
English title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree
Context English Italian
ResearchPowerGeneration2__name Power generation II Generazione di energia II
ResearchPowerGeneration3__name Power generation III Generazione di energia III
ResearchPowerGeneration4__name Power generation IV Generazione di energia IV
ResearchQueue__Add Add to queue Aggiungi alla coda
ResearchQueue__Remove Remove from queue Rimuovi dalla coda
ResearchQueue__Status In queue ({0}) In coda ({0})
ResearchRecycling__name Recycling
ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc Edicts that can be enabled to increase island's overall recycling efficiency.
ResearchRecyclingEdict__name Recycling edicts
ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name Recycling edicts II
ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name Settlement recycling
ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc Increases overall recycling efficiency by extra {0}%.
ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase
ResearchRepairDock__desc Enables to repair the ship dock so we can start working on ship repairs. Consente di riparare la banchina della nave in modo da poter iniziare a lavorare sulle riparazioni della nave.
ResearchRepairDock__name Ship dock repair Riparazione banchina navale
ResearchResearchLab2__name Research lab II Laboratorio di ricerca II
ResearchResearchLab3__name Research lab III Laboratorio di ricerca III
ResearchResearchLab4__name Research lab IV Laboratorio di ricerca IV
ResearchResearchLab5__name Research lab V Laboratorio di ricerca V
ResearchRetainingWalls__name Retaining walls
ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name Rocket assembly & launch
ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name Rotary kiln (gas)
ResearchRubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber Gomma sintetica
ResearchSaltProduction__name Salt production Produzione salina
ResearchSausageProduction__name Sausage production Produzione di salumi
ResearchSettlementDecorations__name Settlement decorations
ResearchSettlementPower__name Settlement power Potere dell'insediamento
ResearchSettlementWaste__desc Basic collection and disposal of waste from settlements.
ResearchSettlementWaste__name Settlement waste
ResearchSettlementWater__name Settlement water Acqua dell'insediamento
ResearchShipArmor__desc Our ship will take more hits from enemy's artillery. Our crew is looking forward to test it, huh? La nostra nave potrà subire più colpi dall'artiglieria nemica. Il nostro equipaggio non vede l'ora di testarlo, eh?
Context English Italian
ResearchPowerGeneration2__name Power generation II Generazione di energia II
ResearchPowerGeneration3__name Power generation III Generazione di energia III
ResearchPowerGeneration4__name Power generation IV Generazione di energia IV
ResearchQueue__Add Add to queue Aggiungi alla coda
ResearchQueue__Remove Remove from queue Rimuovi dalla coda
ResearchQueue__Status In queue ({0}) In coda ({0})
ResearchRecyclingEdict2__name Recycling edicts II
ResearchRecyclingEdict__desc Edicts that can be enabled to increase island's overall recycling efficiency.
ResearchRecyclingEdict__name Recycling edicts
ResearchRecyclingForSettlement__name Settlement recycling
ResearchRecyclingIncrease__desc Increases overall recycling efficiency by extra {0}%.
ResearchRecyclingIncrease__name Recycling increase
ResearchRecycling__name Recycling
ResearchRepairDock__desc Enables to repair the ship dock so we can start working on ship repairs. Consente di riparare la banchina della nave in modo da poter iniziare a lavorare sulle riparazioni della nave.
ResearchRepairDock__name Ship dock repair Riparazione banchina navale
ResearchResearchLab2__name Research lab II Laboratorio di ricerca II
ResearchResearchLab3__name Research lab III Laboratorio di ricerca III
ResearchResearchLab4__name Research lab IV Laboratorio di ricerca IV
ResearchResearchLab5__name Research lab V Laboratorio di ricerca V
ResearchRetainingWalls__name Retaining walls
ResearchRocketAssemblyAndLaunch__name Rocket assembly & launch
ResearchRotaryKilnGas__name Rotary kiln (gas)
ResearchRubberProduction__name Synthetic rubber Gomma sintetica
ResearchSaltProduction__name Salt production Produzione salina
ResearchSausageProduction__name Sausage production Produzione di salumi
ResearchSettlementDecorations__name Settlement decorations
ResearchSettlementPower__name Settlement power Potere dell'insediamento
ResearchSettlementWaste__desc Basic collection and disposal of waste from settlements.
ResearchSettlementWaste__name Settlement waste
ResearchSettlementWater__name Settlement water Acqua dell'insediamento
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Captain of Industry / GameItalian

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title of a research node in the research tree title of a research node in the research tree
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3 years ago
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it.po, string 2042