
English anti-aliasing mode, {0} is number of samples, for example 'x8'
Context English Danish
AmountOfWorkers {0} worker {0} arbejder
AnaerobicDigester__desc Performs a process in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen to produce fuels and fertilizer. Udføre en proces i hvor mikroorganismer nedbryder bionedbrydelige matrialer i fravær af ilt til at producere brændstoffer og gødning.
AnaerobicDigester__name Anaerobic digester Anaerob rådnetank
AnimalFarm_AddAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals from other farms into this farm Flytter dyr fra andre gårde til denne gård
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Title Pause growth Sæt vækst på pause
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Tooltip Stops natural increase in number of animals in this farm. Stopper naturlig forøgelse af antal dyr på denne gård.
AnimalFarm_RemoveAllAnimals Remove all Fjern alle
AnimalFarm_RemoveAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals that are in this farm into other farms Flyt dyr fra nuværende gård til anden gård
AnimalFarm_Title Animals Dyr
AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip Animals housed in this farm. You can obtain new animals by trading with a world village. Once there are some animals they will start naturally increase in number. Animals need to be provided with food and water otherwise they can perish. Dyr bor på denne gård. Du kan få nye dyr ved at handle med en verdens by. Når der er dyr, vil de automatisk stige i antal. Dyr skal have mad og vand, ellers dør de.
AnimalFarmMissingFood__name {entity}: Not enough food {entity}: Der er ikke nok mad
AnimalFarmMissingWater__name {entity}: Not enough water {entity}: Der er ikke nok vand
AnimalSlaughtering__Title Enable slaughtering Aktiver slagtning
AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip When enabled a red slider appears. If the total number of animals in this farm gets above the red slider, then the excess number will be slaughtered for products like meat. In case the slider is set to full capacity it will only slaughter the born excess that would not fit into the farm. If slaughtering is disabled, no meat gets produced. Når slået til fremkommer en rød markering. Hvis det totale antal af dyr på gården kommer over den røde markering, vil det overskydende antal blive slagtet til f.eks. kød. Hvis markeringen er sat til fuld kapacitet, vil det kun være de overskydende dyr, som ikke passer i gårdens størrelse. Hvis slagtning er slået fra, produceres intet kød.
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0} Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort MSAA {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name Anti-aliasing Anti-aliasing
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA) Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA)
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort SMAA SMAA
ApplyChanges Apply changes Anvend ændringer
ApplyChangesConflictPrompt Ignore conflicts and apply changes?
ApplySettingsFrom Apply settings from Anvend indstillinger fra
ArcFurnace__desc Melts metals via a powerful electric arc. The arc is deployed using graphite anodes that are partially spent during the process due to the high heat. Beware that the furnace consumes a significant amount of power. It would be polite to notify your local power plant before turning this on. Smelter metaller gennem en stærk elektrisk bue. Buen er laver ved brug af grafit anoder som delvist bliver brugt i løbet af processen på grund af den høje temperatur. Vær opmærksom på at ovnen bruger en stor mængde strøm. Det ville være pænt af dig at gøre dit lokale kraftværk opmærksom før du tænder den.
ArcFurnace__name Arc furnace Lysbueovn
ArcFurnace2__desc This furnace has a cooling system to safely reach higher operating temperatures. This provides increased throughput and an opportunity to reuse some of the excess heat. Power requirements are increased as well. Smelter metaller gennem en stærk elektrisk bue. Buen er laver ved brug af grafit anoder som delvist bliver brugt i løbet af processen på grund af den høje temperatur. Vær opmærksom på at ovnen bruger en stor mængde strøm. Det ville være pænt af dig at gøre dit lokale kraftværk opmærksom før du tænder den.
ArcFurnace2__name Arc furnace II Lysbueovn II
Area_Value {0} km²
AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name There are some forestry designations outside of forestry tower areas
AreasWithoutTowers__name There are some mining designations outside of mine tower areas Noget af minen ligger uden for mine tårnets dæknings område
ArmageddonMap__desc Welcome to Armageddon, the shattered remnants of a bygone cataclysm. The impact that produced the central crater scattered precious resources over all the islands, offering lucrative opportunities for ambitious miners and entrepreneurs. I’m just glad I didn’t live here back then! That must have been quite the BOOM.

This island has more land area than any three other islands we’ve scouted, so substantial room for growth is available. With four starting locations, each offering a different difficulty level, this map caters to both new players looking for a manageable challenge and seasoned veterans seeking a test of their factory building skills.

This map was created as a celebration of the map editor for Update 2 as it demonstrates what can be achieved with it.
ArmageddonMap__name Armageddon
Context English Danish
AmountOfWorkers {0} worker {0} arbejder
AnaerobicDigester__desc Performs a process in which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen to produce fuels and fertilizer. Udføre en proces i hvor mikroorganismer nedbryder bionedbrydelige matrialer i fravær af ilt til at producere brændstoffer og gødning.
AnaerobicDigester__name Anaerobic digester Anaerob rådnetank
AnimalFarmMissingFood__name {entity}: Not enough food {entity}: Der er ikke nok mad
AnimalFarmMissingWater__name {entity}: Not enough water {entity}: Der er ikke nok vand
AnimalFarm_AddAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals from other farms into this farm Flytter dyr fra andre gårde til denne gård
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Title Pause growth Sæt vækst på pause
AnimalFarm_PauseGrowth__Tooltip Stops natural increase in number of animals in this farm. Stopper naturlig forøgelse af antal dyr på denne gård.
AnimalFarm_RemoveAllAnimals Remove all Fjern alle
AnimalFarm_RemoveAnimals_Tooltip Reallocates animals that are in this farm into other farms Flyt dyr fra nuværende gård til anden gård
AnimalFarm_Title Animals Dyr
AnimalFarm_TitleTooltip Animals housed in this farm. You can obtain new animals by trading with a world village. Once there are some animals they will start naturally increase in number. Animals need to be provided with food and water otherwise they can perish. Dyr bor på denne gård. Du kan få nye dyr ved at handle med en verdens by. Når der er dyr, vil de automatisk stige i antal. Dyr skal have mad og vand, ellers dør de.
AnimalSlaughtering__Title Enable slaughtering Aktiver slagtning
AnimalSlaughtering__Tooltip When enabled a red slider appears. If the total number of animals in this farm gets above the red slider, then the excess number will be slaughtered for products like meat. In case the slider is set to full capacity it will only slaughter the born excess that would not fit into the farm. If slaughtering is disabled, no meat gets produced. Når slået til fremkommer en rød markering. Hvis det totale antal af dyr på gården kommer over den røde markering, vil det overskydende antal blive slagtet til f.eks. kød. Hvis markeringen er sat til fuld kapacitet, vil det kun være de overskydende dyr, som ikke passer i gårdens størrelse. Hvis slagtning er slået fra, produceres intet kød.
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Msaa Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0} Multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__MsaaShort MSAA {0}
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Name Anti-aliasing Anti-aliasing
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__Smaa Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA) Subpixel morphological anti-aliasing (SMAA)
AntiAliasingRenderingSetting__SmaaShort SMAA SMAA
ApplyChanges Apply changes Anvend ændringer
ApplyChangesConflictPrompt Ignore conflicts and apply changes?
ApplySettingsFrom Apply settings from Anvend indstillinger fra
ArcFurnace2__desc This furnace has a cooling system to safely reach higher operating temperatures. This provides increased throughput and an opportunity to reuse some of the excess heat. Power requirements are increased as well. Smelter metaller gennem en stærk elektrisk bue. Buen er laver ved brug af grafit anoder som delvist bliver brugt i løbet af processen på grund af den høje temperatur. Vær opmærksom på at ovnen bruger en stor mængde strøm. Det ville være pænt af dig at gøre dit lokale kraftværk opmærksom før du tænder den.
ArcFurnace2__name Arc furnace II Lysbueovn II
ArcFurnace__desc Melts metals via a powerful electric arc. The arc is deployed using graphite anodes that are partially spent during the process due to the high heat. Beware that the furnace consumes a significant amount of power. It would be polite to notify your local power plant before turning this on. Smelter metaller gennem en stærk elektrisk bue. Buen er laver ved brug af grafit anoder som delvist bliver brugt i løbet af processen på grund af den høje temperatur. Vær opmærksom på at ovnen bruger en stor mængde strøm. Det ville være pænt af dig at gøre dit lokale kraftværk opmærksom før du tænder den.
ArcFurnace__name Arc furnace Lysbueovn
AreasWithoutForestryTowers__name There are some forestry designations outside of forestry tower areas
AreasWithoutTowers__name There are some mining designations outside of mine tower areas Noget af minen ligger uden for mine tårnets dæknings område
Area_Value {0} km²
ArmageddonMap__desc Welcome to Armageddon, the shattered remnants of a bygone cataclysm. The impact that produced the central crater scattered precious resources over all the islands, offering lucrative opportunities for ambitious miners and entrepreneurs. I’m just glad I didn’t live here back then! That must have been quite the BOOM.

This island has more land area than any three other islands we’ve scouted, so substantial room for growth is available. With four starting locations, each offering a different difficulty level, this map caters to both new players looking for a manageable challenge and seasoned veterans seeking a test of their factory building skills.

This map was created as a celebration of the map editor for Update 2 as it demonstrates what can be achieved with it.
User avatar Powron

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10 months ago


User avatar Powron

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Captain of Industry / GameDanish

10 months ago
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English Danish
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String information

Source string comment
anti-aliasing mode, {0} is number of samples, for example 'x8'
String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
da.po, string 53