Could not load the givenThis save file ais it was saved infrom a newer game version ({0}) than what is currently supported ({1}). Are you on an old Steam branch?
This save file is from a newer game version ({0}) than what is currently supported ({1}). Are you on an old Steam branch?
Could not load the given save file as it was saved in newer game version ({0}) than what is currently supported ({1})현재 지원되는 것({1})보다 최신 게임 버전({0})으로 저장되었기 때문에 저장 파일을 불러오기할 수 없습니다.
되하는것버전({1})보다최신새로운 게임 버전({0})으로 저장되었기 때문에 저장 파일을 불러오기할 수 없습니다.의 파일입니다. 오래된 Steam 분기를 사용 중이신가요?