
English title of a panel that enables to assign excavators to a building title of a panel that enables to assign excavators to a building
Context English Danish
AreasWithoutTowers__name There are some mining designations outside of mine tower areas Noget af minen ligger uden for mine tårnets dæknings område
ArmageddonMap__desc Welcome to Armageddon, the shattered remnants of a bygone cataclysm. The impact that produced the central crater scattered precious resources over all the islands, offering lucrative opportunities for ambitious miners and entrepreneurs. I’m just glad I didn’t live here back then! That must have been quite the BOOM.

This island has more land area than any three other islands we’ve scouted, so substantial room for growth is available. With four starting locations, each offering a different difficulty level, this map caters to both new players looking for a manageable challenge and seasoned veterans seeking a test of their factory building skills.

This map was created as a celebration of the map editor for Update 2 as it demonstrates what can be achieved with it.
ArmageddonMap__name Armageddon
Armor Armor Rustning
ArmorT1__name Armor plating Panserbeklædning
ArmorT2__name Armor plating II Panserbeklædning II
AssemblyElectrified__desc Assembly line that is faster and can produce more advanced products. Elektrificeret samlebånd, som er hurtigere og kan producere flere avancerede produkter.
AssemblyElectrified__name Assembly II Montage (elektrisk)
AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name Assembly III Montage (elektrisk) II
AssemblyManual__desc Assembly line that produces basic products. Manuelt samlebånd som kan producere basale produkter.
AssemblyManual__name Assembly I Montage (Manuelt)
AssemblyRoboticT1__desc Robotic assembly that is faster and can produce more advanced products. Robot samlebånd, som er hurtigere og kan producere avancerede produkter.
AssemblyRoboticT1__name Assembly (robotic) Montage (robotteknologi)
AssemblyRoboticT2__name Assembly (robotic) II Montage (robotteknologi) II
AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title Assigned excavators will automatically mine all the mining designations managed by this tower. Don't forget to also assign some trucks so the excavators can unload their shovel. Tildelte gravemaskiner vil automatisk udvinde alle de minedriftsområder der administreres af dette tårn. Husk at tilføje lastbiler, så gravemaskinerne kan tømme deres skovl.
AssignedExcavators__Title Assigned excavators Tildelte gravemaskiner
AssignedForLogistics__Empty No routes assigned Ingen rute tildelt
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower Allows to assign storage units for export of wooden logs that are cut by tree harvesters assigned to this tower. If at least one storage unit is assigned, wood will be delivered only to assigned units and nowhere else.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation Enables to assign refueling trucks in this station to individual mine towers. Gør det muligt at tildele tankvogne fra denne station til individuelle minetårne.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to export into another storage (B), trucks will only export products to that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to export from this storage. This does not affect imports. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. Konfigurerer dedikerede eksportruter til lastbiler. Når først dette lager er indstillet til at eksportere til et andet lager (B), eksporterer lastbiler kun produkter til dette lager (B). Ingen anden ikke-tildelt lager eller maskine vil være i stand til at eksportere fra dette lager. Dette påvirker ikke importen. Rutetildelinger påvirker ikke eventuelle tilsluttede transportører eller rør. Opbevaring kan også tildeles et minekontroltårn.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like to deliver materials mined here to a specific storage but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign it to another {0} in order to use that one for dumping. Konfigurerer dedikerede eksportruter til lastbiler. Hvis du f.eks. gerne vil levere materialer, der er udvundet her, til et specifikt lager, men ingen andre steder, kan du tildele denne {0} til den valgte lagerplads. Du kan også tildele den til en anden {0} for at bruge den til dumping.
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel tree planters and tree harvesters in this place.
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to import from another storage (B), trucks will only import products from that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to import into this storage. This does not affect export. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. Konfigurerer dedikerede importruter for lastbiler. Når først dette lager er indstillet til at importere fra et andet lager (B), importerer lastbiler kun produkter fra dette lager (B). Ingen anden ikke-tildelt lager eller maskine vil være i stand til at importere til dette lager. Dette påvirker ikke eksporten. Rutetildelinger påvirker ikke eventuelle tilsluttede transportører eller rør. Opbevaring kan også tildeles et minekontroltårn.
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like materials from some storage to be dumped in here but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel excavators in this place. Konfigurerer dedikerede importruter for lastbiler. Hvis du f.eks. ønsker, at materialer fra et eller andet lager skal dumpes her, men ingen andre steder, kan du tildele denne {0} til den valgte lagerplads. Du kan også tildele en tankstation til at få sine lastbiler til at tanke gravemaskiner på dette sted.
AssignedTo assigned to {0} tildelt til {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned.
AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title Assigned tree harvesters
AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned.
AssignedTreePlanters__Title Assigned tree planters
AssignedTrucks__Building_Tooltip Assigned vehicles will be allocated to transfer cargo exclusively for this building. This means that anytime an assigned vehicle performs a delivery this building has to be either source or destination of the cargo. This can be combined with routes assignment to form dedicated supply lines. Tildelte køretøjer vil blive tildelt til at overføre last udelukkende til denne bygning. Dette betyder, at hver gang et tildelt køretøj udfører en levering, skal denne bygning enten være kilden eller destinationen for lasten. Dette kan kombineres med rutetildeling for at danne dedikerede forsyningslinjer.
AssignedTrucks__FuelStation_Tooltip Assigned trucks will automatically refuel all the nearby excavators and tree harvesters. Tildelte lastbiler tanker automatisk alle nærliggende grave- og skovningmaskiner, og opretholder brændstofreserve for denne station.
Context English Danish
Area_Value {0} km²
ArmageddonMap__desc Welcome to Armageddon, the shattered remnants of a bygone cataclysm. The impact that produced the central crater scattered precious resources over all the islands, offering lucrative opportunities for ambitious miners and entrepreneurs. I’m just glad I didn’t live here back then! That must have been quite the BOOM.

This island has more land area than any three other islands we’ve scouted, so substantial room for growth is available. With four starting locations, each offering a different difficulty level, this map caters to both new players looking for a manageable challenge and seasoned veterans seeking a test of their factory building skills.

This map was created as a celebration of the map editor for Update 2 as it demonstrates what can be achieved with it.
ArmageddonMap__name Armageddon
Armor Armor Rustning
ArmorT1__name Armor plating Panserbeklædning
ArmorT2__name Armor plating II Panserbeklædning II
AssemblyElectrifiedT2__name Assembly III Montage (elektrisk) II
AssemblyElectrified__desc Assembly line that is faster and can produce more advanced products. Elektrificeret samlebånd, som er hurtigere og kan producere flere avancerede produkter.
AssemblyElectrified__name Assembly II Montage (elektrisk)
AssemblyManual__desc Assembly line that produces basic products. Manuelt samlebånd som kan producere basale produkter.
AssemblyManual__name Assembly I Montage (Manuelt)
AssemblyRoboticT1__desc Robotic assembly that is faster and can produce more advanced products. Robot samlebånd, som er hurtigere og kan producere avancerede produkter.
AssemblyRoboticT1__name Assembly (robotic) Montage (robotteknologi)
AssemblyRoboticT2__name Assembly (robotic) II Montage (robotteknologi) II
AssignedExcavators__MineTower_Title Assigned excavators will automatically mine all the mining designations managed by this tower. Don't forget to also assign some trucks so the excavators can unload their shovel. Tildelte gravemaskiner vil automatisk udvinde alle de minedriftsområder der administreres af dette tårn. Husk at tilføje lastbiler, så gravemaskinerne kan tømme deres skovl.
AssignedExcavators__Title Assigned excavators Tildelte gravemaskiner
AssignedForLogistics__Empty No routes assigned Ingen rute tildelt
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipForestryTower Allows to assign storage units for export of wooden logs that are cut by tree harvesters assigned to this tower. If at least one storage unit is assigned, wood will be delivered only to assigned units and nowhere else.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipFuelStation Enables to assign refueling trucks in this station to individual mine towers. Gør det muligt at tildele tankvogne fra denne station til individuelle minetårne.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to export into another storage (B), trucks will only export products to that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to export from this storage. This does not affect imports. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. Konfigurerer dedikerede eksportruter til lastbiler. Når først dette lager er indstillet til at eksportere til et andet lager (B), eksporterer lastbiler kun produkter til dette lager (B). Ingen anden ikke-tildelt lager eller maskine vil være i stand til at eksportere fra dette lager. Dette påvirker ikke importen. Rutetildelinger påvirker ikke eventuelle tilsluttede transportører eller rør. Opbevaring kan også tildeles et minekontroltårn.
AssignedForLogistics__ExportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated export routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like to deliver materials mined here to a specific storage but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign it to another {0} in order to use that one for dumping. Konfigurerer dedikerede eksportruter til lastbiler. Hvis du f.eks. gerne vil levere materialer, der er udvundet her, til et specifikt lager, men ingen andre steder, kan du tildele denne {0} til den valgte lagerplads. Du kan også tildele den til en anden {0} for at bruge den til dumping.
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipForestryTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel tree planters and tree harvesters in this place.
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipGeneral Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. Once this storage is set to import from another storage (B), trucks will only import products from that storage (B). No other unassigned storage or machine will be able to import into this storage. This does not affect export. Route assignments do not affect any connected conveyors or pipes. Storage can be also assigned to a mine control tower. Konfigurerer dedikerede importruter for lastbiler. Når først dette lager er indstillet til at importere fra et andet lager (B), importerer lastbiler kun produkter fra dette lager (B). Ingen anden ikke-tildelt lager eller maskine vil være i stand til at importere til dette lager. Dette påvirker ikke eksporten. Rutetildelinger påvirker ikke eventuelle tilsluttede transportører eller rør. Opbevaring kan også tildeles et minekontroltårn.
AssignedForLogistics__ImportTooltipMineTower Configures dedicated import routes for trucks. For example, if you’d like materials from some storage to be dumped in here but nowhere else, you can assign this {0} to the chosen storage. You can also assign a fuel station to make its trucks refuel excavators in this place. Konfigurerer dedikerede importruter for lastbiler. Hvis du f.eks. ønsker, at materialer fra et eller andet lager skal dumpes her, men ingen andre steder, kan du tildele denne {0} til den valgte lagerplads. Du kan også tildele en tankstation til at få sine lastbiler til at tanke gravemaskiner på dette sted.
AssignedTo assigned to {0} tildelt til {0}
AssignedTreeHarvesters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree harvesters will automatically harvest trees in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned harvesters will work here as long as there is no harvester assigned.
AssignedTreeHarvesters__Title Assigned tree harvesters
AssignedTreePlanters__ForestryTower_Title Assigned tree planters will automatically plant saplings in all the forestry designations managed by this tower. Unassigned planters will work here as long as there is no planter assigned.
AssignedTreePlanters__Title Assigned tree planters
AssignedTrucksEnforce__Title Accept assigned only Tildelte gravemaskiner


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English Danish
Assigned Tildelte Glossary
excavator gravemaskine Glossary

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title of a panel that enables to assign excavators to a building title of a panel that enables to assign excavators to a building
String age
3 years ago
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3 years ago
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da.po, string 81