
English example replacements: {0} => 50%
Context English Spanish
SmeltingFurnaceT2__name Blast furnace II Planta metalúrgica II
SmokeStack__desc Allows release of gasses into atmosphere. Some gasses such as exhaust cause pollution. Permite la liberación de gases a la atmósfera. Algunos gases, como los de escape, provocan contaminación.
SmokeStack__name Smoke stack Chimenea
SmokeStackLarge__name Smoke stack (large) Chimenea (grande)
SolarPanel__desc Converts sunlight to electricity. Surprisingly, the efficiency depends on how sunny it is. Convierte la luz solar en electricidad. Sorprendentemente, la eficiencia dependerá de lo soleado que esté.
SolarPanel__name Solar panel Panel solar
SolarPanelMono__desc Solar panels that are made from a single crystal silicon. That makes them more expensive to produce but they provide {0}% more energy. Paneles solares que están hechos de cristal de silicio. Eso los hace más caros de producir, pero proporcionan un {0}% más de energía.
SolarPanelMono__name Solar panel (mono) Panel solar (mono)
SolarPowerIncrease__desc A demanding cleaning procedure for solar panels, increasing their power output by {0}. Un procedimiento de limpieza exigente para los paneles solares, que aumenta su potencia de salida en {0}.
SolarPowerIncrease__name Clean panels Limpiar paneles
SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name {entity}: blocked due to full output
SortingPlantNoProductSet__name {entity} needs to be assigned with products to sort
SourWaterStripper__desc Makes sour water useful by extracting ammonia and sulfur. Sulfur can be turned into acid and used for instance in the production of copper Hace que el agua ácida sea útil convirtiéndola en ácido. El ácido se puede utilizar, por ejemplo, en la producción de cobre
SourWaterStripper__name Sour water stripper Separador de agua ácida
SpeedReduced__Machine Speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpeedReduced__Vehicle Vehicle speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpruceTree__desc Spruce tree
Stacker__desc Dumps material from connected conveyor belts directly on the terrain.
Stacker__name Stacker
StackerProducts__Title What will be dumped here
StageStr {0} (stage {1}) {0} (etapa {1})
StartingLocation_Title Starting location
StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip A balanced map. Great for beginners or casual players.
StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip For skilled players who have some experience with the game already. Requires planning and trade-offs.
StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip For players who are ready to fail and like to push their limits. Do not take success for granted.
StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip A slightly more advanced map that may require some extra planning.
StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy Easy
StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard Hard
StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane Insane
StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium Medium
StartNewResearch_Action Start new research Comenzar nueva investigación
Context English Spanish
SmeltingFurnaceT2__name Blast furnace II Planta metalúrgica II
SmokeStackLarge__name Smoke stack (large) Chimenea (grande)
SmokeStack__desc Allows release of gasses into atmosphere. Some gasses such as exhaust cause pollution. Permite la liberación de gases a la atmósfera. Algunos gases, como los de escape, provocan contaminación.
SmokeStack__name Smoke stack Chimenea
SolarPanelMono__desc Solar panels that are made from a single crystal silicon. That makes them more expensive to produce but they provide {0}% more energy. Paneles solares que están hechos de cristal de silicio. Eso los hace más caros de producir, pero proporcionan un {0}% más de energía.
SolarPanelMono__name Solar panel (mono) Panel solar (mono)
SolarPanel__desc Converts sunlight to electricity. Surprisingly, the efficiency depends on how sunny it is. Convierte la luz solar en electricidad. Sorprendentemente, la eficiencia dependerá de lo soleado que esté.
SolarPanel__name Solar panel Panel solar
SolarPowerIncrease__desc A demanding cleaning procedure for solar panels, increasing their power output by {0}. Un procedimiento de limpieza exigente para los paneles solares, que aumenta su potencia de salida en {0}.
SolarPowerIncrease__name Clean panels Limpiar paneles
SortingPlantBlockedOutput__name {entity}: blocked due to full output
SortingPlantNoProductSet__name {entity} needs to be assigned with products to sort
SourWaterStripper__desc Makes sour water useful by extracting ammonia and sulfur. Sulfur can be turned into acid and used for instance in the production of copper Hace que el agua ácida sea útil convirtiéndola en ácido. El ácido se puede utilizar, por ejemplo, en la producción de cobre
SourWaterStripper__name Sour water stripper Separador de agua ácida
SpeedReduced__Machine Speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpeedReduced__Vehicle Vehicle speed reduced to {0} due to the following factors:
SpruceTree__desc Spruce tree
StackerProducts__Title What will be dumped here
Stacker__desc Dumps material from connected conveyor belts directly on the terrain.
Stacker__name Stacker
StageStr {0} (stage {1}) {0} (etapa {1})
StartingLocationDifficulty_Easy Easy
StartingLocationDifficulty_Hard Hard
StartingLocationDifficulty_Insane Insane
StartingLocationDifficulty_Medium Medium
StartingLocationDifficulty__EasyTooltip A balanced map. Great for beginners or casual players.
StartingLocationDifficulty__HardTooltip For skilled players who have some experience with the game already. Requires planning and trade-offs.
StartingLocationDifficulty__InsaneTooltip For players who are ready to fail and like to push their limits. Do not take success for granted.
StartingLocationDifficulty__MediumTooltip A slightly more advanced map that may require some extra planning.
StartingLocation_Title Starting location


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English Spanish
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example replacements: {0} => 50%
String age
11 months ago
Source string age
11 months ago
Translation file
es.po, string 2334