Explore the mysterious archipelago of Insula Mortis, a collection of islands shrouded in legend and intrigue. Unlocking access to neighboring isles requires mining through mountains and constructing land bridges, achieved by dumping materials into the ocean. Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this place is cursed. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it’s probably nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
원시 자원이 풍부한 아름다운 섬. 인근 섬에 접근하려면 물질을 바다에 매립전설과 음모에 싸인 섬들이 모여 있는 인슐라 모티스의 신비로운 군도를 탐험하세요. 이웃 섬에 접근하려면 산을 채굴하고 바다에 재료를 투하하여 육교를 만들어건설해야 합니다. 이 섬이 풍부한 천연 자원에도 불구하고 전설에 따르면 이곳은 저주를 받았다는 소문이 있지만 우리 정찰병은 이에 대한 증거를 찾지 못했기 때문에 아마도 전설에 불과할 것입고 합니다. 하지만 이곳에 돌아온 몇 안 되는 탐사대원 중 누구도 저주에 대해 말하지 않았으니 별거 아닐지도 모르겠네요. 지미만 빼고요, 우리가 진정제를 놓기 전에 죽은 나무에 대해 비명을 질렀을지도 모르죠. 하지만 직접 확인해보시면 괜찮을 거라고 확신합니다.
A beautiful group of islands rich in raw resources. To get access to nearby islands you will have to makeExplore the mysterious archipelago of Insula Mortis, a collection of islands shrouded in legend and intrigue. Unlocking access to neighboring isles requires mining through mountains and constructing land bridges, achieved by dumping materials into the ocean. There are rumor Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this islandplace is cursed but our scouts found no evidence of this. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it'’s probably just a legend.nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Explore the mysterious archipelago of Insula Mortis, a collection of islands shrouded in legend and intrigue. Unlocking access to neighboring isles requires mining through mountains and constructing land bridges, achieved by dumping materials into the ocean. Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this place is cursed. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it’s probably nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
원시 자원이 풍부한 아름다운 섬. 인근 섬에 접근하려면 물질을 바다에 매립하여 육교를 만들어야 합니다. 이 섬이 저주받았다는 소문이 있지만 우리 정찰병은 이에 대한 증거를 찾지 못했기 때문에 아마도 전설에 불과할 것입니다.
A beautiful group of islands rich in raw resources. To get access to nearby islands you will have to make land bridges by dumping material into the ocean. There are rumors that this island is cursed but our scouts found no evidence of this so it's probably just a legend.
Explore the mysterious archipelago of Insula Mortis, a collection of islands shrouded in legend and intrigue. Unlocking access to neighboring isles requires mining through mountains and constructing land bridges, achieved by dumping materials into the ocean. Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this place is cursed. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it’s probably nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
원시 자원이 풍부한 아름다운 섬. 인근 섬에 접근하려면 물질을 바다에 매립하여 육교를 만들어야 합니다. 이 섬이 저주받았다는 소문이 있지만 우리 정찰병은 이에 대한 증거를 찾지 못했기 때문에 아마도 전설에 불과할 것입니다.
A beautiful group of islands rich oin raw resources. To get access to nearby islands you will have to make land bridges by dumping material to the ocean. There are rumors that this island is cursed but our scouts found no evidence of this so it's probably just a legend.
Explore the mysterious archipelago of Insula Mortis, a collection of islands shrouded in legend and intrigue. Unlocking access to neighboring isles requires mining through mountains and constructing land bridges, achieved by dumping materials into the ocean. Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this place is cursed. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it’s probably nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
원시 자원이 풍부한 아름다운 섬. 인근 섬에 접근하려면 물질을 바다에 매립하여 육교를 만들어야 합니다. 이 섬이 저주받았다는 소문이 있지만 우리 정찰병은 이에 대한 증거를 찾지 못했기 때문에 아마도 전설에 불과할 것입니다.
Despite its wealth in natural resources, a legend tells that this place is cursed. None of the few scouts who made it back said anything about a curse though, so it’s probably nothing. Well, except for Jimmy - he may have screamed something about dead trees before we sedated him. If you want to give it a look yourself, though, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
원시 자원이 풍부한 아름다운 섬. 인근 섬에 접근하려면 물질을 바다에 매립전설과 음모에 싸인 섬들이 모여 있는 인슐라 모티스의 신비로운 군도를 탐험하세요. 이웃 섬에 접근하려면 산을 채굴하고 바다에 재료를 투하하여 육교를만들어건설해야 합니다.이 섬이풍부한 천연 자원에도 불구하고 전설에 따르면 이곳은 저주를 받았다
는 소문이 있지만 우리 정찰병은 이에 대한 증거를 찾지 못했기 때문에 아마도 전설에 불과할 것입고 합니다. 하지만 이곳에 돌아온 몇 안 되는 탐사대원 중 누구도 저주에 대해 말하지 않았으니 별거 아닐지도 모르겠네요. 지미만 빼고요, 우리가 진정제를 놓기 전에 죽은 나무에 대해 비명을 질렀을지도 모르죠. 하지만 직접 확인해보시면 괜찮을 거라고 확신합니다.