
Example: "Oil rig was fully repaired"

English notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated
Context English Italian
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment Trattamento delle acque reflue
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. Questa stazione può estrarre acqua dolce.
WaterWell__name Groundwater well Pozzo d'acqua sotterranea
WeatherOption_Dry Dry Asciutto
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry Meno asciutto
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless Senza bordi
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen Schermo intero
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed In finestra
WindowMode__Title Window mode Modalità in finestra
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts
Workers__Available available disponibile
Workers__Needed needed necessari
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts.
WorkersDemand Workers demand
WorldCargo__Title Available to pick up
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} è stato completamente riparato
WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title Exploration in progress! Esplorazione in corso!
WorldLocation__Explored_Desc This was already explored. Questo era già stato esplorato.
WorldLocation__Explored_Title Fully explored Completamente esplorato
WorldLocation__Home_Desc This is our home island! Questa è la nostra isola!
WorldLocation__Home_Title Home island Isola di casa
WorldLocation__Unknown_Desc We need to explore this! Dobbiamo esplorare questo!
WorldLocation__Unknown_Title Unknown location Località sconosciuta
WorldLocation__UnknownOnWay_Desc Our ship is on way to explore this! La nostra nave è in viaggio per esplorarlo!
WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Desc There is an enemy that needs to be defeated! C'è un nemico che deve essere sconfitto!
WorldLocation__WithEnemy_Title Location with enemy Posizione nemica
WorldLocation__WithEnemyOnWay_Desc Our ship is on her way to the battle! La nostra nave è in viaggio per la battaglia!
WorldLocation_EnemyFound Enemy found Nemico trovato
WorldLocation_Orders Ship orders Ordini della nave
WorldLocation_Orders__Battle Battle Battaglia
WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo Deliver cargo Consegna merci
Context English Italian
WaterTreatmentPlant__name Wastewater treatment Trattamento delle acque reflue
WaterWell__desc This station can extract fresh water. Questa stazione può estrarre acqua dolce.
WaterWell__name Groundwater well Pozzo d'acqua sotterranea
WeatherOption_Dry Dry Asciutto
WeatherOption_LessDry Less dry Meno asciutto
WindowMode__Option_Borderless Borderless Senza bordi
WindowMode__Option_Fullscreen Fullscreen Schermo intero
WindowMode__Option_Windowed Windowed In finestra
WindowMode__Title Window mode Modalità in finestra
WindowsShortcuts Windows shortcuts
WorkersAvailable__Tooltip The number of workers available. To get more workers increase your population. You can do so by building a beacon, explore the world map or apply edicts.
WorkersDemand Workers demand
Workers__Available available disponibile
Workers__Needed needed necessari
WorldCargo__Title Available to pick up
WorldEntityRepaired__name {0} was fully repaired {0} è stato completamente riparato
WorldLocation_EnemyFound Enemy found Nemico trovato
WorldLocation_Orders Ship orders Ordini della nave
WorldLocation_Orders__Battle Battle Battaglia
WorldLocation_Orders__DeliverCargo Deliver cargo Consegna merci
WorldLocation_Orders__Explore Explore Esplora
WorldLocation_Orders__GoHome Go home Torna a casa
WorldLocation_Orders__LoadCargo Load cargo Imbarcare il carico
WorldLocation_Orders__Visit Visit Visita
WorldLocation_StructureFound Structure found Struttura trovata
WorldLocation__BeingExplored_Title Exploration in progress! Esplorazione in corso!
WorldLocation__Explored_Desc This was already explored. Questo era già stato esplorato.
WorldLocation__Explored_Title Fully explored Completamente esplorato
WorldLocation__Home_Desc This is our home island! Questa è la nostra isola!
WorldLocation__Home_Title Home island Isola di casa


User avatar Marco

Suggestion accepted

Captain of Industry / GameItalian

2 years ago
User avatar Elgoa95

Suggestion added

Captain of Industry / GameItalian

2 years ago
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Things to check


English Italian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information


Example: "Oil rig was fully repaired"

Source string comment
notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated notification, any strings in curly braces { } must be preserved and non-translated
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
it.po, string 2953