
English shows stage of some building or process, {0} is building or process name, {1} is stage number like 1 or 2 shows stage of some building or process, {0} is building or process name, {1} is stage number like 1 or 2
Context English Hungarian
SolarPanel__name Solar panel Napelem
SolarPanelMono__desc Solar panels that are made from a single crystal silicon. That makes them more expensive to produce but they provide {0}% more energy. Napelemek, amelyek monokristályos szilíciumból készülnek. Ezáltal drágább az előállításuk, de {0}%-al több energiát adnak.
SolarPanelMono__name Solar panel (mono) Napelem (mono)
SolarPowerIncrease__desc A demanding cleaning procedure for solar panels, increasing their power output by {0}. Igényes tisztítási eljárás a napelemek számára, {0}-kal növelve teljesítményüket.
SolarPowerIncrease__name Clean panels Tiszta napelem panelek
SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name {entity}: blocked due to full output
SortingPlantNoProductSet__name {entity} needs to be assigned with products to sort
SourWaterStripper__desc Makes sour water useful by extracting ammonia and sulfur. Sulfur can be turned into acid and used for instance in the production of copper Az ammónia és a kén kivonásával hasznossá teszi a savanyú vizet. A kén savvá alakítható és felhasználható például a rézgyártásban.
SourWaterStripper__name Sour water stripper Savanyúvizes átmosó
SpeedReduced__Machine Speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpeedReduced__Vehicle Vehicle speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpruceTree__desc Spruce tree Lucfenyő
Stacker__desc Dumps material from connected conveyor belts directly on the terrain. A csatlakoztatott szállítószalagokról az anyagot közvetlenül a terepre rakja le.
Stacker__name Stacker Halmozó
StackerProducts__Title What will be dumped here Ami itt lesz lerakva
StageStr {0} (stage {1}) {0} ({1}. szakasz)
StartingLocation_Title Starting location
StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip A balanced map. Great for beginners or casual players.
StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip For skilled players who have some experience with the game already. Requires planning and trade-offs.
StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip For players who are ready to fail and like to push their limits. Do not take success for granted.
StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip A slightly more advanced map that may require some extra planning.
StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy Easy
StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard Hard
StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane Insane
StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium Medium
StartNewResearch_Action Start new research Új kutatás kiválasztása
StartRepairs Start repairs Javítás indítása
StartRepairs__Tooltip We need to load all the required materials onto our ship and request it to deliver all the materials to this location. Az összes szükséges anyagot fel kell töltenünk a hajónkra, és meg kell kérnünk, hogy szállítsa az összes anyagot erre a helyre.
StartResearch_Action Start research Kutatás indítása
StarvationMode__Death Death by starvation
StarvationMode__ReducedWorkers Reduced workforce
Context English Hungarian
SolarPanelMono__name Solar panel (mono) Napelem (mono)
SolarPanel__desc Converts sunlight to electricity. Surprisingly, the efficiency depends on how sunny it is. A napfényt elektromos árammá alakítja. Meglepő módon a hatásfok attól függ, hogy mennyire süt a nap.
SolarPanel__name Solar panel Napelem
SolarPowerIncrease__desc A demanding cleaning procedure for solar panels, increasing their power output by {0}. Igényes tisztítási eljárás a napelemek számára, {0}-kal növelve teljesítményüket.
SolarPowerIncrease__name Clean panels Tiszta napelem panelek
SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name {entity}: blocked due to full output
SortingPlantNoProductSet__name {entity} needs to be assigned with products to sort
SourWaterStripper__desc Makes sour water useful by extracting ammonia and sulfur. Sulfur can be turned into acid and used for instance in the production of copper Az ammónia és a kén kivonásával hasznossá teszi a savanyú vizet. A kén savvá alakítható és felhasználható például a rézgyártásban.
SourWaterStripper__name Sour water stripper Savanyúvizes átmosó
SpeedReduced__Machine Speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpeedReduced__Vehicle Vehicle speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpruceTree__desc Spruce tree Lucfenyő
StackerProducts__Title What will be dumped here Ami itt lesz lerakva
Stacker__desc Dumps material from connected conveyor belts directly on the terrain. A csatlakoztatott szállítószalagokról az anyagot közvetlenül a terepre rakja le.
Stacker__name Stacker Halmozó
StageStr {0} (stage {1}) {0} ({1}. szakasz)
StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy Easy
StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard Hard
StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane Insane
StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium Medium
StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip A balanced map. Great for beginners or casual players.
StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip For skilled players who have some experience with the game already. Requires planning and trade-offs.
StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip For players who are ready to fail and like to push their limits. Do not take success for granted.
StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip A slightly more advanced map that may require some extra planning.
StartingLocation_Title Starting location
StartNewResearch_Action Start new research Új kutatás kiválasztása
StartRepairs Start repairs Javítás indítása
StartRepairs__Tooltip We need to load all the required materials onto our ship and request it to deliver all the materials to this location. Az összes szükséges anyagot fel kell töltenünk a hajónkra, és meg kell kérnünk, hogy szállítsa az összes anyagot erre a helyre.
StartResearch_Action Start research Kutatás indítása
StarvationMode__Death Death by starvation


User avatar blaszlo777

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Captain of Industry / GameHungarian

2 years ago
User avatar Hopper

Suggestion added

Captain of Industry / GameHungarian

2 years ago
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English Hungarian
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String information

Source string comment
shows stage of some building or process, {0} is building or process name, {1} is stage number like 1 or 2 shows stage of some building or process, {0} is building or process name, {1} is stage number like 1 or 2
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
hu.po, string 2339