ExcavatorT3__name Mega excavator
ExcavatorT3H__name Mega excavator
ExhaustScrubber__desc Filters {0}% of pollutants from hot exhaust gasses by extracting useful resources.
ExhaustScrubber__name Exhaust scrubber Metall støper
ExitToMainMenu Exit to main menu Gå ut til hovedmenyen
ExplorationResult__Entity Our ship has discovered {0}! Skipet vårt har oppdaget {0}!
ExplorationResult__Loot Found some loot! Fant litt bytte!
ExplorationResult__Nothing Nothing found! Ingenting funnet!
ExplorationResult__Title Area explored! Område utforsket!
ExportBlueprint__Title Export to string
ExportPriority Export Export
ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored fuel. Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagret drivstoff.
ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo Truck priority for removal of stored cargo. Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagrede varer.
ExportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored product. Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagrede produkter.
ExportRoutesTitle Export routes
FailureOutages Failures & outages
Farm_PlantedCrop Crop planted Avling plantet
FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report. Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet.
FarmCropSelector Crop selection Valg av avling
FarmFertility Fertility Fruktbarhet
FarmFertility__Equilibrium Fertility equilibrium: {0}
FarmFertility__EquilibriumTooltip Fertility equilibrium is a value to which soil fertility will converge naturally for the current crop schedule. At the equilibrium, crop fertility consumption is equal to the natural replenishment rate. If there are multiple crops setup in a rotation, this value is only approximate since each crop may have different equilibrium value. Note that equilibrium does not take fertilizer into account.
FarmFertility__NaturalReplenish Natural replenish
Context English Norwegian Bokmål
EvaporationPond__name Evaporation pond Fordampingsdam
ExcavatorHasNoValidTruck__name {entity} has no compatible truck
ExcavatorT1__desc Suitable for mining any terrain with max bucket capacity of {0}. It is too tall and it cannot go under transports, use ramps to cross them.
ExcavatorT1__name Small excavator
ExcavatorT2H__name Excavator
ExcavatorT2__desc This is a serious mining machine with max bucket capacity of {0}! It is too tall and it cannot go under transports, use ramps to cross them.
ExcavatorT2__name Excavator
ExcavatorT3H__name Mega excavator
ExcavatorT3__desc Extremely large excavator that can mine any terrain with ease. It has bucket capacity of {0}. It cannot go under transports due to its size, use ramps to cross them.
ExcavatorT3__name Mega excavator
ExhaustScrubber__desc Filters {0}% of pollutants from hot exhaust gasses by extracting useful resources.
ExhaustScrubber__name Exhaust scrubber Metall støper
ExitToMainMenu Exit to main menu Gå ut til hovedmenyen
ExplorationResult__Entity Our ship has discovered {0}! Skipet vårt har oppdaget {0}!
ExplorationResult__Loot Found some loot! Fant litt bytte!
ExplorationResult__Nothing Nothing found! Ingenting funnet!
ExplorationResult__Title Area explored! Område utforsket!
ExportBlueprint__Title Export to string
ExportPriority Export Export
ExportPriority__ShipFuelTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored fuel. Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagret drivstoff.
ExportPriority__ShipyardCargo Truck priority for removal of stored cargo. Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagrede varer.
ExportPriority__StorageTooltip Trucks priority for removal of stored product. Kjøretøysprioritet for fjerning av lagrede produkter.
ExportRoutesTitle Export routes
FailureOutages Failures & outages
FarmAvgProduction__Tooltip Estimated average production per month of all crops in the schedule. This estimate is based on the crop growth time and soil fertility equilibrium (or the target fertility set via the slider below). Losses incurred due to lack of fertility or water are not included in this estimate. However, extra time incurred by slots that have no yield is included. To see how much food is needed, check your food market consumption report. Estimert gjennomsnittlig produksjon per måned basert på gjeldende fruktbarhet. Forsinkelser på grunn av mangel på vann er ikke inkludert i dette estimatet. Imidlertid er ekstra tid påført avlinger lagt til bare for fruktbarhet inkludert. For å se hvor mye mat som trengs, sjekk forbruksrapporten for matmarkedet.
FarmCropSelector Crop selection Valg av avling
FarmFertility Fertility Fruktbarhet
FarmFertilityPenaltyNoRotation Fertility consumption is increased due to lack of rotation.
FarmFertilityTitle Soil fertility
FarmFertility__Equilibrium Fertility equilibrium: {0}


3 years ago
3 years ago
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English Norwegian Bokmål
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String age
3 years ago
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
nb_NO.po, string 651