
English ex: 14 / 98, research progress in the details panel of the load & save window
Context English Spanish
RenderingSettingPreset_Label Preset
Repair Repair Reparar
ReplaceShipPart Replace part Reemplazar parte
ReplaceVehicle__MainTooltip Allows to replace (upgrade) this vehicle. A requested replacement will be scheduled for assembly in a nearby vehicle depot. Once the replacement is built, the vehicle will head to the depot to be scrapped and replaced. In the meantime, the vehicle will operate as usual.
ReplaceVehicle__NoDepot There is no compatible vehicle depot that could build the selected replacement.
ReplaceVehicle__NoVehicleSelected No vehicle is selected for replacement.
ReplaceVehicle__OnItsWay Vehicle is heading to a vehicle depot to be replaced.
ReplaceVehicle__WaitingForReplace Vehicle is waiting for its replacement to be built in the vehicle depot.
ReportIssue Report issue Reportar un problema
ReputationIncrease__DonateAction Donate Donar
ReputationIncrease__Title Reputation increase Aumento de reputación
ReputationIncrease__Tooltip You can donate some products to increase your reputation in this settlement. The better reputation you have the more trade offers you get. Reputation also affects pops adoption. The products have to be delivered by your ship. Puedes donar algunos productos para aumentar tu reputación en este asentamiento. Cuanta mejor reputación tengas, más ofertas comerciales recibirás. La reputación también afecta la adopción de pops. Los productos tienen que ser entregados por su barco.
ReputationIncreaseTitle Increase our reputation to {0} Aumentar nuestra reputación a {0}
Requires Requires Requiere
Research Research Investigación
Research__Detail Research
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__desc Provides extra management of logistics and dumping. Proporciona una gestión adicional de la logística y la descarga.
ResearchAdvancedLogisticsControl__name Advanced logistics control Control logístico avanzado
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__desc Provides smelting with higher throughput and increased efficiency for crushed ores. Proporciona a la fundición un mayor rendimiento y una mayor eficiencia para minerales triturados.
ResearchAdvancedSmelting__name Advanced smelting Fundición avanzada
ResearchArcFurnace2__name Arc furnace II Horno de arco eléctrico II
ResearchAssembler3__name Assembly (robotic) II Ensambladora (robótica) II
ResearchBasicComputing__name Basic computing
ResearchBasicDiesel__desc Enables to pump island's limited reserve of oil and convert it to diesel. Not very efficient. Permite bombear la reserva limitada de petróleo de la isla y convertirla en diésel. No es muy eficiente.
ResearchBasicDiesel__name Basic diesel Diésel básico
ResearchBasicFarming__desc Basic farming of potatoes. We just need to hope it will rain. Cultivo básico de patatas. Solo tenemos que esperar que llueva.
ResearchBasicFarming__name Basic farming Agricultura básica
ResearchBeacon__name Beacon Faro
ResearchBioDiesel__name Biodiesel biodiésel
ResearchBiofuel__name Biofuel Biocombustible
ResearchBlueprints__name Blueprints Planos
Context English Spanish
ResearchVehicleAssembly3H__name Hydrogen mega vehicles
ResearchVehicleAssembly3__name Mega vehicles Mega pala
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease2__name Vehicles management II Gestión de vehículos II
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease3__name Vehicles management III Gestión de vehículos III
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease4__name Vehicles management IV Gestión de vehículos IV
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease5__name Vehicles management V Gestión de vehículos V
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease6__name Vehicles management VI
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__desc Increases vehicle limit by {0}. Aumenta el límite de vehículos en {0}.
ResearchVehicleCapIncrease__name Vehicles management Gestión de vehículos
ResearchVehicleRamps__name Ramp for vehicles Rampa para vehículos
ResearchWaterRecovery__name Water recovery Recuperación de agua
ResearchWaterTreatment2__desc A more efficient wastewater treatment process. Un proceso de tratamiento de aguas residuales más eficiente.
ResearchWaterTreatment2__name Wastewater treatment II Tratamiento de aguas residuales II
ResearchWaterTreatment__name Wastewater treatment Tratamiento de aguas residuales
ResearchWheatCrop__name Wheat farming & processing Cultivo y procesamiento de trigo
Research__Detail Research
ReserveStatus Reserve status Estado de la reserva
Resolution Resolution Resolución
ResourceIsLow__name {0} resource is getting low {0} recurso se está agotando
Resources Resources
RestartRequiredSuffix {0} (restart required) {0} (es necesario reiniciar)
RestoreDefaults Restore defaults Restaurar los valores predeterminados
RetainingWallCorner__name Retaining wall (corner) Muro de contención (esquina)
RetainingWallCross__name Retaining wall (cross) Muro de contención (cruz)
RetainingWallsTitle Retaining walls Muro de contención
RetainingWallStraight1__desc Prevents terrain from collapsing. Walls can be placed below the surface to prevent terrain collapse during mining, or above terrain to aid with dumping operations. The placement elevation is adjustable. Walls will collapse if they hold more than {0} units of height or if they are overfilled. Evita que el terreno se derrumbe. Los muros se pueden colocar debajo de la superficie para evitar el colapso del terreno durante la extracción o sobre el terreno para ayudar con las operaciones de descarga. La elevación de colocación es ajustable. Los muros se derrumbarán si tienen más de {0} unidades de altura o si se llenan en exceso.
RetainingWallStraight1__name Retaining wall (short) Muro de contención (corto)
RetainingWallStraight4__name Retaining wall (long) Muro de contención (largo)
RetainingWallTee__name Retaining wall (tee) Muro de contención (T)
RetiredWaste__NextDisposal Next disposal in: {0}
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Empty Captain of Industry/Game
The following strings have different contexts, but the same source.
Translated Captain of Industry/Game Investigación
Translated Captain of Industry/Game Investigación


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English Spanish
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String information

Source string comment
ex: 14 / 98, research progress in the details panel of the load & save window
String age
11 months ago
Source string age
11 months ago
Translation file
es.po, string 1886