
English description for storage description for storage
Context English Italian
StorageAlert__Empty Empty
StorageAlert__Full Full
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage Magazzino di fluidi
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product. Immagazzina fino a {0} unità di un prodotto liquido o gassoso.
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II Magazzino di fluidi II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV
StorageLoose__name Loose storage Magazzino sfusi
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product. Immagazzina fino a {0} unità di un prodotto sfuso.
StorageLooseT2__name Loose storage II Magazzino sfusi II
StorageLooseT3__name Loose storage III
StorageLooseT4__name Loose storage IV
StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix Consumes power when sending or receiving products via its ports.
storagesCategory__name Storage Magazzino
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. Immagazzina fino a {0} unità di un prodotto solido.
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0}
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0}
StorageUnit__name Unit storage Magazzino
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II Magazzino II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer
StoredHeat__Title Stored heat
StoredHeat__Tooltip The available heat accumulated in this storage. Heat does not decay as long as the storage remains operational.
StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip Click to remove currently assigned product. If storage is not empty, this will request trucks to remove all the remaining products. Fare clic per rimuovere il prodotto attualmente assegnato. Se il magazzino non è vuoto, questo richiederà ai camion di rimuovere tutti i prodotti rimanenti.
StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip Storage is now being emptied by trucks. Il magazzino viene ora svuotato dai camion.
StoredProduct__KeepEmpty Empty Vuoto
StoredProduct__KeepFull Keep full Mantieni pieno
StoredProduct__NothingStored No product assigned Nessun prodotto assegnato
StoredProduct__Title Stored product Prodotti immagazzinati
Context English Italian
StorageAlert__Empty Empty
StorageAlert__Full Full
StorageAlert__Prefix Notify if
StorageFluidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a liquid or gas product. Immagazzina fino a {0} unità di un prodotto liquido o gassoso.
StorageFluidT2__name Fluid storage II Magazzino di fluidi II
StorageFluidT3__name Fluid storage III
StorageFluidT4__name Fluid storage IV
StorageFluid__name Fluid storage Magazzino di fluidi
StorageLooseFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a loose product. Immagazzina fino a {0} unità di un prodotto sfuso.
StorageLooseT2__name Loose storage II Magazzino sfusi II
StorageLooseT3__name Loose storage III
StorageLooseT4__name Loose storage IV
StorageLoose__name Loose storage Magazzino sfusi
StoragePowerConsumptionSuffix Consumes power when sending or receiving products via its ports.
storagesCategory__name Storage Magazzino
StorageSolidFormattedBase__desc Stores up to {0} units of a solid product. Immagazzina fino a {0} unità di un prodotto solido.
StorageSupplyTooHigh__name Alert: {entity} has high supply of {0}
StorageSupplyTooLow__name Alert: {entity} has low supply of {0}
StorageUnitT2__name Unit storage II Magazzino II
StorageUnitT3__name Unit storage III
StorageUnitT4__name Unit storage IV
StorageUnit__name Unit storage Magazzino
StoredHeat__NoProductSelected no product selected for heat transfer
StoredHeat__Title Stored heat
StoredHeat__Tooltip The available heat accumulated in this storage. Heat does not decay as long as the storage remains operational.
StoredProduct__ClearActive_Tooltip Storage is now being emptied by trucks. Il magazzino viene ora svuotato dai camion.
StoredProduct__Clear_Tooltip Click to remove currently assigned product. If storage is not empty, this will request trucks to remove all the remaining products. Fare clic per rimuovere il prodotto attualmente assegnato. Se il magazzino non è vuoto, questo richiederà ai camion di rimuovere tutti i prodotti rimanenti.
StoredProduct__KeepEmpty Empty Vuoto
StoredProduct__KeepFull Keep full Mantieni pieno
StoredProduct__NothingStored No product assigned Nessun prodotto assegnato


2 years ago
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English Italian
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String information

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description for storage description for storage
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
it.po, string 2407