
English name
Context English Spanish
UpointsCat_Decorations__name Settlements quality Calidad de los asentamientos
UpointsCat_Edict__name Edicts Decretos
UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name Free Libre
UpointsCat_Health__name Health Salud
UpointsCat_Homeless__name Homeless Sin hogar
UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name Island buildings Edificios de la isla
UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name One time actions Acciones de una sola vez
UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name Other decorations Otras decoraciones
UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name Pops adoption Adopción pops
UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name Quick build Construcción rápida
UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name Quick remove Deconstrucción rápida
UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name Quick repair Reparación rápida
UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name Quick trade Comercio rápido
UpointsCat_Rockets__name Rocket launch Lanzamiento de cohete
UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name Fuel for ships
UpointsCat_Starvation__name Starvation
UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name Vehicle recovery Recuperación de vehículos
UpointsCategory__Decorations Decorations Decoraciones
UpointsCategory__DecorationsLong Bonus from decorations Bono por decoraciones
UpointsStatsCat_Services__name Services Servicios
UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name World map mines Minas del mapa mundial
UraniumEnrichmentPlant__desc Utilizes a large set of centrifuges to concentrate uranium-235 isotope out of natural uranium (a process called isotope separation). The resulting product is fissile uranium, ready to undergo a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor. Utiliza un gran conjunto de centrifugadoras para concentrar el isótopo de uranio-235 a partir del uranio natural (un proceso llamado separación de isótopos). El producto resultante son pastillas de uranio fisionables, listos para sufrir una reacción en cadena en un reactor nuclear. Las pastillas aún no son radiactivas y se pueden manipular manualmente.
UraniumEnrichmentPlant__name Enrichment plant Planta de enriquecimiento
UraniumMine__name Uranium mine Mina de uranio
VacuumDistillationTower__desc Produces synthetic rubber. Produce caucho sintético.
VacuumDistillationTower__name Rubber maker Fábrica de caucho
VehicleGoalStruggling__name {entity} is struggling to find a destination it can reach.
VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name {entity} is struggling to find a destination it can reach.
VehicleGoalUnreachable__name {entity} cannot reach destination. {entity} no puede llegar al destino.
VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name {entity} cannot reach destination. {entity} no puede llegar al destino.
VehicleIsBroken__name Vehicle is broken as it lacks maintenance El vehículo está averiado por falta de mantenimiento
Context English Spanish
UpointsCat_Decorations__name Settlements quality Calidad de los asentamientos
UpointsCat_Edict__name Edicts Decretos
UpointsCat_FreeUnity__name Free Libre
UpointsCat_Health__name Health Salud
UpointsCat_Homeless__name Homeless Sin hogar
UpointsCat_IslandBuildings__name Island buildings Edificios de la isla
UpointsCat_OneTimeActions__name One time actions Acciones de una sola vez
UpointsCat_OtherDecorations__name Other decorations Otras decoraciones
UpointsCat_PopsAdoption__name Pops adoption Adopción pops
UpointsCat_QuickBuild__name Quick build Construcción rápida
UpointsCat_QuickRemove__name Quick remove Deconstrucción rápida
UpointsCat_QuickRepair__name Quick repair Reparación rápida
UpointsCat_QuickTrade__name Quick trade Comercio rápido
UpointsCat_Rockets__name Rocket launch Lanzamiento de cohete
UpointsCat_ShipFuel__name Fuel for ships
UpointsCat_Starvation__name Starvation
UpointsCat_VehicleRecovery__name Vehicle recovery Recuperación de vehículos
UpointsStatsCat_Services__name Services Servicios
UpointsStatsCat_WorldMapMines__name World map mines Minas del mapa mundial
UraniumEnrichmentPlant__desc Utilizes a large set of centrifuges to concentrate uranium-235 isotope out of natural uranium (a process called isotope separation). The resulting product is fissile uranium, ready to undergo a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor. Utiliza un gran conjunto de centrifugadoras para concentrar el isótopo de uranio-235 a partir del uranio natural (un proceso llamado separación de isótopos). El producto resultante son pastillas de uranio fisionables, listos para sufrir una reacción en cadena en un reactor nuclear. Las pastillas aún no son radiactivas y se pueden manipular manualmente.
UraniumEnrichmentPlant__name Enrichment plant Planta de enriquecimiento
UraniumMine__name Uranium mine Mina de uranio
VacuumDistillationTower__desc Produces synthetic rubber. Produce caucho sintético.
VacuumDistillationTower__name Rubber maker Fábrica de caucho
VehicleGoalStrugglingCannotGoUnder__name {entity} is struggling to find a destination it can reach.
VehicleGoalStruggling__name {entity} is struggling to find a destination it can reach.
VehicleGoalUnreachableCannotGoUnder__name {entity} cannot reach destination. {entity} no puede llegar al destino.
VehicleGoalUnreachable__name {entity} cannot reach destination. {entity} no puede llegar al destino.
VehicleIsBroken__name Vehicle is broken as it lacks maintenance El vehículo está averiado por falta de mantenimiento
VehicleJob__DrivingToGoal Driving to destination Conduciendo al destino
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Empty Captain of Industry/Game
The following string has different context, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game Inanición


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English Spanish
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11 months ago
Source string age
11 months ago
Translation file
es.po, string 2867