Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Tildelte lastbiler vil følge denne træfældningsmaskine, som vil fylde dem med træ. Lastbiler leverer træet til fabrikken og vender derefter tilbage til træfældningsmaskinen.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Tildelte lastbiler vil følge denne Træfælder, som læsser dem med træ. Lastbiler vil levere træet til fabrikken og returnere tilbage til Træfælderen.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Tildelte lastbiler følger denneskovningsmaskine, som vil fylde dem med træ. Lastbiler leverer træet til fabrikken og vender tilbage til skovningsmaskinen.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Tildelte lastbiler følger denne høstmaskine, som vil fylde dem med træ. Lastbiler leverer træet til fabrikken og vender tilbage til mejetærskeren.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Tildelte lastbiler følger denne skovningsmaskine, som vil fylde dem med træ. Lastbiler leverer træet til fabrikken og vender derefter tilbage til skovningsmaskinen.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Tildelte lastbiler følger denneskovningsmaskine, som vil fylde dem med træ. Lastbiler leverer træet til fabrikken og vender tilbage til skovningsmaskinen.
Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.
Tildelte lastbiler følger denne høstmaskine, som vil fylde dem med træ. Lastbiler leverer træet til fabrikken og vender tilbage til mejetærskeren.
Previous translation was "Assigned trucks will follow this harvester which will load them with wood. Trucks will deliver the wood to the factory and return back to the harvester.".
tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a tree harvesting vehicle
tooltip that explains what trucks do when assigned to a tree harvesting vehicle