Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
<b>전체적인 경유(diesel)디젤 연료 공급 위기</b>! 경유(diesel) 가디젤이 고갈될 위험이 있습니다. 경유(diesel)디젤 공급이 중단되면 모든 차량과 경유(diesel)디젤 발전기가 멈춥니다. 물류와 전력 발전이 멈추면 경제는 멈춥니다.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt<b>전체적인 경유(diesel) 공급 위기</b>! 경유(diesel) 가 고갈될 위험이 있습니다. 경유(diesel) 공급이 중단되면 모든 차량과 경유(diesel) 발전기가 멈춥니다. 물류와 전력 발전이 멈추면 경제는 멈춥니다.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
<b>전체적인 경유(diesel) 공급 위기</b>! 경유(diesel) 가 고갈될 위험이 있습니다. 경유(diesel) 공급이 중단되면 모든 차량과 경유(diesel) 발전기가 멈춥니다. 물류와 전력 발전이 멈추면 경제는 멈춥니다.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
Global supply of <b>diesel is critically low</b>! You are at high risk of running out of diesel. When all your diesel supplies are depleted, all vehicles and diesel generators will stop working. Without working logistics and electricity generation your economy will halt.
경유(diesel)디젤 연료 공급 위기</b>!경유(diesel) 가디젤이 고갈될 위험이 있습니다.경유(diesel)디젤 공급이 중단되면 모든 차량과경유(diesel)디젤 발전기가 멈춥니다. 물류와 전력 발전이 멈추면 경제는 멈춥니다.