
English Difficulty impact on construction
Context English Spanish
DesignationError__Invalid Invalid position. Posición invalida.
DesignationRemovalTooltip Right click & drag to remove existing designations Haga clic con el botón derecho y arrastre para eliminar las zonas existentes
Designations Designations Designaciones
DesignationWarning__CannotPlaceDecal Can't paint over terrain. No se puede pintar sobre el terreno.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartDumping Cannot start dumping here yet, all the edges are too high above the terrain. No se puede verter aún nada aquí, los bordes son demasiado altos sobre el terreno.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry Cannot start forestry here yet, ground is not fertile.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling Cannot start leveling terrain here yet, all the edges are too low/high above the terrain. No se puede comenzar a nivelar el terreno aquí todavía, los bordes están demasiado bajos/altos sobre el terreno.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. No se puede empezar aún a minar aquí, los bordes del terreno son demasiado profundos.
DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower Must be managed by a forestry tower area. Debe ser manejado por un área de torre forestal.
DesignationWarning__NoTower Must be managed by a mining tower area. Debe estar controlada por el área de una torre de control de minería.
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. Quema diésel para generar electricidad.
DieselGenerator__name Diesel generator Generador de diésel
DieselGeneratorT2__desc More powerful generator. Can also serve as a power backup. Un generador más potente. También puede servir como respaldo de energía.
DieselGeneratorT2__name Diesel generator II Generador diésel II
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} Dificultad: {0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost
DifficultyConstruction__Hard Increased construction cost
DifficultyContracts__Easy More profitables contracts and cheaper loans
DifficultyContracts__Hard Standard contracts and more expensive loans
DifficultyContracts__Normal Standard contracts and loans
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases
DifficultyDisease__Hard More severe diseases
DifficultyDisease__Normal Standard disease severity
DifficultyFood__Easy Reduced resource consumption by settlements
DifficultyFood__Hard Increased resource consumption by settlements
DifficultyFood__Normal Standard resource consumption by settlements
DifficultyFuel__Easy Reduced fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
DifficultyFuel__Hard Increased fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
DifficultyFuel__Normal Standard fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
DifficultyGrowth__Easy Faster growth for crops and trees
DifficultyGrowth__Hard Slower growth for crops and trees
Context English Spanish
DesignationWarning__CannotStartForestry Cannot start forestry here yet, ground is not fertile.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartLeveling Cannot start leveling terrain here yet, all the edges are too low/high above the terrain. No se puede comenzar a nivelar el terreno aquí todavía, los bordes están demasiado bajos/altos sobre el terreno.
DesignationWarning__CannotStartMining Cannot start mining here yet, all the edges are too deep below the terrain. No se puede empezar aún a minar aquí, los bordes del terreno son demasiado profundos.
DesignationWarning__NoForestryTower Must be managed by a forestry tower area. Debe ser manejado por un área de torre forestal.
DesignationWarning__NoTower Must be managed by a mining tower area. Debe estar controlada por el área de una torre de control de minería.
Designation__Dumping Dumping designation Zona de descarga
Designation__Forestry Forestry designation Designación forestal
Designation__Leveling Leveling designation Designación de nivelación
Designation__Mining Mining designation Zona minera
Designation__TreeHarvesting Tree harvesting designation Zona de tala
DieselGeneratorT2__desc More powerful generator. Can also serve as a power backup. Un generador más potente. También puede servir como respaldo de energía.
DieselGeneratorT2__name Diesel generator II Generador diésel II
DieselGenerator__desc Burns diesel to create electricity. Quema diésel para generar electricidad.
DieselGenerator__name Diesel generator Generador de diésel
Difficulty Difficulty: {0} Dificultad: {0}
DifficultyConstruction__Easy Standard construction cost
DifficultyConstruction__Hard Increased construction cost
DifficultyContracts__Easy More profitables contracts and cheaper loans
DifficultyContracts__Hard Standard contracts and more expensive loans
DifficultyContracts__Normal Standard contracts and loans
DifficultyDisease__Easy Milder diseases
DifficultyDisease__Hard More severe diseases
DifficultyDisease__Normal Standard disease severity
DifficultyFood__Easy Reduced resource consumption by settlements
DifficultyFood__Hard Increased resource consumption by settlements
DifficultyFood__Normal Standard resource consumption by settlements
DifficultyFuel__Easy Reduced fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
DifficultyFuel__Hard Increased fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
DifficultyFuel__Normal Standard fuel consumption for vehicles and cargo ships
DifficultyGrowth__Easy Faster growth for crops and trees
User avatar Aitorus93

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3 weeks ago
User avatar Josedpr_

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4 months ago


User avatar Aitorus93

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Captain of Industry / GameSpanish

3 weeks ago
User avatar Josedpr_

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Captain of Industry / GameSpanish

4 months ago
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English Spanish
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String information

Source string comment
Difficulty impact on construction
String age
11 months ago
Source string age
11 months ago
Translation file
es.po, string 466